Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2226

It\'s still that place, but there are many more ships.

Smith stood in the bow of the boat and looked at the clouds ahead. There was a wave on his cast-iron cheek.

The strong wind had spread to the fleet, the half fallen sails were under the wind, and the ship was swinging under its feet.

"Setting sail!"

Smith gave the order in a deep voice.

The sails fell and the fleet stabilized, followed by two ships.

"We\'re in trouble."

Frank and Lisbon were on the two ships. They were stunned at the storm ahead.

As the most powerful country among the three countries, Smith convened the generals of the two fleets to discuss the later arrangements.

Frank\'s general was silent and obviously wanted Smith to talk to Reese himself.

Smith did not cover up and said, "for navigation, no one can match you, so I want to rush into the unknown sea. What do you suggest?"

Lisbon\'s general hesitated: "at that time, he followed far away and saw the Ming people disappear here. Unless they went to the right, they must have rushed here..."

The climate in the Strait is also bad. Wind and waves are inevitable, and there is more fog, which gives people a headache.

But no matter how many winds and waves are compared with the sea area like the devil\'s land in front, even Rees himself is hesitating.

Smith looked at the silent general frank and said, "we have more than 100 ships. Even if there is a devil\'s land ahead, how can people get out?"

"That requires a solid ship."

The general of Lisbon said, "we are well prepared. There are still a lot of food and water. Even there are a lot of things on board, but how much can these ships have left after the past?"

Smith\'s hard cheek stood still and said, "the remaining one is victory."

"We need a new land, and whether it is the devil\'s land or the land flowing with honey, we must go and see it, or we will die in peace."

He got up and looked at the mighty fleet behind him and said, "we must join hands, otherwise the powerful Ming people will defeat us one by one and seal us off on their own land. The ocean will be extravagant for us."

Yes, the three countries are very clear about one thing: no matter how powerful Daming is, it is not enough to land and defeat them.

So the ocean became the only place that Daming could use.

And blockade is the best way.

So the general of Lisbon had some worries in his eyes, "I\'m more worried about what happens after I go out."

Frank\'s general quickly echoed, "yes! If we pass here, it\'s a place for Ming people, we have no place to hide."

"What are you hiding from?"

Smith\'s voice was cold and his face was ferocious. "The big deal is to fight. If you don\'t go out, you\'ll be trapped there. How long can you live? Frank..."

He looked at Frank\'s general and said, "isn\'t the war between us just for those lands? How much money and food have been spent, and countless bones have proved our determination to expand out, do you?"

"Go, then repair the ship quickly, cheer up the crew and have a good meal."

Smith\'s clothes and hair swayed in the wind, but his voice was firm.

"I must go and find a way for the canary."

"If you don\'t want to go, you can go back now. If you continue to stay here, I will think it\'s preparing to attack us. Yes, only war can remove this threat."

This is a threat, a bright threat.

Who dares not to go, that is the enemy of Canary!

Frank was dazed by the Canary people. If it weren\'t for the supply of the canary, their life would be more difficult.

Not to mention Lisbon, their strength lies in navigation, and if they fight on land

General Frank has set his sights on him.

The two countries quickly joined hands, and the starting point is very simple: Reese\'s own navigation ability is too strong to let them break away from this alliance, otherwise they absolutely dare to join hands with Ming people.

Lisbon general said with a wry smile, "we don\'t care."

So the fleet began to renovate and began to boost morale.

"That\'s where honey flows everywhere, milk and white bread, countless meat waiting for you, of course, women, many women!"

"These are waiting for us to conquer and harvest, but before that, you need to do your best for the king and the Canary!"

"For frank!"

"For Lisbon!"

Waves of roaring shook the sea, and then the smoke rose.

The wine carried on the ship was removed, and the salted meat of the maggots was roughly treated, and then sent to the sailors, which immediately aroused a burst of cheers.

The strong wind blew on the deck, on the sailors who were drunk and vomited, and on the face of the resolute Smith.

There was more Looseness on his rocky face because he was slightly drunk.

The wind was still blowing in the distance, and Smith was waiting.

When his drinking eyes lit up, a ship came back ahead.

All the sails of the ship were gone, the mast fell to one side, and two sailors were crushed to death.

A man stood awkwardly on the side. When he approached, he hissed, "the storm can destroy everything. We will fight the devil."

Smith nodded and said, "yes, we will fight the devil!"

As night fell, the sea was still swept by the wind.

When the light came again, Smith, who had not slept all night, stood on the bow of the ship suddenly shouted with ecstasy, "set sail! Set sail!"

Others who had just fallen asleep looked into the distance.

The sky over that sea area is still covered with dark clouds, but in the dark clouds, a gap can be seen from time to time.

The sunlight in the gap suddenly fell on the sea and dissipated immediately.

"That\'s sunshine!"

After a joyful cry, Smith turned back and stayed up all night. He was still tough.

"Let\'s go! We\'ll go at once!"

The whole fleet was boiling, all the sailors were kicked out, and then their eyes were still covered with excrement, so they began to pull up the sails desperately.

"Let\'s go!"

Smith explained, "leave those damaged ships and keep an eye on this sea area."

He glanced at the whole fleet behind him, nodded slightly and said, "let\'s go!"

The fleet was like a hungry wolf and drove slowly into the sea.


When the sun was shining on him, Smith looked back and said, "yes, no matter how big a storm can stop us, the new world..."

The right side is boundless, and the vegetation on the left is green.

This is the new world!

"Frank and Reese themselves asked if we would move on."

The fleet was a bit dilapidated, but there was no doubt that they were lucky. Otherwise, Smith felt that at least twenty ships would be lost.

"Our ship is still not strong enough. When we go back, we should tell those shipbuilders and tell them these storms. Our ship must be able to withstand the storm and travel this route."

"As for whether to move on..."

Smith said coldly: "they are afraid, afraid to meet Daming\'s fleet... But this sea is not theirs. We come out to explore the channel. If not, it will kill us, so... Tell them that we need to find a new place. Before that, we can withdraw some ships to let people know that we are not here to provoke."