Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2263

Xing and Bo took the order.

It was just a will, but it seemed like a life-saving elixir to Jinling. Suddenly everyone cheered.

The plague God is leaving!

So the movement of the shipyard and Fang Xing\'s station was watched, and two of them changed shifts every day, almost without blinking.

"Sir, there is no movement."

At the end of an alley, a green man spoke to a man standing on his back.

"What\'s going on?"

The green skin shook left and right, his heart itched, but he couldn\'t see the man\'s face.

Thinking that the man was well paid, Qingpi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "it\'s just shopping, buying a lot of things, and giving things. There are several big boxes inside. They all go to Peiping."

The man seemed to be breathing in, a little happy.

Qingpi felt a happy mood spreading and said with a smile: "Sir, those ships are still under construction. They didn\'t see the water. They must go to sea after the new year."

The man threw his hand behind him, and Qingpi jumped sideways and grabbed the crumpled treasure note accurately.

"Get out!"

"Yes, I\'ll get out of here. I remember to find the small one next time."

The footsteps behind him went away. The man turned around, then bowed his head and hurried away.

Later, he appeared at Wang Yuan\'s house.

"Teacher, they\'re afraid they won\'t go to sea until next year."

Huang Jian regained the look of being angry all the time, but people familiar with him can feel that he is very relaxed.

"Chaozhong is dissatisfied with tessido, so it must be the main force of the Navy... The original warships are not enough. We can\'t be sure until this batch of ships on the slipway are launched... This is what people in the shipyard say."

"They have stopped searching for the old five."

Wang Yuan said in a deep voice, "you are lucky this time. You can make up for any omission later. If you should kill people and kill people, you should hurry. Next time... There will be no next time. Next time, I will tie you up and give it to Fang Xing to avoid disaster."

Huang Jian answered with more joy in his eyes: "they are so cautious. It can be seen that Tessie is powerful. Now many people in the south are looking forward to that man going to sea and being destroyed!"

Wang Yuan snorted coldly, "how can it be so easy? Daming\'s firearms are unparalleled in the world. Unless they are filled with human life, you might as well look forward to a storm to send them to the bottom of the sea."

Huang Jian said, "teacher, you can\'t tell about overseas affairs. Otherwise, why did so many important officials in the court object to going to sea at the beginning? But they were forced down later. Now the Ming Dynasty is peaceful all over the world, and your majesty is still insufficient. Teacher, think about the Qin emperor, and so was the Qin emperor in those days..."

Wang Yuan smiled and three fine lines appeared on his forehead.

"When the first emperor ruled the world, he was so heroic, but he was a legalist. The beauties of the six countries filled the court and let him enjoy it. The world was in his hands and at his mercy..."

Wang Yuan\'s eyes are colorful. If he is not careful, he will be seen as eager to try.

Huang Jian was also fascinated and sighed: "our generation of scholars just want to help the king and reconcile the world. If there is such a day, they will die without regret!"

Almost every scholar has a dream: studying hard in a cold window, winning titles on the golden list, beautiful wives and concubines, smooth official career, living high in the temple

Wang Yuan was only a little stunned and sober. He saw that Huang Jian was still carefree and fascinated, and the corner of his right mouth turned up slightly, which was very disdainful.


"Wait for the new warship?"

Hong Bao and Fu Xian are ready, but the sixteen warships can\'t reassure people after all.

On the side of the wharf, the carriage drove along the track to the side of the ship, and then a group of people unloaded the goods with pulleys and lifted the goods onto the ship.

The pulley here has been completely transformed by those craftsmen who don\'t know big words, but it is more labor-saving and convenient.

"Why wait?"

Looking at the busyness in front of him, Fang Xing couldn\'t help feeling that all innovations should be tested by the people and judged by them.

Fu Xian has never been so impatient. He wants to get on the ship now and command the fleet all the way to Taixi.

When the Japanese were conquered, the navy was almost determined by the first war, and Fu Xian didn\'t have a chance to enjoy it at all.

Then there was no chance. The fleet wandered around the coast of Daming, and the fight against smuggling became the primary purpose, which made Fu Xian who wanted to make achievements not depressed.

"Xinghebo, sixteen warships are not enough to control the Strait!"

Hong Bao also helped to say, "more than 30 ships are almost the same."

Hong Bao can\'t hold his emotions anymore. After last time, he is waiting for the day when he returns to tessi.

"Why should we control the Strait?"

Fang Xing said, "your majesty and Chaozhong mean... Stop them."

Hong Bao can\'t hide his disappointment, but he knows that this is the best way to deal with it at present.

"Xinghebo, it\'s not easy to block it?"

Fu Xian said murderously, "the next officer thinks the best way is to kill them, sink their ship and burn down their shipyard, so as to solve the problem once and for all."

"The wild fire cannot burn out, and the spring breeze blows again."

Fang Xing has a headache. These people have a strategic vision, especially Fu Xian. If he has a narrow vision, he is not optimistic about the future of the Navy.

"Even if they burn down their slipway, it is not difficult to rebuild. Moreover, hatred will spread. Under the control of meat fans and Harley, Daming needs to be controllable."

Fang Xing squatted on the ground, picked up a stone and drew a topographic map in front of him.

"It\'s all cost to fight in, and you can\'t get benefits. Xia Yuanji won\'t have good words back. Stop them..."

Fang Xing drew a line over the alligator Bay, looked up and said, "they have nowhere to go, or they will come out to fight with the Daming Navy, but they don\'t dare at present. So the second way..."

Fang Xing drew a line from Tessie to meat fan.

Fu Xian thought for a moment and asked, "xinghebo, if they gather on land, is their strength too strong?"

Hong Bao Ho Ho said with a smile, "they can supply by sea, so look, but we think the Taixi people won\'t work hard for meat charm. Most of them are bewitching, and they can give some money and food at most."

"So... This is isolation?"

"Yes, this is isolation."

Fang Xing wanted to unify the Navy\'s strategic thinking, so he explained: "blocking Taixi is the Navy\'s greatest contribution to Daming. If we go further, Ben Bo thinks it will take a long time and is not in the interests of Daming."

Fu Xian pointed to tessi on the map and asked, "xinghebo, where\'s the next place?"

"The timing is wrong."

Hong Bao explained: "it will become a vortex and make the countries of Taixi more and more harmonious. They will work together and finally make that place a bloody place of Daming, just like the intersection of toes in those years."

Fu Xian said regretfully, "how long will it take? I\'m afraid I can\'t wait."

"What\'s the hurry?"

Fang woke up and felt dizzy.

He covered his forehead and said, "no matter what the Navy or what, all strategies should take the situation of Daming as the starting point. You can\'t advance rashly or abandon your martial arts."

"Into the water!"

At this time, the slipway was cheering. Fang woke up and saw a warship moving slowly to the water.

The slideway is inclined, and the warships that lose drag and obstruction gradually accelerate.

The water splashed everywhere and the momentum was amazing.

"It\'s late. It\'ll take another month to use it."

Fu Xian said with some regret, "if you can catch up, I dare to take them to Taixi!"