Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2293

"Xinghebo, do you want to say that the Taixi people will dominate the sea? Ha ha!"

Fu Xian also laughed. The laughter was contagious, and the deck soon laughed.

Yeah! The manager is laughing. Will this war be lost!

Fang Xing is also smiling, smiling.

There was more color of memory in his eyes, and then he sneered slightly.

"Are you ready?"

He asked suddenly.

Hong Bao and Fu Xian were stunned. Finally, Fu Xian reacted and said excitedly, "xinghebo, OK."

In the sound of gunfire, Fang Xing nodded slightly and squinted at the front.

There, he believed the coalition commander was there.

The enemy on both wings have lost their fighting spirit, and the continuous rotation of the platoon makes their climb a journey to hell. The guys who were ready to set fire were killed by snipers one by one, which added several burning ships to the sea.

Directly ahead, more than a dozen warships are sniping at the enemy with continuous artillery fire, and the firing frequency of artillery is getting lower and lower.

This is not because of the high temperature, but because the enemy ship has been timid.

On the sea, countless planks, people and sundries are floating.

Those are the results of artillery.

Further away, those warships crippled by artillery have obscured Fang Xing\'s sight.

The battlefield was vast, but it was filled with screams and screams.

Countless Tibetans are shouting and scolding Shangguan\'s orders. They curse Shangguan and are forced to embark on the road of death.

The smoke of gunpowder was faintly shrouded over the battlefield. Fang woke up as if he saw death laughing ferociously.


He pulled out his long knife and his eyes sharpened.

The whole deck was watching him.

The whole fleet was waiting for his orders.

The suffocation in Fang Xing\'s chest gradually dispersed, and the long knife flashed.

"Fight back!"

A thousand family officials turned back and shouted, "uncle has orders, fight back..."

"Fight back!"

"Fight back!"

The cries of countless people gathered together, and countless people were shaking their arms and shouting, covering the flag.

"Fight back!"

The bleak horn tore the smoke of gunpowder, and countless Ming troops were shouting.

"We fight back!"


Under the deck, the officer knelt on one knee and shouted.

A thick string of incense goes to the fire gate pestle, and then the gunpowder burns and conducts

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Countless iron bullets crossed the sea, and the most intensive artillery attack since the war began.

Iron bullets crashed into the hull, wood chips flew, and even the whole board flew out.

A Taixi man was swept over his eyes by a large piece of sawdust. Before he could even scream, he fell down.

Under the heavy shelling, wood chips splashed and formed a curtain in front.

Before this curtain fell, the whole Ming fleet had raised full sails.

The crew are desperately adjusting the angle of the sail, and countless people are busy.


After the cheers of the Ming army, the dense shelling made general Frank panic.

He grabbed Smith\'s skirt and asked with the last glimmer of hope: "Smith, you are a famous general, you are a famous general, tell me, can we win?"

The Ming army ships ahead are accelerating, and the treasure ships are in front. They use their huge bodies to hit and crush the small poor tessi ships.

The warships of the Ming army killed the escaped fish with guns in the gap between these treasure ships.

This is the first attack, and behind them, the old warships are cleaning up the last enemy like a grate.

This is a tight line of attack from which no one can escape.

No, yes.

The only way is to escape.


Smith suddenly knocked down the Frank general who grabbed his collar with a crazy punch, and then shouted, "stop! Let them stop!"

His eyes were desperate and sad.

From the beginning of encircling and suppressing the small fleet of the Ming army, he was as complacent as everyone.

But at the end of the encirclement and suppression, the main force of the Ming army came.

If the outcome is calculated by number, the coalition will undoubtedly win.

But the larger ships were so terrible that they had so many side guns that they could fire in two parts, which continued the density of fire and filled the interval of turning.

There was also the larger treasure ship. The Ming army on it was even more terrible. They knocked down their own command with firearms in rows.

The front is collapsing, and countless warships have begun to turn. But in a hurry, many ships collided with each other, like a mess.

"Smith, run!"

After being knocked down on the ground, general Frank was not in the mood to tangle with this. He hugged Smith\'s calf and shouted, "hurry!"

Smith looked blankly at the sea ahead.

There are boats floating on the sea, but more people.

The bodies were floating on the sea, pale.

He looked up at the chaos ahead and shouted, "retreat! All retreat!"

Frank\'s general got up like an amnesty and shouted, "retreat quickly! Leave them alone and let\'s run first!"

So the warship began to turn first, and then the remnants of the fleet that received the order began to run away.

After turning, Smith looked back and saw a rout.

The attack line of the Ming army has changed, and the treasure ship has fallen behind the warship.

Instead of firing in unison, the warships approached the fleeing enemy ships or bombarded them with two or three iron bullets; Or tear the sails with chain bullets; What\'s more, a bold Ming army actually used fire oil to ignite the warship, and those Taixi people didn\'t dare to resist, but knelt down and asked for surrender.

This is the case when the army was defeated like a mountain.

Doc and others were brought up. Below, they heard gunshots and various shouts. After coming up, they stood on the treasure ship and looked down at the current situation. Most of them were stunned.

They stayed in the cabin for too long, so they kept rubbing their eyes at the moment, and then desperately wanted to see the situation ahead.

"That\'s not..."

Doc\'s face was pale, but he didn\'t know whether it was the long absence of sunshine or something.

He gradually adapted to the light and gradually saw the situation.


There is no doubt that the blind can hear who is the winner from the cries in the Ming Dynasty.

Doc sucked his nose, and then his eyes choked with gunsmoke were filled with tears.

That\'s sadness!

He refused to bow his head, but coughed and tears fell.

Henry stood on his right, his lips trembling slightly, and his clenched fists trembling as well.

Abel was in a daze and asked, "where is it?"

The former Franks almost lost their sea power, that is, they followed Hong Bao to build many ships after the Ming Dynasty, and they didn\'t know about it.

Abel also smiled at doc and Henry. When he wanted to come, even if he wanted to go to war with Daming, there was nothing wrong with Frank.

"They finally came out."

Doc said bitterly, "but why are they so eager? Why?"

Henry said blankly, "I don\'t know. According to my back and forth memory, they came out too far. They shouldn\'t have run so far..."

Fang Xing and others were right ahead, and Tongyi was called over.

At this time, a burning warship appeared in front of the left, and the treasure ship passed it without hesitation.

It was like destroying the withered and decadent, and the warship was broken in an instant.

Doc even saw the last few people on board jump into the sea. He even saw from his clothes that they were canaries.

There were a lot of sundries on the sea. Doc shook his body and said, "what\'s the matter?"

Henry said blankly, "we failed. Those fools, if I were here, would not allow Lisbon to participate in the voyage. A group of fools whose ambition and brain don\'t match..."