Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2049

On the vast grassland, a team of cavalry moved forward alone.

"Your Highness, the snow has melted!"

Zhu gaoxu dismounted and squatted down to dig away a thin layer of snow covering the grass.

The snow moistened his gloves, and the vitality below was refreshing.

This is reincarnation.

Zhu gaoxu got up somewhat disappointed and said, "snow melting is movement. Those people will come out, continue and go around."

Two squadrons of cavalry were immediately divided into this array, which began to detour from the two wings.

This is to guard against being scouted by the enemy, but it is not necessarily safe.

Zhu gaoxu wanted to start now, but he only brought a thousand cavalry out.

According to Fang Xing\'s intention, after a long journey, we must rest for a while and wait for supplies and investigation of the enemy.

Fugu and Wuen are not the nomadic tribes of the Huns. They have fixed garrisons. They are alert, even if their main direction is on the front

Zhu gaoxu took out his water bag and drank a mouthful of wine. He said with satisfaction: "attack from Hami Wei, flank raid, good!"

Lonely March, continuous circuitous investigation


His subordinates advised Zhu gaoxu to go back, because in the past, Turpan will meet many herdsmen and expose Daming\'s intention.

But Zhu gaoxu still refused. He wanted to catch some prisoners and ask Fugu what they were doing now.

So one morning, before the morning fog dissipated, the circuitous ranger in front brought the news of the discovery of the enemy scout.

Zhu gaoxu took the lead and galloped away. The horn sounded constantly. It was a foregone conclusion to encircle the three sides.

More than ten riders were running away. After seeing the armor of the Ming army, they turned around and ran without thinking.

After holding his breath for a long time and finding a place to vent, Zhu gaoxu shouted, "kill those who dare to escape!"

But the Ming army didn\'t listen to him.

I finally caught the tail of the enemy scout. How can I kill indiscriminately.


As the distance drew closer, the crossbows and arrows were constantly fired, and the war horses that were shot fell down with a long hiss.

When the last six people were completely surrounded, someone shouted, "get off your horse and abandon your knife, you can live!"

So the six men got off their horses and knelt down and let the Ming army bind them.

Zhu gaoxu killed only one person. He felt sour and powerful. He had no place to use it.

"Search five miles ahead, and no one will come back."

The sergeants were checking the fallen enemy scouts. There were more than ten people who fell, and only three who didn\'t break their arms, legs and neck.

The scream made Zhu gaoxu a little upset. He ordered: "torture those people, ask for a confession immediately, and then..."

They are sentinel agents and have no time to screen carefully.

So the wounded enemy scouts were attacked by all kinds of rough means.

In the miserable howl, Chang Jianxun said, "Your Highness, if you want to raid, the Scouts must advance in multiple ways..."

"Just faster than them!"

Zhu gaoxu looked at the distance and suddenly scolded, "those fools are thinking about how to get more benefits in the hands of Mier. When the king arrives, kill him!"

"Your Highness, they are Wuen\'s men. They are going to inquire about Hami Wei."

Zhu gaoxu glanced at the distance and said, "call back, let\'s go back right away!"


"What does my brother mei\'er say?"

In the temporary wooden house, une asked melancholy.

The dusty messenger said, "Your Highness, your highness meiergan asked us to keep in Yili and stare at the Ming people, and the food and grass will be transported continuously."

Wu en\'s look relaxed, and the servant Gu on the side asked, "what do you have to pay here? Is it Bai Na\'s grain and grass?"

The messenger said awkwardly, "Your Highness meiergan said... We should get more fur and war horses."

Servant Gu sneered and said, "if it\'s really a king\'s house without brothers, Wuen, Mier is ready to use us, but he won\'t pay more benefits. What do you say?"

Wuen said in embarrassment: "crooked thought swept away most of the people and horses, and also tried to make it like wasteland. It will take at least 20 years to restore the original population."

He was confused and said, "we can afford to wait, but... Ming people can\'t afford to wait!"

"Xinghe city is not a place of refuge. Those Ming people continue to immigrate from the Central Plains for a long time... Xinghe city can\'t control the original territory of Tatar and Wala. If the city is built in Yili, Hami Wei and Suzhou Wei... Fugu, the Ming people will completely block the power of Harie and meat fans to the East..."

Pu Gu said calmly, "but here we are, the Ming people\'s long-distance expedition is not cost-effective, so everything depends on the process of Meier\'s unification of Haley. Come on, then our side will be as stable as Mount Tai. Unless the Ming people come to a national expedition, the current situation will be stable."

The messenger said, "I found the spies of the Ming people in Samarkand. What do you say is from the East Hall..."

Servant Gu was still a little confused, but Wu en asked eagerly, "can someone escape?"

The messenger said, "those Ming people were brave. They were captured and died with emotion. Later, when they were arrested, they killed one person..."

The messenger remembered the Ming man he saw on the side at that time and said with some fear: "just in front of the palace, countless people surrounded him, but the Ming man was fighting, desperate, but refused to surrender, before he died..."

Wu en remembered the Ming troops who fought with Fang Xing at that time and the nature of the East Hall, so he asked, "what did he say?"

The messenger felt that he would never forget that dusk. He said dully, "you will be defeated. The fire of war will come to Samarkand. Daming... Invincible..."

A dead silence

"What is Dongchang?"

When Fugu saw Wu en\'s pale face, he asked.

Wuen didn\'t answer him, but continued to ask the messenger, "can someone escape?"

The messenger said, "I chased and killed all the way. Finally, I almost caught up with the side wall of Ming people, and they were picked up and taken away."

Wuen\'s body tilted back, sighed a long time, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"The East Hall is as famous as the royal guards. It was said that it was used to monitor the officialdom in the Ming Dynasty. They appeared in Samarkand and fugu. Do you know what this means?"

"Ming people are staring at us!"

Servant Gu got up and shouted, "Jia sent scouts to inquire about the news outside the side wall of the Ming people!"

Someone answered outside the door. Pugu turned back and looked at the depressed Wuen and said, "it\'s not terrible. They just sent spies. Wuen, cheer up!"

Wu en opened his eyes and murmured, "Fu Gu, the news shows that there is a dispute brewing in China, but don\'t forget that the emperor of Ming Dynasty is very young and impulsive. The stupidest act of Mier is not to kill all those spies."

"As long as the Ming people know that HA lie is preparing for unification, according to the temperament of their old emperor, they will come and fight. They will not stop until ha lie is defeated and dispersed!"

The servant frowned and said, "it\'s not so terrible. If they go on an expedition, we\'ll withdraw."

Wuen said with a wry smile, "where are you going? Ha lie? There is devastation."

Pu Gu whispered, "we won\'t watch our friends being bullied. Believe me, Wuen, meat fans won\'t sit and watch, because after sitting and watching, the next target of Ming people will be us."

"Also Siya said that Ming people wanted to be friendly with us, but... Mier\'s ambition ruined all this."

Wuen said bitterly: "the Ming people will not allow a powerful Haley to stand on his opposite side again. Meiergan should be kind to the prisoners of the Ming people at that time, so he can confuse the Ming people. Now... I think everything is ready. I don\'t know when it will start."