Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2281

The Allied forces stayed outside Tianfang sea for three days. The pursuers met some resistance, but they soon defeated them.

The local people immediately wisely stopped resistance and fought with the coalition forces instead of meeting each other.

The climate here is very tangled, and the most important thing is that there is no supply here. Once it is prolonged, the fleet will run out of food.

So Smith called again.

"You\'re not in a good mood."

Frank and Lisbon\'s commander nodded expressionless and admitted the statement.

"It\'s too barren here. According to the people who came back, there are deserts everywhere. They don\'t get anything. Instead, they lose a lot of food and drinking water. Yes, there are few water sources here, so we need to be careful."

Frank\'s commander said, "there are many good places ahead. Those bison let us know how much reward god has left us, so... Smith, how long will we stay here?"

The commander of Lisbon expressed his opinion as an \'expert\': "the fleet we sent to explore the way ahead has no news of returning. This is not good news. They are either greedy or they have met the ship of the wise man. Smith, we should go back."


Smith shook his head. "We\'ve been sailing for so long that we haven\'t seen Mingren\'s ship. Do you know what this means, guys?"

His eyes were glowing, like a flame burning.

That\'s a wildfire!

"This means that the world is very big, and the Ming people can only control it a little. What about the surplus? Do we not want it because of the threat of the Ming people? Do we give up and continue to explore?"

Smith is like a devil bewitching people: "think about it, those lush grasslands, those natives, we just need to occupy the place and let the natives help us graze. Not to mention minerals, we will have countless beef, mutton and leather..."

He looked at the eyes of the two accomplices with satisfaction and said, "we will have endless wealth, endless meat, endless clothes and boots... Those women will regard us as heroes. You can sleep whoever you want..."

What do men want alive?

Smith remembered that a wise man once said that there are two things for a man to live: women and power and wealth.

And power and wealth are just to get more women\'s tools.

In the final analysis, men\'s first desire is to get women. Many women, the more the better.

Quan CAI and women are on the table together. How many men can not be moved?

The present situation is no longer what the Canary can suppress independently, because frank and Lisbon are eager to do it alone.

It is not allowed to work alone. This is an instruction from home, which followed the last batch of supplies to Smith.

He knew that this was a domestic response to the strength of Daming.

Yes, in China, it is considered that if canary and Daming compete alone, the odds of winning are poor, which is lower than the chance of being hit by a meteor.


"At that time, I warned the Pathfinder that if they were desolate all the way, they would come back earlier, but they didn\'t come back. What does that mean?"

"All the way... Prosperous!"


On the fifth day, the search army came back, and none of them came back.

They brought back a body of sand and the news of desolation in the distance.

"We have to decide."

Smith pointed to the front and said, "I want to explore again."

Frank\'s commander asked, "what if I meet the Ming army?"

Smith smiled and said confidently, "they don\'t know how much we can have?"

"Let\'s go! Let\'s go!"


"Do you want to die?"

Liu Pu slid down from the mast flexibly, and Fang Xing was waiting for him below.

"Brother Dehua, I like living like this. I feel energetic."

The so-called vigorous means enrichment.

Fang woke up with a black face and said, "if you fall here, how can I tell your father?"

Liu Pu rubbed his hands on his ass with his backhand and asked, "brother Dehua, why don\'t you let me get on the warship? I\'ll follow them to have a look."

"Don\'t even think about it!"

Fang Xing walks forward with a negative hand. In front of him are Chen Mo and Wang he.

"... grandpa Wang, I\'m not Chen Mo bragging. If I get to tessi, I promise I can go to the capital to meet his majesty as they say..."

Fang Xing stood behind them with a black face and felt that the goods were really running the train.

Tessi is not the East shrouded in the shadow of the Ming Dynasty, nor the ignorant primitive jungle. Those people believe in respecting strength and killing as king.

"Can you really do it? We think the Lord of a country can\'t be a fool?"

Wang he is obviously not easy to deceive. He has been fooled many times by those military ruffians in Jubao mountain guard, so he has immunity for a long time.

Chen Mo patted his chest and said, "Grandpa Wang, it\'s not me Chen mo... If you really want to get to Taixi, I Chen Mo guarantee that you have peach blossoms every night, those beauties..."

Wang he looked at him coldly and said, "Lord Chen thinks our family is easy to play with?"

The most painful thing for eunuchs is that they don\'t have that thing. Chen Mo\'s words just add fuel to the fire.

He immediately woke up, hurriedly apologized and said, "Grandpa Wang, I made a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue..."

They were in a uproar. When they saw Fang Xing and Liu Pu behind them, they couldn\'t help being embarrassed.

Fang Xing said expressionless, "if you have nothing to do, go and help them clean up the bacon."

The salted meat of the fleet must be cleaned frequently, otherwise it will be full of maggots.

This job needs those nervous people to do, otherwise they won\'t want to eat meat again after doing it once.

Chen Mo and Wang he went there. When they came back, they stayed closed in their cabin. It is said that they didn\'t eat meat for two days. The cabin they vomited was like a pickled cabbage shop.

Lin Zheng set out again. He was going to look for the trace of the enemy, and Liu Pu followed.


The fleet had left the coastline and headed straight for Ceylon.

After interrogating the prisoners, everyone agreed that the main force of the Taixi Navy should be wandering in the heavenly generation at the moment.

In order to buy time, the fleet gave up the plan to visit the newly opened port in Myanmar and directly intercepted the enemy fleet.

"Xinghebo, will they run?"

Fu Xian looked at the confession for the 13th time, and then raised his concerns.

"If the Pathfinder fleet doesn\'t return, will they suspect that they met us and then return to tessi?"

"It\'s hard to say, but if they go back, they will take the initiative to admit defeat and don\'t have to come out again. At least they don\'t dare to come out until they find a way to restrain our warships."

"It\'s not so good to restrain!"

Fang Xing said: "the progress of firearms is not so easy. The best ratio of gunpowder, the material and processing methods of firearms can not advance by leaps and bounds overnight, so... Benbo believes that if they are ambitious, they will not go back."

He felt that the Tibetans would not escape, but this judgment could not convince Hong Bao and Fu Xian, and he could not explain that he knew the greedy nature of the Tibetans.

"Their navy was destroyed in the first World War... No, that Smith is a powerful guy. He took half of the fleet back. Whether it\'s showing weakness or flexible command, he\'s a good man."

Hong Bao was also a little wary of Smith, who was very powerful in the prisoner\'s mouth.

"We think this man is too cautious, and he should know something about our warships. I\'m not sure the three countries are thinking about how to break our guns."

"It\'s useless to have a large number. Unless their ships can catch up with us, it\'s just a burden. We can drag them and sink them one by one."