Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2241

This autumn is particularly cold. The old people said it was a sign of moving the sword and told the family to go out less when they have nothing to do.

It was also cold in the Forbidden City. The sun seemed to have lost its temperature and was dazzling in vain.

Since Fang Xing went south, there were many Su Sha in the palace.

The rectification and clean-up of the north is in full swing. The emperor is monitoring the process, and few officials can stay out of it.

The palace was nervous, but it had nothing to do with the emperor\'s women and children.

The Empress Dowager finally took a look at the child whose nickname was "brother Yu". Sun was grateful for his tears.

Without his grandmother\'s attention, brother Yu will bear the reputation of "being rejected by his elders" all his life.

So the discussion about brother Yu in the palace finally subsided. At least he won\'t be a prince who can stand by the emperor.

The queen continued to live her own life, as if she had no struggle with the world.

"Mother, brother spits!"

In the palace of tranquility, Duan ran into the room wearing a beautiful little skirt, and then lay down on the legs of Hu Shanxiang who made clothes and gasped: "empress mother, my brother is not good."

Hu Shanxiang put down his little clothes, touched her back and said angrily, "you\'re teasing your brother again."

She looked up with a smile and asked, "where\'s the corn?"

A maid in waiting at the door replied, "madam, your highness is learning to walk outside. It\'s good to walk."

Hu Shanxiang felt a little dazed, so he rubbed it and said, "I\'m three years old, and I should be able to go."

She put it on her lap and asked sideways, "queen mother, how old will I go?"

Hu Shanxiang said with a smile, "earlier than your brother."

He was proud of it, and then ran out and said he was teaching corn to walk.

After she left, Aon came in.

"Madam, I made a snack and sent it to ningshou palace."

Hu Shanxiang smiled and said, "a few days ago, worry free went into the palace and played with Duanduan at his mother\'s empress. It is said that people who are old should eat less snacks to avoid bad health and don\'t know where they came from."

Yi\'an was surprised by Hu Shanxiang\'s reaction. After hesitating for a while, she gave up the idea of persuading her to follow up.

"There has been some trouble in the north recently. Your majesty has a lot of trouble..."

"The palace knows. Don\'t bother him with other things."

"Someone in Jinling quickly reported that xinghebo took a lot of people there and said they had no way to travel. They were all... Gentry."

That\'s the end of AON\'s briefing. If it goes on, it\'s politics.

Hu Shanxiang took a needle and inserted it into his thick hair. Then he said, "I remember when I was at home, my father sometimes had to go out. It was just..."

Yi\'an said heavily, "this is the ancestral system! Xinghe Bo is afraid of menglang."

Hu Shanxiang said firmly: "Xinghe bokending has communication with his majesty. This is not Meng Lang, it must not be!"


"Your Majesty, once the road guide is cancelled and the people move freely, I dare not think of the chaotic scene."

"Your Majesty..."

Jin Youzi felt that Fang Xing was born to toss, and he was very brave. Fortunately, Emperor Wen favored him. If he had been born in the Hongwu Dynasty, Jin Youzi thought it was light to lose his head.

"Lu Yin is the ancestral system."

As the chief assistant, it is not possible to stick to the ancestral system. It is also rigid and shameless. So Yang Rong is silent.

So constantly on the run, Kim said: "without the road, customers are more than customers. How to check registered residence? The number of cases will increase."

Several associate political scholars all looked in agreement and felt that the proposal was really talking nonsense.

As for the ancestral system, the emperor will definitely write it down in a small book and clean you up next time.

Ancestry has never been a reason. The only reason is interest involvement.

Yang Pu\'s face was a little iron green and said, "Your Majesty, xinghebo, this is mischief. With his own temperament, I have never seen such a... Domineering minister in the national Dynasty for many years."

After Yang Pu came out of the imperial prison, even if he was arranged next to the emperor, he was silent. Even if the king inquired, he must be steady first. Therefore, he was praised by Emperor Wen as a minister of seeking the country.

The Minister of seeking the country almost has the same meaning as the important Minister of Tuogu.

So from then on, Yang Pu, who was silent, became the object of secret speculation among officials.

From the year before last, his silence gradually changed.

According to statistics, his changes are mainly aimed at the emperor and Fang Xing, and specifically those innovations.

This is a conservative. Like those conservatives in history, he always doesn\'t like too many changes.

It\'s a good day. Let\'s enjoy life.

This is the Conservative Manifesto.

But there can\'t be only innovators in the hall. There must be all kinds of voices.

——When there is an idea on the court, Daming is dangerous!

So Zhu Zhanji left those opponents in the court. He needed them to alert himself.

Fang Xing obviously understood this truth and never saw him pour anyone.

No, he did. Zhu Zhanji remembered that he deliberately did Ji Gang.

Yang Shiqi frowned and said, "I can\'t talk about the domineering. I also know that the people who were taken did not ruthlessly harm, but were negligent or lucky. They were punished or even exiled just for this. Xinghe Bo probably couldn\'t bear it, so he went to the memorial."

Yang Rong went out of class and said, "that\'s right. Xinghe Bo must be unbearable. Your majesty, I think since it\'s unintentional, can you forgive me..."

Zhu Zhanji said expressionless, "it\'s a matter of long-term consideration. You don\'t have to wait."

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi returned to work awkwardly.

They wanted to muddle it over, but the emperor was very aware of it. It was embarrassing!

Zhu Zhanji looked at the memorial carefully. When he looked up again, he looked calm.

"Xinghebo said that the road guide was a help in the early Ming Dynasty. Now, the road guide has become a prison, limiting the people to one place, but also setting the development of the Ming Dynasty at a height that can no longer be inch advanced."

Zhu Zhanji frowned slightly and asked, "what do you think?"

"That\'s true."

Yang Rong\'s first words were waking up on the platform for Fang, with chilly eyes behind him.

But Yang Shiqi also followed out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, there was no road guide in the former Song Dynasty, and the people migrated smoothly. Although the government was in trouble, the commerce in the former Song Dynasty was booming and unprecedented."

He glanced at the ministers and said firmly, "I am well aware of the imprisonment of Lu Yin to the people, including my family. I have to report for Lu Yin when I go out, and I have to cancel it when I come back. Your majesty, I agree."

Yang Shiqi actually agrees to cancel the road guide?

Even Yang Rong was a little surprised, and others were naturally stunned. Yang Shiqi said: "my nephew was almost arrested last month. He said he didn\'t have a hundred miles, but the patrol inspection department said he was super. There was a dispute between the two sides. Finally, my nephew reported my name, which enabled me to get away. Your majesty, even my ministers think it\'s imprisonment. How about the people?"

"Lord Yang exaggerated."

"That is, without the road guide, I dare to ask those people how to deal with the influx of people into the city?"

"The former Song Dynasty did not prohibit people from moving everywhere. How many disasters were among them?"

Yang Shiqi turned back and said, "but the former Song Dynasty carried a strong enemy in a corner. It all depended on business."

Yang Shiqi is crazy!

All the officials didn\'t want to argue with the famous honest man. They just avoided him and said the advantages of the road guide and the disadvantages of canceling the road guide.

Zhu Zhanji said noncommittally, "it\'s a matter that Zhu Qing thinks about. Jinling has caught a lot of prohibited... Gentry."

what the fuck!

This is kidnapping!