Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2020

The speed of Fang Xing\'s work made Wang Shang open his eyes, but "smash?"

Wang Shang was poor for most of his life and was confused by this smashing word.

Yu Qian said with a wry smile: "xinghebo\'s original words... Although you spend money, he will lose when you run out."

Wang Chang opened her mouth and looked at her son. Wang Zhi was also stunned.

This is what Fang Xing wants to show them!

Then Fang woke up and walked in. Seeing that the scene was in order, he nodded modestly.

Wang Chang was not used to this extravagant feeling and said, "xinghebo, those articles can build momentum for the writer. It won\'t take much money."

Fang woke up stunned, and then said indifferently, "Sir, the Fang family never shows off their wealth. The expenses at home are normal, but they are not short of money."

"Just smash it! If you like someone who won\'t write, smash it with money!"

Wang Zhi asked, "Xinghe Bo, is it... Ten passes?"

Fang woke up and looked at him, touched his forehead and said, "ten Guan... That\'s just... The basic price. There are not too many people in your eyes. If there are great scholars willing to join, thousands of Guan is not a thing..."

Then he saw that the people were dull, so he arched his hands and said, "Fang still has to find someone to talk about things. The supervisor is here to see if there is any trouble."

He hurried away, and Wang he said with a smile: "don\'t panic, Mr. Wang. Xing and bo have played the chapter on this matter. As for the money... Although it\'s expensive, we don\'t need engraving and use movable type. It\'s not to save money, but just to be more convenient."

Wang Chang and his son looked at each other and were restrained by Fang Xing\'s great pen.

Moreover, Fang Xing paid for it personally, and the emperor could agree. There are a lot of things worth talking about.

The relationship between the emperor and xinghebo is so good that they are not afraid of suspicion!

At this time, Yu Qian asked someone to unload a large pocket from the last carriage. He turned back and said, "Sir, here are all money. Put it in there and take it at any time."

Wang Shang subconsciously said, "I\'m afraid it will be stolen."

Wang He straightened his belly and said casually, "don\'t worry, Mr. Wang. If anyone dares to steal the money, xinghebo will let him know what repentance is."


"Don\'t worry, Emperor Taizu Gao wanted to toss, but it didn\'t disappear in the end?"

In the restaurant, the whole second floor was covered, and the men in royal clothes and middle-aged men were used to it.

There are not many dishes. The children of the aristocratic family don\'t use extravagant scenes to show their family details. On the contrary, they prefer to distinguish intimacy and estrangement with knowledge and tolerance.

Outside the restaurant is a river. Open the window, the temperature is very pleasant and the scenery is also quite good.

The man in royal clothes nodded and said, "when the second uncle returns, he can tell his family that my nephew will not lose my reputation here. What news will be returned immediately."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "he thinks he is strong, but how many scholars in the world? And on the day he is disgraced, let\'s come to Jinan to see what those people are."

They raised their glasses and ate a meal for less than half an hour. Then Shi ran got up and prepared to go out.

The man in royal clothes went to the window and looked out. Then his body stiffened and said, "second uncle, that man looks familiar..."


By the river, a small table and two low stools.

The small table is mostly old and looks black.

"Excuse me, sir!"

A waiter came with a tray. He stood impolitely between the two guests and muttered, "eat in the store and by the river. Those women wash their urinals by the river early in the morning!"

"How dare you compete with me? Look at this dish. There are only a few pieces of meat. Tut tut! I\'m in the temple now?"

Xu Jingchang resisted the urge to scold, but the waiter refused to admit defeat. He arranged the dishes and stepped back: "it depends on how much money you can pay. If you want to eat more meat, you can order dishes. The small shop doesn\'t say much. The mutton is fresh every day, not to mention chickens and ducks."

Xu Jingchang sneered, "is there any beef?"

The waiter said proudly, "how many beef cattle do you want from the grassland? Fry and cook at will!"

Xu Jingchang smiled angrily and said, "most of the beef cattle on the grassland have been given to the capital. It\'s great to have two cows a day in Jinan. Just bring the beef to your pickled store. I\'ll see if it\'s a beef cattle."

The man refuted: "where can you eat the beef? Don\'t say it\'s you, no one can eat it in Jinan."

Fang Xing said, "he can really eat it. Go and get a kilo of beef."

The waiter looked at Fang Xing and waved his hand. The smell inadvertently surprised the waiter. Then he tangled all the way back to the store. He didn\'t know whether to tell the shopkeeper to ask for beef.

Xu Jingchang, who was dusty, wiped his face, woke up his dark hand to Fang and said, "brother, I\'m speeding all the way. I\'m on my way except eating and sleeping. Dehua, please invite me to eat this?"

Fang Xing said, "his vegetarian hotpot has a unique style. It tastes good. Have a try."

There was a small pot on a small charcoal basin, which smelled fragrant.

After eating for a while, the beef really came up. It was still fried beef slices.

Xu Jingchang ate one piece and said to the man who pretended to be calm: "this is a farm cow. If I\'m wrong, I\'ll jump into the river today!"

The guy turned pale and wanted to argue. Fang woke up and said, "go."

He just said a faint word. He didn\'t dare to say anything again, so he bowed out.

Xu Jingchang said bitterly, "why can\'t I scare him?"

Fang woke up, pointed to his head and said, "there are leaves, and they are all gray."

Xu Jingchang brushed his hand over his head, and then dust and a leaf fell.

"You drink."

Fang Xing didn\'t like drinking at noon, so a pot of wine was requisitioned by Xu Jingchang. While drinking, he scolded the ghost weather all the way.

After eating fried beef, he praised: "how can you be so good? Ask the cook later if he is willing to work in the Xu family."

"It\'s not easy for everyone. Don\'t cheat."

Fang Xing didn\'t get enough sleep recently. After eating a bowl of rice, he put down his dishes and chopsticks and just looked at the river in a daze.

The river was clear. Fang Xing grabbed a drooping willow branch, and the fatigue between his eyebrows gradually dissipated.

"... you made a lot of noise in Jinan. Those scholars hate you. Your daughter-in-law is smart and knows not to go out."

"... more than ten girls come to pick you up in the palace. Tut tut! What are you doing with this? If you have that Kung Fu, you might as well lay down a few more territories. When the arable land in the Central Plains is insufficient, all of them will be moved out. It\'s not fun to let the gentry grow their own land at that time?"

Fang Xing kneaded the willow branch and said, "when I first woke up, I was happy to see flowers and trees. I felt vibrant and didn\'t see enough every day. Over time, I was more and more busy..."


Xu Jingchang thought he was under too much pressure, so he relieved and said, "don\'t be afraid, brother. I was ordered to come here to crush you. Who dares to bully people, let\'s join hands and kill them!"

"Not afraid!"

Fang Xing loosened the willow branch and said, "I\'m not afraid of them, but I\'m sleepy."

"Then sleep!"

Xu Jingchang said casually. Then he saw the knife suddenly come out, walked behind Fang Xing and said, "master, people are coming out."

"Who\'s out?"

Xu Jingchang put down his chopsticks and asked.

Fang Xing smiled and looked sideways.

The middle-aged man was looking good, and he smiled.

"The weather is good."

Fang Xing said.

The middle-aged man nodded, then looked at the sky and said, "it\'s good."

"Have a drink."

Fang Xing pointed to his side and invited him to speak.

The middle-aged man wanted to refuse, but he saw a trace of danger in Fang Xing\'s smile.

"Thank you very much."