Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2082

Sun Xiang drinks tea.

He slowly put the edge of the cup to his mouth, quietly looked at the door and took a sip.

"Grandpa sun."

Fang woke up and bowed his hand. Sun Xiang slowly put down the teacup, got up and said, "Xinghe Bo, the will will come down tomorrow."

Fang Xing didn\'t sit down, but asked with some sigh, "where are you going?"

Sun Xiang stirred the Buddha beads and said with a smile, "emperor Ren\'s Mausoleum needs someone to look at. Our family likes to wait for days, plant vegetables, sweep, and then cook by ourselves. When we are calm, people are not confused. Xinghe Bo can also meditate and take a picture in his spare time."

"Return photo..."

This is a Taoist saying. To look at one\'s own body is actually to look at one\'s thoughts and the interior of the body.

Fang woke up and looked at his white hair, but smiled calmly. He couldn\'t bear to say, "peace of mind, closing the door is deep in the mountain. Why should grandpa sun suffer?"

When they sat down, Sun Xiang smiled, leaned over slightly, and said seriously, "Xinghe Bo, Anlun... We have seen him for a long time. We are smart and pretend to be silly, but... We think we can\'t, it\'s impossible!"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Grandpa sun, many things don\'t look at things, because since he gave Ben Bo no face in the street, he is naturally not a passer-by."

I\'m not a passer-by. Why should I give you face?

Sun Xiang sat up straight and said slowly, "our family has smoked him. Just before we came, we smoked him severely."

"Anlun... If he is successful and our family orders him to kneel, he will not kneel, let alone let our family beat him..."

Fang Xing felt very boring, "Grandpa sun, no matter what he wants to do, he can take Ben Bo to fight... There\'s no need to mention it again. If Grandpa sun is free, he can go to the study..."

Sun Xiang shook his head, got up, tried to stop talking, and then said goodbye.

Fang Xing made an exception and sent him to the door. Sun Xiang finally turned around and said, "in that case, our family will give up. Xinghebo, Shandong is about to start. Our family has been staring over there for a while. I just hope Daming can be good and keep going..."

Fang woke up and nodded. Sun Xiang smiled and said, "our road... Is over. Xinghebo, go well."

There was a little expectation in his eyes, and his smile gradually solidified.

This is farewell!

What has he experienced since he entered the palace?

Then the power poured for a while, from the supervisor of Si Li to the East factory

But no amount of rights can last long. There will be a curtain call after all.

Fang Xing feels that this day must be a lonely day. Now, after watching Sun Xiang, he feels that he underestimates the sadness of farewell.

"This road... Is very difficult."

Huang Zhong looked at Sun Xiang, who was far away. For fear that Fang would wake up and have a decadent heart, he advised him, "uncle, Sun Xiang is asking for benevolence and benevolence, and it is also a good end."

Fang woke up and looked at the distance, smiled and said, "yes, he has a good end, but I have forgotten it."

He stopped Huang Zhong\'s persuasion and sighed: "this road is lonely. Sometimes ten thousand people are surrounded, sometimes indifferent. You should be able to enjoy ten thousand people without pride, and endure indifference and loneliness without slacking..."

"Bolu, I don\'t care about Aaron."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "really, I know that Sun Xiang wants to save his life, so I just want to tell Sun Xiang that I don\'t want to do it."

"There is no doubt that I can kill Anlun. It\'s just a matter of time."


"Can Dingguo see a place in Shandong?"

Zhu Zhanji asked very easily, as if it must be sunny and calm in Shandong.

Xu Jingchang, the Duke of Ding, is now sitting in Shandong, staring at all places.

Last time, there was a lot of beacon smoke in Jinan. This time it was the whole of Shandong. What will happen?

I\'m afraid that old dandy Xu Jingchang can\'t do it?

No matter how much I hope the emperor will give up this action, Yang Shiqi still went out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, dingguogong is in Jinan, but he doesn\'t show his martial arts after all. I\'m afraid he doesn\'t have enough deterrence."

It\'s reasonable that Wu Xun has more say in this matter, but it\'s the least easy to talk.

If you say there\'s no problem, you\'ll be connected when there\'s a problem.

If you say there is a problem, Xu Jingchang will definitely write you down in a pamphlet and wait for the opportunity to take crazy revenge.

So Wu Xun didn\'t speak, but the civil servants came out one by one.

"... Shandong is a big place. How can Duke Ding rush to all parties in Jinan in time? I think it\'s better to... Slow down, your majesty."


Zhu Zhanji listened to the following words, but he was already wandering outside.

No matter how much these people say, there are few constructive opinions.

He said in a deep voice, "what does the British think?"

The relationship between the Xu family and the royal family is too close, and only Zhang Fucai dares to express his true views.

When Zhang Fu left the class, the ministers were silent.

During the last confrontation between civil and military forces, Zhang Fu was alone with them. When talking and laughing, he was ready to completely turn his face with them.

Zhang Fu said solemnly: "Your Majesty, Jinan was suppressed once by xinghebo, which can be called as calming down half. The rest of the people... I think it\'s still based on deterrence. With the front car of Jinan, no one dares to fight the... Army unless it\'s a madman!"



Zhang Fu stood in line without ambiguity.

"I think we should send people to cruise outside Shandong, one inside and one outside with the Duke of Dingguo, so as to frighten them!"

Yang Rong went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, I think mediation is the best thing. I can order local officials to send people to watch everywhere and summon those gentry to clarify the difficulties in the court and the difficulties of your father..."

Zhu Yong retorted with a sneer, "what if there are stubborn people?"

Yang Rong turned sideways, his eyes were sharp and sharp, and said, "that is to ignore your father and the court, and be severely punished!"


Zhu Yong raised his eyebrows at those unswerving civil servants and said, "Lord Yang really knows the great righteousness!"

fuck! This man is provoking and alienating!

Very clumsy means, but it is particularly useful at this time.

Some eyes with implicit dissatisfaction and anger stared at Yang Rong and were dissatisfied that he actually stood in line.

We understand that you are under pressure as the chief assistant, but don\'t you say no, at least be vague, can\'t you?

Yang Rong smiled and calmly returned to work with excellent demeanor.

Zhang Fu nodded slightly to express his appreciation, and then said: "Your Majesty, Jinan is in the middle, a little unrest can be put out. If a large group of rebels make trouble, the army on the edge of Shandong can attack, so it should be stable."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and glanced at the civil servants. Lang said, "go with Xinghe Bo leading the army. In addition, Cheng Guogong will go to Jinan."

This is a warning!

Zhu Yong goes to Jinan to strengthen control. If there is a problem, Zhu Yong can lead the army to suppress it, and Xu Jingchang continues to take charge of Jinan.

And let Fang Xing cruise around the periphery of Shandong, which is the real deterrent.

Look, the evil spirit is staring outside! If anyone dares to be restless, wait for the whole family to take it.

But did the emperor use it too much?

When they returned to the duty room, the assistant political scholars were silent for a while, but they had no objection to Yang Rongxian\'s statement.

The Bachelor of assistant politics does not stand on the side of the emperor. Sooner or later, he will go home to eat old rice.

Jin Youzi was a little depressed. He looked at his colleagues and said with a bitter smile, "everyone, the mountain rain is coming!"

Huang Huai gasped a few times and said with some dissatisfaction: "Your Majesty sent Fang to wake up. This is scaring people with a knife, but the knife can\'t be used more, it\'s used more..."

Jin Youzi sneered, "if you use too much, the knife will be useless."

The two smiled at each other. Yang Pu, who had not spoken, rubbed his face with his hands. He said vaguely: "no matter how important he is, the Ministers must know how to advance and retreat and how to protect themselves, otherwise the king will be... Embarrassed!"