Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2117

The fog dissipated and the deck was full of people in the sun.

Everyone was basking in the sun and felt that the moisture in the bones was coming out.

"There\'s mutton soup for lunch with chili peppers. I\'m sure I\'ll get wet all over... And big cakes. The wheat flour here is not bad. Add some mutton oil. Tut tut! I\'m sure you don\'t want to go back. You just want to marry a woman here..."

The cook of the fleet shouted triumphantly, which also meant to boost everyone\'s morale.

The boatman sergeants licked their lips, thinking about the taste of sheep soup and big cakes fried in sheep oil, and immediately salivated.

Someone scolded, "how do you sleep on a smelly night after eating all sweaty and smelly sheep?"

This was a complaint, but the cook was not used to it. He scolded, "enter NIMA! Drink water if you don\'t want to eat!"

"What\'s wrong! Do you eat or not? It\'s smelly! All the special sheep are just killed!"

The swearing sergeant said, "I like to eat. It\'s none of your business!"

The cook smiled at him and took someone back.

"Be careful of being spit on."

The sergeant\'s colleagues were laughing, and the atmosphere gradually relaxed.

The sergeant said angrily, "if I find out, I must have a white knife in and a red knife out!"

A sergeant beside him laughed and was about to ridicule, but his eyes were fixed on the shore.


The lookout post was negligent. He was changing his clothes just now - the wet weather made his body half wet and the wind was strong. It was very uncomfortable.

So when he saw a cavalry in the distance, it was late.

"Set sail..."

Someone went to untie the cable, someone began to sail, someone was

"Alert! All alert!"

The sergeants on the deck took out their weapons and began to line up. Before the fleet left the threat on land, it was up to them.

The artillery under the deck began to prepare. As long as the ship left the wharf and had a firing angle, they would let the enemy taste the anger from the East.

The sails are rising and some people are boating. Not one person, but many people.

The fleet left the wharf slowly, but the speed was not enough after all. The hundreds of cavalry had chased over.

"Father in law, come back!"

Hong Bao stood on the side of the ship and looked coldly at the approaching cavalry with a calm attitude.

As soon as Zhang Wang gritted his teeth, he handed over the command to his deputy, then rushed to Hong Bao with his shield and watched him ride.

"Father in law, are they going to turn over?"

Hong Bao sneered: "we have a boat outside. Turn your face. Even if it kills us all, as long as the news gets back, the whole Daming will be angry. The whole tessy can\'t bear the anger!"

"Grandpa, artillery..."

At this time, someone shouted in the back. Hong Bao and Zhang Wang looked sideways and saw that the warship on the left had left the wharf, and the side windows opened one after another

"Ha ha!"

Hong Bao said excitedly, "come on! I\'ll kill you!"

"Father in law, retreat!"

When life appeared, Zhang Wang pulled Hong Bao and wanted to step back.

"Let go!"

Hong Bao shook his hand and said sternly, "we won\'t retreat!"

While talking, the cavalry had arrived at the wharf. They got off their horses first, and then a interpreter shouted at Hong Bao: "misunderstood! This is the messenger of frank and Goldfinch flower. They came to meet the messenger of Daming. There is no malice!"

Zhang Wang said fiercely, "father-in-law, let the artillery bombard you!"

Hong Bao shook his head and said, "let\'s dock and other ships are on alert."

"You fool!"

Seeing the vigilance of the Ming army, Abel sneered: "if the Ming people go directly, DOC and Canary will wait for another big enemy."

Doc said coldly, "isn\'t that what you want? Then why are you angry?"

"Shut up!"

Abel waved his chin to the front. "The Ming people are back and laugh, or they\'ll think we\'re threatening them maliciously."

When the warship landed, Hong Bao landed very freely and stood still.

Abel and DOC came over, bowed slightly, and the interpreter on the side introduced their identities.

"Our family Hong Bao, the messenger of the Ming Dynasty."

Hong Bao introduced himself coldly.

From being left out, he was not ready to give the two countries a good face.

"You two actually appeared together. Are you reconciled? That really makes our family happy!"

Hong Bao\'s attitude was obviously wrong. As soon as Abel tightened his heart, he said with a smile: "the war has lasted for many years. The two countries are already exhausted. If we continue to fight, we will fall into the abyss together, so we have begun negotiations."

Doc nodded and said, "we are tired of the bleeding without playing. Yes, the war has made us enemies. We have suffered heavy casualties, but we can get nothing after all."

This is the beginning of alert.

After the news of Daming was intermittently brought by Tianfang people, when the distant grassland was gradually occupied by Daming, the Taixi countries wishful thinking that meat charming would encounter great trouble.

But the big trouble they expected didn\'t appear in the meat fans, but appeared in Tessie.

Instinct made the two countries feel threatened, so the speed of negotiation accelerated, and then couldn\'t wait to temporarily join together to meet with Daming\'s messengers.

Resist the strong enemy!

Needless to say, everyone immediately understood it.

Hong Bao sneered and said, "in that case, we just have a friendly meeting with all countries, and then we\'re going back."

Abel glanced at doc beside him. Seeing that he was only smiling, he said, "please send messengers ashore. Frank will never treat his friends badly."

Doc also smiled and said, "the Canary flower has also been looking forward to friends in the East for a long time. The king has learned the news. As an envoy, on behalf of his majesty, I welcome guests from afar. If it is convenient, I hope the envoy can go to the Canary flower and see it. His majesty will be very happy."

So a place near the wharf was requisitioned. After cleaning up, the tripartite meeting began.

"Daming was curious and friendly to Tessie, so his majesty sent us here to see Tessie and whether it was a friend or an enemy."

Hong Bao\'s opening remarks were not very polite and looked cold.

Abel knew it was the combination of the two countries, so he didn\'t know who to blame.

But there is no doubt about the strength of Daming. If anyone doubts, go and see their fleet, which is incomparable to the whole tessi.

Doc didn\'t worry much, because he felt that Ming people were too far away. If they went on an expedition, the cost was estimated to be collapsing.

However, no one will take the initiative to choose Daming as the enemy, so he also said genially: "the canary is willing to further become friends with Daming, if you can..."

"No, Frank\'s mission has gone to Daming."

Doc! You really want to dig Frank\'s corner!

Abel got up in anger and said, "they risked their lives to find Daming. This is Frank\'s friendship, which is proved by life!"

Doc still smiled and said, "Abel, calm down. This is a meeting, not a negotiation. You need to calm down."