Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2033

"Xinghebo, do you want military support?"

It\'s not words, it\'s eyes.

Fang Xing ignored this and just waited for Zhu Zhanji to make a decision.

The martyrs\' temple is not a problem. The problem lies in civil servants.

Zhu Zhanji pondered. He remembered the flames of war when he participated in the northern expedition.

Life became a number there, and blood flowed like a lake.

Those fearless soldiers shouted for fierce battle, no cowardice, no fear, until... They died!

"Rivers of blood..."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "Xinghe Bo\'s words are just what I want. The Ministry of work and the Ministry of etiquette will discuss it later and report it to me."

It\'s big and big, but for the martial arts, they have a place to worship, and it\'s also a national sacrifice. This honor will certainly boost morale.

But for civil servants, there are some headaches. Stop it. It\'s not good. Maybe bricks will fly in at night and people will throw rotten eggs and socks on the road.

Fang Xing went out of the Qianqing palace alone, but was blocked by Li Bin.

"Xing He Bo, your mother asks you, how will your highness study in the future?"

Fang Xing didn\'t expect that the Empress Dowager would send someone to ask him this question. He thought about it and said, "teaching by example is indispensable."

Li Bin felt that Fang Xing was avoiding the problem, so he said, "Your Highness is gradually growing up..."

Fang Xing felt that the Empress Dowager was too anxious and said, "he is still young. He will set his teacher now. I think it will only make his highness and the selected people become targets and lead to some anxiety."

Li Bin bowed his hand and said, "we know, xinghebo, Jinan... Is it okay?"

The Empress Dowager is actually paying attention to Jinan. This is mostly to ask Fang Xing: has Jinan been a river of blood? Have those gentry abandoned Daming

Fang Xing said seriously, "please report back to your mother. This matter is imminent and has to be sent. Otherwise, when your highness arrives, it will become a chronic disease and there is no hope of recovery... But please rest assured, Jinan can\'t be chaotic and Shandong can\'t be chaotic."

Li Bin returned to ningshou palace all the way. Xiao Hei lay at the Empress Dowager\'s feet and looked at him lazily.

The Empress Dowager put down her script, took off her reading glasses and asked, "what did he say?"

"Madam, xinghebo said that your Highness\'s teachers should not be arranged too early, otherwise they will be stared at and take the opportunity to cause trouble. In Jinan, xinghebo said that if you miss it, there will be no chance. Jinan and Shandong will not be in chaos."

The Empress Dowager waved her hand and said after Li Bin went out: "this matter... Has not been seen in all dynasties. My palace wanted to see it, but they refused to stop outside. They are full of confidence!"

Mother Yu said, "madam, there are many people today."


The Empress Dowager picked up the script again and said, "they couldn\'t persuade the emperor, so they wanted to start with this palace, but it was of great benefit to the country, but they read this palace wrong and didn\'t see it!"

Mother Yu went out and told Li Bin. Li Bin sneered and said, "these people don\'t just want to ask their mother to persuade your majesty and clean up the offering slowly. In addition, they want to take the opportunity to get close to their mother and earn some face and benefits for the men at home."

Then a group of ladies waiting outside the palace were sent away.

Only the Empress Dowager can influence the emperor in the palace, not the queen, sun

Zhu Zhanji returned to the harem and went to see the children first.

A few months\' children are ignorant and only know how to eat, drink and Lazar. Of course, they also have a hobby: crying!

When Zhu Zhanji arrived, the corn was crying. He frowned and said, "why does the child always cry?"

Hu Shanxiang skillfully put the child on his legs, then pulled the diaper down, turned it over, looked at it, and said calmly, "pull it."

The smell of children\'s stool filled the air. Zhu Zhanji stood there strangely, watching the corn gradually turn into sobs, and finally danced and laughed.


Children\'s smile is probably the most innocent in the world, and the smiling face can\'t be described in words.

Zhu Zhanji looked at Hu Shanxiang skillfully changing diapers with mixed feelings.

Who else can the queen change the baby\'s diaper herself?

A smell of small families is everywhere.

Hu Shanxiang gave the child to Mammy and then got up to salute.

"Give me the child."

Zhu Zhanji took the child, looked at his dark eyes and said casually, "someone in the court said it was time to prepare a teacher for corn. What do you think?"

Hu Shanxiang\'s body stiffened. He looked at corn struggling in Zhu Zhanji\'s arms and said, "my concubine and Minister shouldn\'t interfere in Foreign Affairs... But corn\'s teacher and concubine... I remember Xinghe Bo said that he was willing to be the prince\'s teacher..."

Zhu Zhanji was silent and gently bumped the corn.

Corn gradually felt sleepy. He yawned a little, then leaned against Zhu Zhanji\'s chest and closed his eyes.

"Xinghebo... His knowledge is naturally a teacher who can be the prince."

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t know what he was thinking. He was a little confused.

"Corn... I\'ll think about it..."

Hu Shanxiang interrupted Zhu Zhanji and said, "Your Majesty, it has been said before that the prince who is longer than the hands of women in the deep palace must be worthless. My concubines don\'t want corn to have much promise, but at least they can\'t become a dandy."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "no, I\'ll give him the previous calligraphy when kaimeng is open. There should be harmony in the palace..."

This is a subtle hint.

Hu Shanxiang said, "don\'t worry, your majesty. Your mother is watching everything."

She is the queen, but she has some meaning of inaction.

There is also the Empress Dowager in the palace. With her old man in charge, even the sun family must be careful not to be targeted by the "good daughter-in-law" of Chu di.

Hu Shanxiang said he would not seize power. Zhu Zhanji smiled back and went out of the Kunning palace.

Standing behind the Kunning palace and looking at the garden ahead, Zhu Zhanji asked, "where is Xinghe Bo?"

Yu Jia said, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager\'s people stopped xinghebo for questioning, and then xinghebo waited outside the palace."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "let him come."


There was no charcoal fire in the warm Pavilion. It was a little cold.

Fang woke up and saw a silent Zhu Zhanji. He sat down, poured himself a cup of tea and said, "don\'t think too much. Corn will be a good child."

The country\'s foundation is stable, and Zhu Zhanji will have children after that.

"The teacher of corn... Is a big trouble. Now many people are staring at this position."

Zhu Zhanji said reluctantly, "Yang Rong, they are staring at it. I guess I\'m worried about going to science after corn..."

It\'s cold in the warm Pavilion. The sunshine outside can\'t increase the temperature.

"It depends on what kind of Daming you want."

Fang Xing looked at Zhu Zhanji seriously and asked, "what do you think Daming will be like after we go?"

Zhu Zhanji\'s face changed slightly. Fang woke up and stared at him and said, "don\'t think about the woman you like. Tell me, what do you want to tell him when we go to see Emperor Wen in a hundred years?"

Zhu Zhanji looked at the void as if he saw Zhu Di looking at himself with eager eyes.

Why did Fang Xing return to Beijing?

It\'s not a one tax system, let alone reporting back to work.

No matter how many difficulties, Fang Xing can overcome them.

But there are many comments in the capital. It is probably that Zhonggong has a son. It is time for teachers to prepare candidates. At least kaimeng teachers should prepare.

This is Confucianism in action!

They are fighting for the voice of the next generation!

So Fang woke up.

Zhu Zhanji also knew that the tax system was a reason. Fang woke up to fight with him.

"Don\'t think of other children, Zhanji."

Zhu Zhanji\'s body was shocked. After he ascended the throne, Fang Xing seldom spoke to him in this tone, so he couldn\'t help paying no attention to it.

Fang woke up and looked indoors. Yu Jia had driven the others away.

"I am willing to teach this child. When the child grows up, I should step down and enjoy my family without touching anything."

This is a promise!

Zhu Zhanji slowly tilted his head and looked at Fang Xing. Seeing Fang Xing\'s seriousness, he said, "the future of Daming?"

"Yes, I hope Daming can be consistent.

The continuity of policy cannot be interrupted.

Fang Xing would not allow anyone to break the continuity, so he came back.

The room was quiet, so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

Yu Jia was a little frightened. He peeked at Fang Xing, but saw that Fang Xing was just expressionless.

And Zhu Zhanji was silent.

When Yu Jia was already unstable, Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "brother Dehua, Prince Shaoshi, how about it?"

Fang woke up and said, "sweet as alcohol!"

Fang Xing smiled and stretched out his hand. Zhu Zhanji subconsciously clapped his hands with him, and then said with a bitter smile: "am I so untrustworthy?"

"No, I\'m just impatient!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Laughter echoed in the warm Pavilion. The eunuchs outside didn\'t know why the emperor was so happy, but they were all smiling, hoping for some reward.