Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2108

"... there is often rain and fog in the Strait, but today\'s luck is good. There are no big waves, otherwise the fleet is afraid..."

In order to protect his life, he worked hard to introduce the situation of the Strait.

But Hong Bao doesn\'t care about these at all. He just wants to know where the Canary flower people\'s reinforcements are!

"How many ships do they have?"

"A lot."

"What we ask is how many!"

"Thousands of ships..."

Hong Bao\'s face suddenly changed.

"Boom, boom!"

Just then, a roar came from the thick fog ahead.

The fog seemed to be stirred by something, and then returned to normal.

"Meet the enemy!"

The fleet immediately formed and accelerated.

They wanted to pick up their colleagues\' robes, and then there were no more noisy ones.

Hong Bao shouted, "it\'s right now to be loyal to the country. Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

The mission will not flinch. If it flinches, it will lose Daming\'s face!

But the strength of more than 1000 ships left Hong Bao no hope of survival.

"Let them go back! Go back to Daming right away!"

He was thinking that the warship would go back to report, and then follow the route. The next Daming would make tessy burn a fire.

Hong Bao had never experienced such a desperate moment. When he calmed down and was ready to let people throw away the things on the ship, the interpreter said in confusion: "father-in-law, their ship is not big..."

Hong Bao turned back, grabbed his skirt and said ferociously, "how small?"


Sailing in the fog, and the fleet did not let the Franks navigate.

They can\'t navigate. They\'ve lost this route long enough.

So long that they lost their direction in the fog.

So when the fog on the other side was suddenly knocked away and a small boat took its head, the Franks cried out.

They had lost confidence in fighting against the Canary on the sea, so their despair immediately confused the ships.

"Father in law, I didn\'t fight! I didn\'t fight!"

The ship appeared again in front of us. It was the warship that had explored the way before.

Then the line of sight gradually widened, a

There are ships in front of me

What is a concept?

That\'s all in sight!

The fog gradually dissipated in the rain.

Ahead of a ship are countless ships.

And the countless ships are full of soldiers!

How would you feel if you were there?

Zhang Wang opened his mouth and felt that the world was too absurd.

The fog is dissipating and the line of sight is wider and wider.

But those ships have been full of sight.

There are countless ships of all sizes.

Hong Bao was also shocked,

"Father in law, most of them are small boats, and Daming\'s fishing boats are no worse than them..."

Hong Bao calmed down and said, "ask questions!"

"Father-in-law, they didn\'t translate, but they stopped when they saw us, and then didn\'t come, but they intercepted us several times when we wanted to return..."

The previous experience of the ship was very strange. The Canary didn\'t seem to want to do it.

Is it the difference in ship type or skin color that makes them hesitate?

A ship came across, alone.

Hong Bao smiled and said, "past, steady!"

This was the first meeting between Daming and jinquehua. Hong Bao\'s spirit suddenly perked up, and he even smiled and looked more graceful.

The two ships are relatively close. They are almost the same size. Daming\'s warship seems to be smaller.

No, it\'s much smaller, but the height is not much different.

Hong Bao walked slowly to the bow. It was higher and could be equal to each other.

The two sides approached slowly. The other side was standing on the bow of the boat with a short beard man with long hair scattered and tied with a rope.

Hong Bao noticed each other\'s eyes, deep and curious.

He looked at each other quietly.

The man smiled and said, "ward."

He pointed to the huge fleet behind him and said, "this is my command."

At this moment, he did not dare to think carefully, otherwise Frank would become the prey of Goldfinch and Daming.

Hong Bao arched his hand and said, "Hong Bao, deputy envoy of Daming fleet, envoy..."

He also turned sideways, pointed to several ships behind him, and calmly introduced: "this is our command..."

Ward smiled and curiosity disappeared.

The soldiers behind him laughed, and some even laughed.

Hong Bao was still calm and said, "Daming\'s fleet... Invincible in the world! What you see is only a corner. Daming can use the fleet to cover the Strait at any time if he wants!"

Hong Bao paused for a moment. When the interpreter was stunned, he said coldly, "so what are you proud of?"

"Covered the channel?"

Ward asked with a flat mouth and couldn\'t believe it.

"Of course, as long as you want, Daming can send a fleet. The largest ship is enough to sweep the Strait!"

Hong Bao said modestly.

Ward looked at the Ming soldiers behind him, mostly proud.

This is a sign of conviction.

Ward smiled, "yes, then friends from Daming, I will ask you to review the Canary fleet."

He pointed to Hong Bao\'s boat and asked, "is it with you or with me..."

Hong Bao smiled and said, "why not together? Friends should enjoy the beautiful scenery together."

"Yes, you are the most easygoing messenger I have ever seen, Daming... It\'s hard to imagine!"

The two ships then set out, ward in front and Hongbao last.

Those ships had long been arrayed. As the distance was closer, Hong Bao could see more clearly.

Most of the boats are small, as they say, similar to Daming\'s fishing boats.

But there are soldiers up there!

Then this is the warship!

Hong Bao smiled and glanced over these warships. Someone behind him was reading in a low voice and passed it all the way

In a cabin, the news came all the way, and someone was writing hard

The fleet was too large. It was only a row reviewed. Half an hour had passed.

The two sides returned to the middle, and the two ships joined together.

"For Frank? Or for the whole..."


"All right, Tessie."

Ward said helplessly, "what\'s Daming\'s opinion on tessi? As a big country in tessi, the Canary flower respects the big country in the East, but it needs to know its attitude."

Are you friends or enemies?

He had the confidence to ask Daming\'s attitude towards the Canary flower, which came from the huge fleet behind him.

After listening to the interpreter\'s translation, Hong Bao frowned and said, "Daming never promises, so we won\'t say anything about friendship and enemies until we know about the Canary flower..."

Ward\'s deep eyes suddenly became more sharp. He was smiling, but it was dangerous.

He thinks Hong Bao is prevaricating!

He felt that the Plantagenet was strong enough to win the allies of the Franks.

Hong Bao stood with a negative hand, looked at the land looming in the distance and said, "the Canary flower has no strength to make our family lie. Daming is right behind us. Do you... Want to do it? Our family will accompany you!"

In a foreign country, according to the nature of the envoys of the Central Plains, Hong Bao is unlikely to be weak, let alone compromise.

So his eyes were sharp, fixed on ward, and said word by word, "you can try!"