Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2200

The atmosphere between mother and son has been strangely continuing.

The emperor respected his mother very much. In addition to filial piety, he even often consulted the Empress Dowager on some issues.

But now the Empress Dowager has no expression, and her words are shocking.

"It\'s just one prince, but now there are two. What do you want to do?"

"As long as there is a dispute, what do you want to do? What can you do?"

"Mother, I won\'t..."

"No? When the former Emperor was run by King Han and King Zhao, what wouldn\'t? If Emperor Wen didn\'t want to shake his direct leader, who can tell now?"

"Empress mother..."

"The palace has made it clear to you that your father and emperor were too fat and too close to civil servants. Your grandfather really moved that idea, and more than once!"

"That year, your emperor\'s grandfather was going to abolish your father. This palace went to your emperor\'s grandfather and only said one sentence. Do you know what this palace said?"

Zhu Zhanji looked up, a little confused. No, he was frustrated that he had no choice.

Seeing that he was still like this, the Empress Dowager could not help sighing: "this palace said, the initiator."

The originator

Zhu Zhanji looked at his mother in surprise.

Yes, he never knew about it, so he was shocked by his mother\'s courage.

That\'s a taboo!

"Whoever opens his head will repay his own descendants. He has never missed it. No matter which generation, he has not missed it!"

The Empress Dowager looked at Zhu Zhanji and said calmly, "then... Disaster to our children and grandchildren."


Daming, this is a prosperous Daming.

There is a lot of traffic on the official road, and countless materials are going everywhere.

Countless troops are practicing, but their enemy is just a noun. They can\'t see, touch or fight

No matter how civil servants and science fight, they can only do their best and dare not slacken under the pressure of science for the sake of power.

So the civil and military are competent, and Daming continues to move forward.


"You are a good emperor. At least you can get a name of prosperity."

In the study, facing the emperor who suddenly appeared, Fang woke up without panic. He just asked someone to get wine and vegetables.

Zhu Zhanji sat opposite, looked at the pot of wine on the table, looked at the wine stains on the ground, and said, "have a pot of wine."

Like a restaurant, a knife came in from the outside and brought a pot of wine.

"The foundation of prosperity was laid by grandpa Huang."

Zhu Zhanji drank up and poured the wine again.

Fang Xing\'s eyes were full of blood and looked scary.

"Yes, Emperor Wen... He has achievements that can be respected by anyone."

"I... I..."

"We are all too hard on you."

"So is that why you didn\'t come to the palace to congratulate and trouble me?"

"Yes, I don\'t like that woman. By the way... I hope the child can be more atmospheric, but as he grows older, he will be uneasy and dissatisfied... Unhappy. What can he do at that time? So it\'s better to alienate at the beginning to avoid being in a dilemma."

Fang Xing was explaining his views on the child. Zhu Zhanji just nodded and was not surprised.

He also knew that his child, Zhuqi Town, had brought trouble to Daming, so he also said his attitude.

"The crown prince... Still."


The people in the palace were speculating about the Empress Dowager\'s attitude towards the child, and most of them felt that they would be left out in the cold.

The position of the Empress Dowager is too detached, so who does she want to get? That person really only has to be killed.

Just as the palace gate was about to close, Zhu Zhanji came back.

At the same time, the Empress Dowager sent someone to sun\'s place.

"As the empress said, it\'s hard for sun Shi to give birth to the prince. These medicinal materials can be used if he dares to use them and sent back if he dares not."

"No, no, yes, no, no, yes..."

Mother Zhou\'s incoherent appearance made Wang Zhen sneer in her heart. Then she came out and said, "our mother is still asleep. Your highness is healthy. When our mother wakes up, the slave and maid will report."

Mother Yu looked at Wang Zhen and said, "can you decide?"

This is to find fault!

Also to knock.

Although you gave birth to a prince and the emperor was crazy for you, you have to know that if you like, the Empress Dowager can clean you up.

Of course, at that time, I\'m afraid the relationship between the Empress Dowager and the emperor\'s mother and son has become a stranger, and the court is also fighting fiercely.

So Wang Zhenfei quickly replied, "our family manages some people for the people around our mother."

Mother Zhou looked at him with some dissatisfaction. Wang Zhenxin sneered and felt that this woman was really inexplicable.

Even with the prince, even with the emperor\'s love, it\'s still early.

It\'s foolish to want to fight for power and profit now.

He must be thankful for his years outside the palace, which makes him have more experience than the people in the palace. No, he has more experience.

So he knew the depth of water in the palace, especially when the Empress Dowager was still there, he must be careful.

Mammy Yu looked coldly at the eyebrow and eye lawsuit between them and said, "that\'s good, and my mother ordered."

Everyone stood with their hands tied.

Mother Yu was very satisfied with their reaction and said, "take care of your highness, but don\'t spoil it."


Mother Yu left before her feet. Mother Zhou wanted to report to sun, but was stopped by Wang Zhen.

Blocking people\'s future is killing parents!

Moreover, after entering the palace, most people forget their parents and relatives and live for a future.

"Wang Zhen, are you going to be my enemy?"

Mother Zhou asked Yin.

Wang Zhenfei took a quick look at Dechun coming out of it and said, "are you so stupid? Your mother is still sleeping. Do you want to die?"

Mother Zhou immediately stopped.

Sun\'s real confidant is Dechun. She and Wang Zhen have to be separated by a layer.

It\'s hard to feel one layer apart! The discomfort and suffocation of grasping the heart and scratching the lungs.

To become the people around sun, we must first gradually squeeze Dechun aside.

Wang Zhen fooled mother Zhou away and stood outside the door, like a welcome.

But at this time, if you want to welcome sun\'s concubines, they won\'t come.

But there are still many people pretending to pass by outside the door, looking at them with envy.

The emperor had a prince, and the sun family was so tight that it would be perfect if there was only one queen!

Wang Zhen smiled and stood there, really like a welcome.

But no guests came in, and the emperor never came.

It was not until dark that the news of sun\'s awakening came from inside that Wang Zhen stamped his foot in.

When she got inside, neither mother Zhou nor Dechun was there. Wang Zhen sneered and asked someone to get herself a bowl of noodles.

He didn\'t enter the house either. While it was cool outside, he squatted in the corner and ate noodles.

When mother Zhou came out, she looked at the smiling, which showed that she was praised.

Dechun came out and said to Wang Zhen, "my mother asked you something."

Even Wang Zhen couldn\'t get in at this time, so he stood with his hands tied outside the door.

"My mother asks you, what can I do today?"