Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2084

"Our family... Tired."

Sun Xiang saw Yu Jia. He was outside the door. When he saw Sun Xiang turning back, he arched his hands, shook his head and retreated to the side.

This is the last moment I don\'t want to disturb Sun Xiang.

This treatment is excellent and very human.

Sun Xiang shook his head slightly and looked back at these men. His heart was full of feelings. Naturally, his cold attitude could not be pretended.

Looking at them, thousands of words, as well as the bleakness and loneliness of the future surged in his heart, but Sun Xiang couldn\'t say a word.

Anlun\'s face was still red and swollen. He whispered, "father-in-law, say something. At least there will be some incense in the future."

The last thing eunuchs expect is friendship, so they like to exercise their rights when they are in office.

Then even if you are down, you can\'t regret it.

In this world, no one can better understand the truth that human nature is private and unpredictable than eunuchs.

No more!

So Sun Xiang shook his head slightly, but saw the young fan Zi.

Those are sad eyes.

Give up, sadness, vicissitudes, compassion and worry

Sun Xiang shook his head all the time. He shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

"Go and go. Why bother!"

He didn\'t want the emperor to know his mind, and didn\'t want the emperor to suspect how many confidants in the east hall were.

So the colder he is today, the better.


Sun Xianggong bowed his hand, coughed and said, "we only have something to say to you. Follow your majesty, follow closely, and don\'t flatter others. This is the important task of our east hall. Remember these. No one can touch you."

He arched his hands again, slightly turned his face, looked at Anlun on the right and said, "you... And take care of yourself."

"Our family is gone!"

Sun Xiang suddenly raised his voice and shouted. Then he turned around and walked outside the door before everyone could react.

In an instant, his back collapsed and bent.

Yu Jia arched his hand outside the door and said, "Grandpa sun, you can rest assured that if you need anything, someone will take care of you."

Sun Xiang\'s face has many more wrinkles, showing his old age.

He arched his hands and said with a smile, "those little boys are more or less nostalgic, but when we go to the imperial mausoleum, we will naturally guard it with peace of mind. We only want to be cared for when we go, and at least go to heaven to continue to serve emperor Ren."

Yu Jia nodded and said, "certainly, your majesty has much faith in Grandpa sun. It should be Rongyang to leave this time."

This is a promise of great ecstasy.

Rongyang, of course, is served by someone, who has no worries about food and clothing and medicine.

Sun Xiang smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I\'m very grateful."

He nodded, looked at Anlun, his eyes were quiet, and then strode forward.

There was a carriage ahead. Sun Xiang got on the carriage and the carriage went slowly.

Anlun chased out. He forgot to meet Yu Jia, but stared at the leaving carriage.

Yu Jia also forgot his purpose and watched the carriage go away with the people of the East Hall.

"The world of mortals is bitter... If you are in thorns and your heart does not move, you will have no injury. If you move, you will be stabbed by thorns and suffer in all ways..."

"If you have a clear mind, you will be free. All kinds of glory are illusory. Flowers in the water and the moon in the well will hurt me..."

Anlun stared at the carriage going away, his eyes were full of looks, and finally became quiet without emotion.

His men rubbed it consciously and then laughed.

Not everyone can move the Buddha beads. This is what Sun Xiang said.

The more times you count the beads, the more sins you will have.

Yu Jia smiled and felt that he had completed one thing, so he said with a happy face: "father-in-law an is in charge of the East Hall. He must be making progress. We congratulate him in advance."

An Lun\'s heart was chilly and hurried to say with a smile: "Grandpa Yu joked. Our family was just lucky. After that, we should be trembling and dare not be rash."

Yu Jia has a good relationship with Fang Xing, but Anlun humiliates Fang Xing.

So where did Yu Jia\'s politeness come from?

Yu Jia nodded and said, "then we\'ll go back now."

An Lun wanted to send it, but Yu Jia declined with a smile.

He smiled kindly, but his attitude was firm.

Who\'s Fang Xing?

Now your majesty is also the confidant of teachers and friends!

In the future, you may be the teacher of the future prince!

You can humiliate such a person?

I don\'t care about you now. It\'s just because you\'re showing loyalty.

But you\'re loyal, but you\'re looking for the wrong person!

Later... Who knows!

Yu Jia glanced at Anlun, but unexpectedly didn\'t see panic. On the contrary, she was very calm.

This man

After seeing Yu Jia off, Anlun went back to Sun Xiang\'s room, locked the door, and then touched sandalwood from the cabinet to light it. He learned that Sun Xiang sat cross legged on the bed.

Sandalwood is faint, and the indoor temperature rises gradually, almost like a steamer.

The tip of Anlun\'s nose was full of sweat. Gradually, there were many wet marks on his back and armpit.

In fact, the best way to verify the state of mind is meditation.

Especially in summer, the heart is restless and naturally irritable.

"... all kinds of sins are predestined. We should not be greedy, angry or kill..."

Gradually, Anlun\'s body was trembling slightly.

Breathing is like low sobbing, echoing gently in the room.

Countless dust hovered in the light, either rising or falling slowly.

Just like the world of mortals!

A sigh, then a slow breath.


The carriage left the city and went all the way to the imperial mausoleum.

And Fang Xing is now in Jubao mountain guard.

The familiar camp and practice made Fang wake up a lot easier.

He remembers the names of many people in the old Qianhu house. He occasionally forgets them. As long as the other party says when he came in and what battle he has experienced, he can probably remember them when he wakes up.

"Your Majesty ordered the Jubao mountain guard to cross the Hejian house, and then cruise around. As for the other side of the sea, it\'s not in the list of cleaning up this time, and there\'s nothing to clean up over there."

It was hot and Fang Xing\'s spirit became hot.

"I\'ll go to Shandong and supervise all parts. Once any abnormality is found, start first!"

Fang woke up and said firmly, "if you start fighting, those who dare to resist are innocent. If they are wrong afterwards, they are all Benbo\'s!"

Lin Qun\'an asked, "uncle, most of those people are gentry. Will the local government meet?"

Fang woke up and pondered for a while, but Wang He disdained: "they dare not! The army is on the side. Who dares to rebel? The whole family will take it right away. No one can be an exception!"

Lin Qun\'an said with a smile, "I\'ll rest assured."

"It\'s secretive. It doesn\'t look like a fighting man!"

Fang woke up and scolded, "worry is worry, be afraid of farts! If those officials collude with each other, they will be innocent if they take it. This is Ben Bo\'s words, which will be passed on later."

Wang he said regretfully, "it\'s a pity that we\'re just outside! How much credit has been given to Duke Ding and Duke Cheng."

Fang Xing said faintly, "no credit!"

Wang he was stunned and soon woke up.

"They have no way to rise. It\'s just a name."

After all, the Xu family are relatives of the emperor. As long as they don\'t make big mistakes, they will naturally rest with the country, so Xu Jingchang didn\'t show mercy.

But Zhu Yong, Duke of Chengguo, had to observe carefully. Once he found that there was a move to avoid contradictions, the Duke of Chengguo probably closed the door and became a man, which was not comparable to a rich businessman.

This is the interest of whether the emperor believes or not!

If you lose the trust of the emperor, you must be in fear. Don\'t mention any enjoyment. It\'s your own sin.

You have to be trembling. You have to take the initiative to reduce your food and clothing expenses. Otherwise, the censor will naturally catch you and impeach you for extravagance and debauchery.