Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2284

The commander stood on the warship. In front of him was the warship of the Ming army. The distance between the two sides was not far. He could even see Lin Zheng standing on the side with pestle and knife.

Behind him was a series of shrill screams, and the vibrations under his feet rose one after another, and then stopped.

He stumbled over and knelt there before falling. Then, while grasping the bow edge, he didn\'t forget to keep raising his head, just to see the next move of the Ming army.

The Ming army turned and began to retreat at the same time.

The commander looked to the left and right. Three ships had been destroyed.

It\'s really broken.

The sails have been riddled with holes. The ships that have lost power are still moving slowly relying on inertia, but the speed is getting slower and slower.

The warships encircled by the left and right wings were almost in place, but the front was defeated by the Ming army before the encirclement circle was formed.

This situation is startling, confusing and shocking.

What should I do?

The commander doesn\'t know life or death on the front warship. What about the two wings?

The Ming army has begun to turn. They only need to complete a 90 degree turn, and they can aim the other side at the flanking fleet.

"Sir, they\'re hesitating! No one ordered!"

The deputy general\'s eyes are shining, but Lin Zheng is very calm.

"I have encountered many crises."

Lin Zheng smiled and looked coldly at the enemy ship on the flank.

"But today is just a game..."


The deputy general asked puzzled.

Lin Zheng said, "uncle is right. War always serves the overall situation... Good!"

While talking, the sideboard had been aimed at the enemy ship surrounded by its flanks.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Black spots swarmed out, and the same scene made those tessi crazy.


The commander roared and ordered the flanks to retreat.

"Call the boat and we\'ll abandon the boat!"

The flank was hit with a splash of water and a piece of smoke and blood by an iron bullet.

Chain bullets roared across the deck, and countless limbs were flying.

Chain bullet is a sharp weapon to destroy the sails, but once it is on people, the effect is worse than iron bullet.

The deck was full of limbs and blood. Everyone was frightened by the attack methods of the Ming army. At this time, someone shouted, "tell us to retreat, retreat!"

"Retreat! Let\'s retreat!"

The enemy on the flank was frightened by artillery. In the sound of retreat, several ships began to turn under the eyes of the Ming army.

If the Ming army continues to turn, the other side can face their side. That\'s a god given opportunity

The deputy general shouted, "turn around!"


"Turn around, turn around..."


The deputy general was stunned and said, "Sir, let\'s do it again. I\'m sure we can keep most of them!"

Lin Zheng said coldly, "withdraw!"

The deputy general looked at him again and saw that he looked cold and solemn. He gave a cry and shouted, "retreat! Retreat!"

The sails of the commander\'s boat had lost their function. A warship ventured close and was ready to pick them up.

"We failed, failed!"

The commander saw that his flank was exposed to the eyes of the Ming army, and couldn\'t help closing his eyes in pain.

Side fire, of course, the larger the attack area, the higher the hit rate!

"The Ming army is retreating!"

A cry of surprise made the commander open his eyes. He looked carefully, then rubbed his eyes, and couldn\'t believe watching the three warships of the Ming army begin to withdraw from the battlefield.

"This is..."

The commander is dull. All the tessi are dull.

The Taixi people on the flank had closed their eyes and waited for the bombardment of Ming weapons.

But after a while, they didn\'t hear the roar. Someone opened his eyes and shouted with ecstasy, "the Ming army is running! They are running!"

After a silence, everyone jumped.

The cheers came to the commander, who said, "why? Why?"

"Think about those firearms. They are big and bulky. They burn when they are hit. Are they like this, right?"

"Yes! At that time, I remember that they were filled with medicine, panting and full. Then they put the stone bullet on the hole and lit it. The sound was very dull. Then the stone bullet rushed out. It was so scary!"

The commander shook his head. He didn\'t know what it was, but the ecstasy of narrowly escaping death made him a little tired.

If the Ming army had the spare strength to continue the attack, he felt that he and his subordinates would never be spared.

Of course, several ships will escape, but who knows who it is!

The Taixi people on the side widened their eyes, and the warships of the Ming army left slowly under their gaze.

Are they crazy?

They\'re crazy!

The commander only felt something surging up at his waist. He didn\'t know what it was, but it made him feel like he was flying.

So he flew!

Flying after narrowly escaping death!

So he gasped, was held by his men, and shouted with brilliance in his eyes, "Ming people\'s firearms are hot, they can\'t attack. Now it\'s our time, pursue! We pursue!"

Someone shouted, "Ming people\'s firearms will cool down, and they will continue to fight back!"

"And they will soon!"

Yes, the Ming people were very fast and gradually separated from the enemy ships on their flanks.

But when the commander recognized the speed, Mingren\'s ship looked as if

"They\'re not that fast! Chase! Chase!"

In fact, the sudden appearance of the Ming army and the attack without hesitation made the Taixi people ignorant at all.

The Ming army\'s firearm attack made them powerless to fight back. Until now, if the Ming army had not retreated suddenly, the commanders were almost ready to die.

Are they crazy?

The commander didn\'t know how many times he had this idea.

The ships whose flanks were paralyzed by a round of shelling were glad, but the order came immediately.

"Pursue! We want revenge!"

So the Taixi people on the flank began to be ecstatic, because the commander ordered the pursuit, it must be that they felt that the attack of the Ming people was weak.

So the paralyzed ship stopped on the sea, and the sailors and sergeants were frantically repairing.

They want revenge!

There was some regret after the commander ordered.

"Can they pretend? Can they?!"

When the fleet was gathering, the commander got on another ship and ordered the ship whose sails were damaged to be repaired, and then went back to report immediately.

The commander thought it was a humiliation, but he ordered: "don\'t chase too tight. We keep a distance and send out two ships to harass them at one time. If they stop and turn, the two ships will turn immediately and stay away from their attack range... Always, always... Drag them to death!"

The tessi shouted wildly, and then quickly pursued.


"My Lord!"

The deputy general looked like fire and stared at Lin Zheng.

"Why retreat, my lord?"

Lin Zheng ordered his warship to be towed to the rear. He stared at the chasing enemy ship, estimated the ship speed of both sides, and said, "that\'s strategy, the overall situation."

The deputy general was still puzzled. Lin Zheng suddenly loosened his body and said, "OK, hold it!"

Someone gave the order, and there was a rush on the deck. The sails were adjusted, and someone was reporting the speed of both sides.

"My Lord, don\'t open it. Let them feel they can catch up!"

So after a while of adjustment, both sides almost maintained a speed. The Ming army sometimes slowed down the ship\'s speed, and then bombarded the approaching enemy ship with artillery.

Both sides maintain a relatively stable distance and move forward.

"Why, my lord?"

The deputy general had stepped back and held the handle of the knife.

Once he felt that Lin Zheng had a tendency to betray the country, he could summon officers, criticize them in public, and seize power with everyone\'s consent.