Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2237

Ahead, Liang mengde has been scared to cry.

A middle-aged man is crying. This scene is a headache.

Fang woke up coldly and said, "why don\'t you handle road guidance when visiting friends?"

When Yu Qian arrived, he heard this sentence after he got off his horse, and his heart moved slightly.

Liang mengde looked up, his face was covered with tears and snot, and said, "uncle, I\'m just... Just careless and confused for a moment!"

Gentry and dignitaries often violate the prohibition of road guidance, but most of them will not be investigated.

"The ban is not only to be observed by the people, but also to be explained everywhere when your majesty goes out of the capital. What are you?"

Liang mengde shouted, "uncle, I\'m here..."

"Take it!"

Fang woke up and shouted, and then two sergeants went over. Liang mengde did not dare to struggle, but was raised trembling and looked at Fang Xing with begging eyes.

But Fang woke up. He turned back and said, "more than 30 people who violated the ban were found this time. Take them all."

"Yes, uncle!"

The unanimous promises of the sergeants surprised the people present, remembered Fang Xing\'s last taking people in Jinling, and worried that this was only the beginning.

Yes, this is just the beginning!

Fang Xingling\'s men took more than 30 people in Jinling City. When Li Xiu learned that it was illegal, the six officials were also puzzled.

How dare you wake up and take care of such trifles?

This is really nothing. It happens every year, both north and south.

So when Fang woke up to Jinling, the first step was so hard to touch.

Li Xiu thought of what Yu Qian said, but felt it was unlikely. Fang Xing would not disturb the current overall situation for such things.

What\'s the big picture now?

It\'s the cleaning up of the North!

Unless the South also starts cleaning up, Fang Xing will have no motivation to do it.

So some people feel at ease. The Wen Hui will continue to open, the wine will still drink, and the women will still play.

But some people think Fang Xing is picking a problem.

"He is making trouble. As long as someone is provoked to make trouble, he will take the opportunity to act. Teacher, don\'t forget Hejian house!"

In the study, the pot on the small stove was boiling, but Huang Jian didn\'t care.

He looked a little excited, and there were some beads of sweat on the tip of his nose.

Wang Yuan pointed to the teapot. Seeing that Huang Jian hadn\'t responded, he took the teapot down by himself and brewed it.

The tea was floating and sinking under the impact of boiling water, and began to change color gradually, pleasing to the eye.

"Teacher, I bet Fang Xing is waiting for a rabbit. He wants to weaken the famous teacher, and then his science takes the opportunity to rise. Teacher, this is sinister!"

"Those people were frightened. I just went to see them. They hid at home and trembled for fear of being stared at by Fang awake..."

"Yes, what are you afraid of?"

Wang Yuan took a sip of tea and nodded with satisfaction.

Huang Jian noticed his mistake. After he sat down, he said in some frustration, "teacher, this man is terrible."

Wang Yuan put down his tea cup, glanced at the melting ice basin and said faintly, "what\'s the panic? Lu Yin was originally made by his ancestors. If he wanted to get it, it would be thankless, so I think he was trying, just like the temptation in playing chess. Look at the opponent\'s response, and then make plans."

Huang Jian was silent and looked calm gradually.

Wang Yuan looked at him and said, "acting like a chess player, the candidate seems smart, but at this time it\'s no plan. It\'s not for him. Just take a move from another place. His candidate will naturally become a waste chess... If he takes a step, he will be backward!"

Huang Jian nodded stupidly, and Wang Yuan sighed, "I said what I\'m afraid of! Even if I\'m caught, just don\'t admit it. It was your cousin who did it at the beginning. What does it have to do with you? I\'m in a mess."

Huang Jian felt uneasy. Later, he left the Wang family and went to a restaurant.

He often comes to this restaurant. Although it\'s not time for dinner, the waiter still takes him to the second floor.

"It\'s strange today. The lobby is full."

The waiter felt strange. Huang Jian glanced over, but found that most of them were gentry. He said, "I\'m sitting below today."

The man was not surprised. He just looked for it, pointed to it and said, "master Zhao, they are also sitting below today. Please."

Huang Jian was taken to the table. When several men saw him, one of them got up and said with a smile, "it\'s rare for you to come at this time. Sit down quickly. The waiter came to a pair of dishes and chopsticks and changed dishes."

Huang Jianqian said a few words modestly. Knowing that his friend was not bad for this money, he accepted it with a smile.

The man\'s name is Zhao Zhi. He and Huang Jian were friends who took the test together. Later, they drank wine several times. This is a friend.

He changed his position, sat next to Huang Jian, pointed to the people at the table in front of him and said, "these young people are very hot-blooded! They are all denouncing the cunning."

There were young people at the front tables. One of them stood and said impassively: "... Your majesty asked him to come here to supervise the construction of seagoing ships, but he stretched out his hand to catch people. What\'s this? It\'s a lot of things, it\'s provocation!"

What this man said seems too tender to Huang Jian and has no basis at all.

"... he hates Confucianism, while the south is a place where famous religions flourish..."


When Huang Jian heard this, he had sentenced the young man to exile in his heart.

He raised his glass and touched Zhao Zhixu. After drinking, he heard the footsteps of someone running outside.

The sound of footsteps is like a panic in the city when it was suddenly looted by random soldiers!

Huang Jian put down his glass and saw a scholar running in outside the gate.

He gasped with his hands on his thighs, then looked up and said, "that man... That man took Lord Peng\'s nephew!"

After a moment of silence, someone got up and asked, "which Lord Peng?"

The scholar who came to report scolded: "fool! Of course, it\'s Lord Peng, the Minister of the Ministry of war!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the lobby. Huang Jian was happy and said with a straight face: "does that man want to clean the southern officialdom again?"

Zhao Zhi said solemnly, "I\'m afraid it will!"

Huang Jian sighed, "your cousin is..."

Zhao Zhi laughed and said, "my cousin is cautious about being an official. He wants to come without hindrance."

They smiled at each other with a faint smile.

At an extraordinary moment, no one dares to expose their weaknesses.

There was a noise in the lobby. Someone got up in a hurry to check out, and then left in panic.

"Lord Peng\'s nephew likes to go out and play. Was he caught?"

Hearing these words, Huang Jian hurriedly said goodbye to Zhao Zhi and others and returned to the Wang family.

Wang Yuan was looking at the sun gradually slanting to the west, with a cold look.

After hearing the footsteps, he glanced and said coldly, "did you drink wine or do you need wine to make yourself peaceful?"

"Teacher, uncle Peng Yuanshu\'s nephew was picked up by Fang Xing."

Huang Jian said happily, "Uncle Peng Yuanshu\'s temper is hot. Now there\'s a good play to see."

Wang Yuan looked at him coldly and said sharply, "you are more and more stupid. I wonder how I valued you in those years."

Huang Jian was at a loss and felt humiliated.

The servant who came to ask if dinner had been delivered saw Wang Yuan\'s eyes and hid back.

At this time, Wang Yuan refused to recognize his relatives!

Wang Yuan sneered, "why did Fang Xing do things so aimlessly?"

Huang Jian carefully recalled Fang Xing\'s several actions in Jinling. The most tragic one was to exchange treasure notes.

At that time, Jinling was almost collapsed, and the six ministries could not control the situation.

At this extremely critical moment, Fang Xing led the army ashore and suppressed the situation that was about to break out in one fell swoop.

"Have you figured it out?"

Wang Yuan got up and walked a few steps. He sighed, "Uncle Peng Yuan went to find Fang Xing when you came in."

Huang Jian was delighted and said, "teacher, did you negotiate?"


Wang Yuan turned back and asked, "what do you think is the result of Uncle Peng\'s trip?"