Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2255

"How much money and food do you have a month?"

Fang Xing asked with a smile.

The two craftsmen were a little timid. Fei Shi said, "uncle has been encouraging the cancellation of craftsmanship in the capital. Quan Daming values craftsmen most, except his majesty. What else do you want? Hurry up and say, uncle is in charge of you."

"Ben wanted to ask in private, but it came after all. There\'s no need to hide it. Say it. As for revenge..."

Fang woke up and smiled, and four big characters floated in the minds of the people present almost at the same time.


A craftsman glanced at Li Ji and said, "uncle, a small month can take 700 big money."


Fang Xing asked with some consternation.

He has just seen the craftsman\'s craft. He is absolutely skilled.

Seven hundred dollars can support a family under the current low food price, but it\'s just that you can\'t die of hunger.

Fang woke up and looked at the other craftsmen and said, "less!"

Then he turned and left. Li Ji caught up, but was stopped by the servant.

"Stay away!"

Xin Laoqi knew that Fang Xing was in a bad mood, so he was naturally polite to Li Ji.

"What\'s the matter?"

Li Jiru was in mourning. Fang woke up unexpectedly. Who knows that he turned his face just because he scolded the craftsman.

But isn\'t swearing common in the army? Even those princes, marques and earls are swearing!

Why can\'t I scold?


Back at his residence, Fang Xing immediately wrote a memorial and asked someone to send it out.

"Xing Hebo, it\'s lower, but you didn\'t ask Li Ji to add money and food to them just now!"

Fang woke up and moved his wrist. "What\'s the use of a family laughing?"

"How do you do that?"

Wang he felt that Fang Xing was a little whimsical: "those businessmen will not increase the money and food of craftsmen because of a will. After all, they can\'t all stare at them. Moreover, if those craftsmen leave them, they can only go home and farm. Who dares to report?"

Of course Fang Xing knows this, but he can\'t take such formalism.

"Jin Ying\'s workshops are less. We should open more."

Fang Xing washed the brush and hung it up.

"Brilliant, xinghebo!"

Wang he thought through the Tao inside and exclaimed, "but stare at them with the Royal workshop?"

Fang woke up speechless and said, "that\'s the worst policy. Most of the strategies that need to be watched by people are temporary and will be abandoned in a few years."

Wang he felt that his wisdom was despised, so he asked, "what else can we do?"

Fang Xing said, "the of the market is left to the market."

"What do you mean?"

"You are reluctant to give money, but we are willing!"

What is the most valuable thing in the workshop?


When people go up, the water flows down. The stingy boss is afraid of this.

"Xing He Bo, you are trying to cut off people\'s wealth!"

Wang he smiled, but he didn\'t worry at all. Those workshops were trying to survive in the cracks, but the government-run workshops were eyeing them. Only the above hint can drive them away from the public and private.

Fang Xing smiled, but refused to explain his ultimate reason.

Liu Pu heard about it when he came back from the shipyard. It was lunchtime. He got a soup basin with a basin of rice. Then he stirred the soup and vegetables and began to chew.

The momentum was not bad, for example, when he woke up. The cook who came to deliver the dishes couldn\'t help but be surprised.

My craft is so good? Not only uncle ate in a big basin, but also the little marquis.

The cook was proud when he returned, and then offended the steward. After Fang woke up and left, he was kicked out. Then he was so angry that he went to open a restaurant. Later, he boasted that he had served Fang Xing\'s food all day. Fang Xing was a famous glutton in the Ming Dynasty. Before long, his business was booming.


"Brother Dehua, are you trying to run on them?"

It must be said that Liu Pu had received a systematic education under Fang Xing\'s door after all, so he guessed Fang Xing\'s plan as soon as he heard it.

"Yes, the of the market is left to the market."

"Your father wrote."

Fang woke up with a burp and said, "just mention you. I\'d better break your leg and take off a few layers of skin."

Liu Pu looked at the soup left at the bottom of the basin. After all, he was reluctant to give up. He poured it into his stomach a few times, and then burped and said, "whatever, my father was ordered this time, lest he was not angry enough, so he smoked his little brother in the street."

Then he wanted to take off his clothes and examine his injury. Fang woke up and stopped it quickly. He said, "your father is also doing it. He can\'t do it. He doesn\'t dare not do it."

"When people say Anyuan, they will immediately think of a word. Do you know what it is?"

Fang Xing said meaningfully, "since Emperor Wen, your family\'s dependents have not declined. This is also in exchange for loyalty. Otherwise, your father will always be in charge of the Shenji camp? You can\'t fool around in it."

Liu Pu suddenly bent down and lay on the table. He said in some frustration, "my father also said that in the future, as long as my little brother is loyal, the Liu family must have wealth for the third generation."

"Are you not satisfied?"

Fang woke up with a dull look and said, "the two earls of potato and Ping\'an in my family, but I\'ve been worried that these two children will lose their family in the future, so I\'ve been keeping an eye on the general direction. Even if they sit and eat and die in the future, I\'m satisfied. Are you... Dissatisfied?"

Liu Pu\'s eyes were suspicious and said, "brother Dehua, forget it. If potatoes become dandies in the future, I\'m afraid you\'ll be angry and beat them half to death. Moreover, the Shenji camp has no ability, and the younger brother has no face to go, and his majesty can\'t allow it."

"If only you knew."

Fang woke up and talked to people. When they cleaned up the table and brought hot tea, they said lazily, "I didn\'t think about what potatoes and peace should do. In fact, I just hope they don\'t harm people. This is the most basic. As for serving the country, it depends on their own ability."

Liu Pu said admiringly, "brother Dehua, my father really hit me! The stick hit me on the back. Everyone in the army saw it. Brother Dehua, you didn\'t hear the sound. Dong Dong Dong. I\'m really worried about being killed one day."

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "it\'s a kiss! Who dares to say you\'re a dandy in the future when people in the army smoke you? Who dares to say you rely on relationships?"

Liu Pu\'s smile was heartless.


Fang woke up and stopped talking. Finally, he held back.

Liu Sheng was a little narrow-minded and loyal in exchange for Xinzhong. Then he took Xinzhong as his capital to suppress others and strive for merit

It\'s just that such people have the ability. The problem is that the Shenji camp has been suppressed by Jubao mountain guard and other guards. If there were not a thunder guard with pure artillery, the Shenji camp would really decline.

"Brother Dehua, I don\'t want to enter the water division."

Just when Fang Xinggang thought of this, Liu Pu said this.

Fang Xing grabbed the teacup. Liu Pu hurried up and said, "my little brother\'s temperament... I can\'t tell the southeast from the northwest on the ship!"


Li Qing likes to drink tea. As the most powerful person around xiangchengbo, he likes to drink tea outside.

The people in the teahouse call him master Li. This is the prestige brought by Xiangcheng Bo. He is at ease.

But a few days ago, after Li Long vomited blood, Li Qing didn\'t go out of the house. Today, he finally got free.

He changed into a cloth suit, his hair was disordered, wrapped it disorderly with a towel, and then bowed his head and came out from behind.

The small door behind him closed quietly, and there was silence inside.

Li Qing went all the way to the prosperous place and found a teahouse to go in.

He looked like an idle man. He only had two copper coins of tea, snacks and watermelon seeds. He came to muddle along.