Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2223

Zhu Fang is more and more like a great craftsman. When talking about cooperation with the shipyard, he is calm and orderly.

"... at that time, they also said whether they could wrap a layer of steel. The small one said it was no problem, but the maintenance was difficult. They asked if they could make a corner. The small one thought it was a small matter, so they made one. Their people said they were good, but they offended the work department."

"The work department is unimpeded."

Fang Xing is never afraid to offend Wuzhong, and his technology can\'t tolerate fraud. Whoever is powerful is powerful. He doesn\'t take official or private as the standard.

"With the reorganization of the Navy, Zheng He is vigilant against civil servants and Wu Xun. Including him and Hong Bao, they all hope that the future Navy will directly belong to the emperor and will not allow others to tell what to do, but it will be very difficult."

Zhu Fang doesn\'t like these. He prefers pure. There are only those plans in his mind.

Fang Xing doesn\'t like these, but his interests are eternal, both inside and outside.

It was Zhang Ben\'s request to visit the workshop today. Accompanied by Jin Ying, the two wandered around. Except for a few secret places, Zhang Ben had almost seen them.

They left the workshop and went to the wharf again.

The dock has been shut down, and the men who operate the pulley and the coachman go to the front row of shops in twos and threes to eat. And there was cooking smoke on the ship

In the hot sun, the dock is very quiet.

Fang Xing and Zhang Ben walked through the dock. The boring crew on the ship were staring at them in good clothes. The silence made people nervous.

"Some people say that people who live on the water are natural killers. I believe it when I see this."

There was a threat in those eyes. Zhang Ben felt that he might not be able to get out of the dock today if he hadn\'t been followed by Fang\'s awakened servants.

Fang Xing went to the bottom of a group of pulleys, and then reached out to move the hook below. Suddenly, someone in the shop in front rushed out and scolded, "get out, or break your leg!"

Zhang Ben was stunned and worried that the man would be cleaned up by Fang Xing\'s servant.

Fang Xing let go of his hand and said with his face as usual: "the pulley block is not allowed to be touched by outsiders, so it is normal to be scolded."

Several people went to the shop. Old Xin turned around in the back and said, "Sir, we\'re being watched."


Fang Xing thought it was interesting. Someone dared to watch. Isn\'t the lesson of Zhuozhou enough?

Fang Wudang went to the cleanest shop. The waiter looked at Fang Xing and Zhang Ben behind him and said, "the shop has clean dishes and chopsticks, and the food is clean. My guest can have a look first."

The foot teeth of the car and boat shop. Almost everyone who does these businesses has a pair of poisonous eyes. At a glance, he can analyze the general identity or character of this person.

Fang woke up and looked easygoing, but Zhang Ben looked dignified, either gentry or officials.

So the guy enthusiastically took Fang Wu to check their dishes.

Those dishes are big pots, and they are still steaming.

Fang Wu checked the dishes and chopsticks, then ordered the food and stared at the waiter.

The man was staring at him and asked with a smile, "Sir, do you want to go south by boat?"

Fang Wu shook his head slightly and glanced at the back door.

The waiter felt a little cold, so he didn\'t dare to show off. He just sent the food and asked politely if he wanted wine when he came back.

Fang Wu shook his head and slowly approached the back door.

The back door was hidden. Today they came out in plain clothes with short knives.

Fang Wu touched the handle of the short knife at his waist, grabbed the door handle and pulled it violently.

The back door was almost pulled down by Fang Wuyi. Just when the staff and diners in the store were surprised, Fang Wu had rushed out, and the knife at the front door also pulled out the flying knife and walked around from the side.

Zhang Ben\'s eyebrows were more angry. Fang Xing smiled and said, "Lord Zhang doesn\'t need to be angry. Let\'s see who it is."

There were three tables in the shop. Apart from Fang Xing, one was working at the wharf and the other was probably the ship owner and cargo owner on the ship. The two tables looked at Fang Xing and others curiously. Someone was muttering.

"Not a good man."

"It\'s mostly like this. The man just touched out the short knife. I think he\'s going to come to the wharf to kill someone."

"Someone has reported to the official. Let\'s be careful."

A group of people were muttering. Even if the voice was small, Fang woke up and heard it.

He looked at the dishes. One of the braised meat had a good color. He smelled it. It didn\'t smell fishy, so he ate it.

Zhang Ben was affected by his calmness, his anger gradually dissipated, and they ate slowly.

When they had almost the same food, Fang Wu came in.

Fang woke up and didn\'t smell the smell of blood, so he frowned and said, "ran away?"

Fang Wu leaned over and whispered, "Sir, I\'m an assistant of Tongzhou government. I\'m staring at abnormal personnel at the wharf."


Fang Xing looked at Zhang Ben with some embarrassment.

Zhang Ben puffed out a mouthful of soup, and then said in tears and laughter, "Xing He Bo and I are like spies?"

Fang Wu straightened up slightly and said with a smile: "the master touched the pulley... The most important thing on the wharf is the pulley and track carriage, so..."

Fang woke up and asked, "didn\'t you do it?"

"He began to move a few times. His arm couldn\'t be lifted by others. The seventh brother had given him injury medicine, but he didn\'t want the money."

"Loyal to his duty, Lord Zhang turned back and praised him?"

Fang Xing smiled and urged Zhang ben to appease the devoted helper. Zhang Ben seriously agreed.

"Uncle, they say that Jinling shipyard is building new ships. Many craftsmen and apprentices have been recruited, and many boatmans have been recruited to practice all day..."

Fang Xing stood on the dock, looking at the blocked fleet, listening to the helper introducing the latest news.

The wharf is the information distribution center. It has all kinds of strange news, and its efficiency is even faster than that of royal guards and East Hall.

"... a foreign vassal ship approached Ningbo Government and wanted to trade. When it was arrested, it was seriously injured..."

"... Taizhou Prefecture is getting richer and richer. Those people are jealous, so they also make cans, but they are not delicious and can\'t afford the price..."

"... all the coastal areas are now fishing at sea, and the local government has long ignored it..."



Fang Xing turned back and patted the idle shoulder with a blue face and said, "your dedication is not enough to prove your diligence. It\'s good."

Zhang Ben nodded slightly and said a good word.

The assistant trembled with excitement, just like the star chasers in the future. I wish I could ask these two to sign for myself.

There were several men at the dock. When they heard this, their eyes almost burst out fire. As soon as Fang Xing and others left, someone shouted, "please drink!"

The helper was still excited, but instinctively didn\'t want to make a statement, but he was caught, and then his money was touched.

This is the wedding money. Some people went to fetch wine, and some people also chipped in to buy some brine. A group of people congratulated them for their leisure.

Praised by xinghebo and Zhang Ben at the same time, Tongzhou officials will naturally make appropriate arrangements as long as they are not stupid.

I don\'t think I\'m doing anything! After thinking about it, I felt that I should have been beaten a few times. Fang Xing and Zhang Ben were unhappy. This helped him. It was compensation.

But what he didn\'t know was that Fang Xing wanted Zhang ben to hear the news, because he couldn\'t wait to see the formation of the Daming Navy.

And all this can\'t wait, but he is waiting, waiting for the texi to break through that corner.

The horn was named by Hong Bao. Now Daming calls it "alligator bay".