Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2276

"Uncle, a boat is back!"

Just as the fleet was ready to go to the old port, the outpost ship brought back Lin Zheng\'s messenger.

"Uncle, we found three different ships. The people on them are about the same length as the Tianfang people, but their clothes are different. The adult sent a small one to report that he has caught up with the fleet."

"It\'s them! It must be them!"

Hong Bao said angrily, "we should let the people who have been to Taixi follow Lin Zheng. It\'s wrong, it\'s wrong!"

Fu Xian was also very upset. Only Fang Xing was thinking about something.

"Did they spy on the shore?"

Later he asked someone.

"Yes, the three ships were snooping. Later, the Tianfang merchant ship also met them. They were a group of people."

Fang woke up, looked up, smiled and said, "Herald, go to Sumatra first."


Hong Bao frowned and said, "I\'d better go to reinforce first."

Fu Xian also nodded and couldn\'t wait to see what the Taixi fleet looked like.

Liu Pu and Chen Mo are standing behind Fang Xing. They are thinking about Fang Xing\'s intention.

"Benber wants to see the rubber tree."

When Fang woke up and saw that everyone was unbelieving, he smiled and said, "Lin Zheng has brought three warships, plus other ships, more than a dozen enemy ships will not be their opponents, so what are you afraid of?"

Fu Xian asked, "Xing He Bo is a plan to arrogant the enemy?"

Fang woke up and nodded, but he was noncommittal.

Hong Bao was cold and said, "Xing Hebo, do you want those Taixi people to gather?"

Fang Xing nodded again. Hong Bao\'s face turned cold and nodded slowly.

Liu Pu doesn\'t know what this means. Chen Mo is even more fascinated. He is wondering whether he can go to Taixi and see the "local conditions and customs" there.

Just when he wanted to fly abroad, Fang Xing said, "don\'t worry about that. Lin Zheng could directly cross the ocean and reach the other shore with several ships. Even if the main force of the Taixi people did their best, Lin Zheng could be cautious. Ben believes he can act according to his circumstances."

Fang Xing left a group of suspicious people and went back to bed by himself.

Liu Pu is just a novice. Chen Mo has a low official position. As soon as Fang wakes up, they have no face to walk side by side with Hong Bao and Fu Xian.

"Father in law, how do I feel about Xinghe bo..."

Hong Bao said impatiently, "just say that Xinghe Bo wants to use Lin Zheng as bait. Why are you hiding?"

Fu Xian said awkwardly, "I\'m afraid Lin Zheng is greedy for work!"


The sea and sky are the same. You can see the coast from a distance on the right. The sky is gradually getting dark.

Lin was standing on the bow of the boat and watching ahead. His body seemed stiff and motionless.

"Sir, take back the sentry ship on the left?"

The deputy general is worried that the weather will change. At that time, the sentinel ship searching in the deep sea on the left will lose contact with the fleet.

Lin Zheng glanced at the sky and said, "there is no heavy rain, but there is wind. Let them take back some and don\'t have to return to the team."

A clipper went to the left. Lin Zheng\'s face was grim and said, "if the three ships are really Thai, it means that they have broken through the place mentioned by Duke Hong, but there are more than three. They want to guard against Daming\'s attack, so the three ships should come to explore the way!"

The deputy general said, "Sir, they should have seen our men at the new port and started to retreat. This is to go back and report."

"Yes, they want to report, and then their manager will decide whether to attack or retreat."

Two ships appeared in the sight on the left, and Lin Zheng was very calm in his heart.

The dark clouds grew thick and the wind grew stronger.

But it didn\'t rain!

The fleet carefully maintained its course under the dark clouds, and the sail was halved.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s just a small storm. We can get through it easily."

Among the Daming Navy, Lin Zheng is a legend: his experience of starting from Daming and dying to find seeds seemed like a miracle. When he returned, he was welcomed by the fleet led by Zhu gaoxu and Fang Xing.

So he said it was okay. It must be okay.

When passing through this dark cloud area, the fleet was intact. The deputy general breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sir, your vision is unmatched..."

"Find the enemy ship!"

The lookout post, which had just climbed onto the mast, suddenly shouted.

The sharp voice cheered everyone up.

"My Lord, three ships, three ships!"

Lin Zheng raised his telescope. When three ships different from Daming appeared in the camera, the corners of his mouth closed tightly and his left hand pointed forward.

The deputy general drew his knife and shouted, "pursue!"

"Full sail!"

Lin Zheng put down his telescope and ordered, "bag on the left."

The fleet immediately divided out several old warships and went to the deep sea from the left.


"There\'s a boat behind!"

The three warships sailed carefree and broke away from the dark cloud area, which made the people on board very happy.

When someone screams at the top of the head, everyone\'s first reaction is to look at the sky, and then they see the lookout hand pointing at the back.

"It\'s the Ming army... It must be the Ming army!"

When everyone looked back, they immediately recognized the watchman\'s judgment.

Even outside the Strait, no one in the world can have such a big ship except tessy.

In an instant, everyone\'s heart sank, and then the officer leading the team shouted, "ship speed..."

The lookout shouted desperately, "let\'s slow down..."

The officer was immediately surrounded by desperate eyes. He looked around and shouted, "Ming people will hang us!"

Yes, before they set out, before they set out from their respective countries, they were told that Ming people were very overbearing. Once they were caught or surrendered, they would be hanged or thrown into the sea to feed fish.

So the archers began to gather, and the rest waited on the deck with all kinds of weapons.

"There\'s no need to escape. If we can\'t escape, we\'ll be exhausted!"

As the distance between the two sides drew closer and closer, the officer ordered to slow down and prepare to meet the enemy.

He is not worried about winning or losing, but about the speed of the ship.

As pathfinders, the three ships are the most solid and fastest, but they are getting closer and closer to the Ming army.

What does that mean?

This means that the Ming army will fight whenever it wants and run whenever it wants.

The distance between the two sides kept getting closer. A gust of wind blew down the sails of a ship on tessy\'s side.

Lin Zhengda said with a smile, "what\'s the difference between setting sail before the war and breaking the flag before the war? Daming won ten thousand victories!"

All the old-fashioned warships went to the left wing, and the treasure ship and grain ship were towed behind. I felt desolate when I looked at them.

This is the progress of the times, constantly eliminating the old things.

Lin Zheng quickly approached the enemy with three new warships.

"Seven hundred steps!"

The ranging sergeant was shouting loudly.

Lin Zheng stood in the bow with a pestle knife, squinted at the narrowing gap, and suddenly shouted, "meet the enemy on the side!"

The three warships skillfully began to turn on the sea and gradually began to meet the Taixi ship on the side.

Three ships to three ships, but the Tibetans have no desire to win.

When the muzzle came out from the side, the distance between the two sides was very close.



A test fired iron bullet flew out of the side and stepped into the water in front of the enemy ship.

That\'s right!




There was a roar from all three ships, and then they trembled together.

Countless guns were fired in turn, and the smoke gradually filled the air from one side.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Countless black spots crossed the sea and rushed to the sea under the gaze of those tessi people.