Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2119

After the meeting, the next step is to discuss their respective needs.

It is necessary to send a mission.

Because Hong Bao\'s attitude was unclear, Doc sent several messengers to urge the king to quickly select people and gifts, and then arrive here as soon as possible.

As for frank, the messenger of the crown prince has arrived, accompanied by the mission, and the messenger will be Abel.

This is the greatest sincerity!

So doc felt the pressure and the messenger kept going.

Hong Bao was very leisurely. He even asked for someone to take him to see the farmers and the nearest town.

Doc agreed, but he sent many cavalry to accompany him and secretly told them to limit the scope of activities of Hong Bao and his party.

On the edge of the farmland, Hong Bao watched the farmers working.

"Grandpa, their farm tools are worse than Daming\'s."

Accompanied by "experts" who knew how to plant and raise animals, they just looked at it and concluded that Daming was at least better than them in agriculture.

All the way to a small town, Hong Bao frowned and said, "what\'s the smell?"

The accompanying interpreter said with a surprised look: "it doesn\'t smell!"

After a light cough, Doc came over and handed a bunch of flowers.

Hong Bao\'s eyebrows wrinkled tightly. He turned around and retched, tears in his eyes.

Doc said awkwardly, "it\'s just the smell of some... Things."

"Father in law, it\'s the smell of excrement and urine."

More than ten people were holding their breath and blushing.

The reaction to vomiting has been.

"Father in law."

A man in charge of growing vegetables on board suddenly squatted on the ground and vomited out like a jet,

Hong Bao\'s face was a little ugly. He was patient and tried his best to endure the desire to vomit.

Doc\'s face is not good-looking, but he thinks Hong Bao is a little artificial.

Is Daming\'s city full of birds and flowers?

Hong Baobei drank a mouthful of water at the town, and then said with a strong smile, "come into the city."


Zhang Wang felt that the Taixi people looked a little "wild".

Wild, ignorant wild!

So he kept the fleet on alert, but the Taixi people were much more friendly, especially the Frankish mission that arrived earlier. They would try to contact the people of the fleet, which seemed very friendly.

But they have disgust and hatred for the Canary people, which they never hide.

Zhang Wang wanted to go back. After the initial novelty and joy of the fleet, homesickness gradually increased.

Zhang Wang is also homesick, but Hong Bao is gone. He must look after the fleet.

What is home? Home is tired and want to go back, even if it\'s a quarrel place.

After the threat was lifted, everyone\'s nervous tension was relaxed.

"Go home, go home!"

There will always be a sudden cry, and then continue to sleep depressed.

After going through too many difficulties, they need enough rest, supplemented by sufficient and fresh food to recuperate themselves.

The return journey was not far away. After Frank\'s mission was in place, everyone was thinking of going home.

"My Lord, there\'s someone from Lisbon."

Zhang Wang had seen the ship. As the ship approached the dock, he saw an acquaintance.

Henry frowned at his entourage and said, "tell them who I am."

From the beginning to the end, Henry\'s eyes remained on the fleet.

"It\'s his Highness Prince Henry."

Henry nodded, then left his entourage to negotiate. He walked along the side to the warship of Zhang Wang, smiled and said, "are you all right, my friend?"

Zhang Wang said coldly, "OK."

The bruise on Henry\'s face had healed, and he smiled kindly.

"Isn\'t the messenger here?"

He is trying to get close. Zhang Wang is dealing with every word.

When doc accompanied Hong Bao back, he received the news.

"Reese himself came, and they were restless,"

Doc looked at the dock with cold eyes.

"Even if the Franks get involved, Chris himself... They are ambitious. They are flustered when they see our armistice..."

"Ming people will be happy to see this situation, so we need to let them know who is the strong man of tessy as soon as possible. Following frank and Reese himself, Ming people will only gain two timid friends and ask for support from them without understanding or returning."

When the party arrived at the wharf, Hong Bao said, "I\'ve been waiting for too long and I\'ve seen the style of Taixi. If there\'s nothing else, I\'ll be ready to return."

Abel, who greeted him, glanced at doc and said, "Frank is ready to see his friends and can start at any time."

Doc smiled and said, "trade it. How many goods can you eat? What does Daming want?"

"Gold and silver! Apart from this..."

Hong Bao said regretfully, "apart from this, we didn\'t find anything worth exchanging."

This request did not surprise doc. He nodded and said, "yes, the canary has prepared gold and silver. Let\'s start."

The conversation between them completely set aside Abel, because the Franks brought the exchange, but gold and silver accounted for only a small part.

This is stupid confidence!

Doc nodded slightly to Abel, feeling ridiculous in his heart.

After the banquet, Doc never asked Hong Bao to eat. Instead, he often rubbed the rice, and the gift was fresh ingredients.

Daming doesn\'t need Tessie\'s goods!

This was Doc\'s understanding after several contacts, so he immediately adjusted his countermeasures and mobilized a lot of gold and silver.

But what bothered him most was the warship.

Even if he tried again, Hong Bao still wouldn\'t let them close to the warship. He looked alert as if there was a sun hidden on the ship.

Hong Bao got on the boat and hurried into his cabin.


Zhang Wang was stunned outside and wanted to ask the people who went out with Hong Bao.



Most of the people who followed Hong Bao to investigate were vomiting.

Vomiting can be contagious. The last two people who didn\'t vomit looked pale and their throats surged.

"What happened to you?"

Zhang Wang can\'t imagine a group of men going out and returning with pregnancy and vomiting.

What\'s so special about meeting something disgusting?


There is only one standing in front of Zhang Wang.

This is a livestock attendant. When the fleet goes to sea, it will raise a lot of livestock and poultry along the way.

Most of the people who do this work are fumigated in the odor all day. For a long time, they enter the Abalone Restaurant and smell it for a long time.

So he made it to the end, but his face was gray.

"My Lord, it\'s all... Shit..."

Zhang Wang frowned and said, "who fell into the cesspit?"

"Animal husbandry expert" retched and said with a pale face: "it\'s all cesspits. There\'s shit and urine everywhere in the city. You can see it everywhere..."

Zhang Wang thought about the "grand occasion" and couldn\'t help retching. He was glad he didn\'t go.

"If you walk carelessly, you will step on it. Those rich people wear high-heeled shoes and walk in the dunghill. They have to often look at their heads..."

Zhang Wang had a bold and terrible guess and asked, "is it up..."

"Yes, my Lord."

The man covered his mouth and said in horror in his eyes: "adult, there will be excrement and urine falling down..."


Zhang Wang listened pale and thought it was ridiculous.

Shit flying in the air?

"No wonder they wear hats..."

Zhang Wang made up for the scene of those people walking in the city trembling, and suddenly felt that Daming was heaven.

"My father-in-law has been trying to bear it, and we are also enduring it. If my father-in-law hadn\'t been there, everyone would have run away."

Terrible place, Zhang Wang thinks the world outside Daming is really terrible.