Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2018

In front of Ding Yao and his men\'s violent corpse mansion, another man was hung on the door and howled miserably, but no one rescued him.

What shangru regrets most at the moment is that she didn\'t commit suicide last night, but she has to suffer at the moment.

This is the same way as last night.

Kill all!

He felt that after seeing Xin Laoqi and other murderers, he should run away, find a place to get drunk, find a woman to go crazy, and then wait to die.

But he hid in an abandoned house and was still feverish when he was found out.


And the news gradually spread out. Xin Laoqi\'s killing and defeating more than 60 people was exaggerated into fighting thousands of people alone.

"You didn\'t hear that last night. It\'s killing! It really makes people feel like they\'re in hell."

A man said vividly, "there are at least a thousand people listening to that voice, and that Xin Laoqi is so......"

He gestured a gesture of carrying a knife and said with a shocked face: "it\'s really... How do you say it?"


His companions also listened leisurely.

"It\'s not tragic. It\'s heroic. Tut tut! It\'s an enemy of ten thousand people!"

"Only famous generals like xinghebo can control these warriors. If someone else changes, I\'m afraid I can\'t bear the murderous spirit..."


When Fang woke up and returned to the chief secretary, he saw that Jiang xuze had come.

"I\'ve seen xinghebo."

Jiang xuze looked at his face. Fang sat on the throne and asked, "how\'s the city?"

Qian Hui glanced at the expressionless Jiang xuze and said, "I\'m shocked everywhere."

"What are you scared of?"

Fang Xing rubbed his eyebrows and asked.

"Everyone was surprised at last night\'s interception, and then..."

Qian Hui looked at Xin Laoqi, looked a little curious and said, "many people have some doubts about your servants..."

Fang woke up with a look at Xin Laoqi and said, "there\'s not much left. Lao Qi goes to have a rest first."

When Xin Laoqi left, Qian Hui praised: "a sword can stop millions of soldiers, heroes!"

Fang Xing stared at Jiang xuze and asked, "what does Mr. Jiang think?"

Jiang xuze didn\'t know what he was thinking. With a cry, Huoran got up and scared Qian Hui.

His cheeks trembled and said, "next... I think it\'s feasible."

Qian Hui was stunned and thought to himself, where is this! Was the man distracted just now?

Fang Xing sneered: "you must know about the interception last night. You tried your best to fight with Qian Hui in order to prevent martial law in the city, Jiang xuze!"

Fang Xing suddenly gave a big drink. Jiang xuze\'s body shook and his cheeks shook even more.

He said with a strong smile: "Xinghe Bo, what did you say about this? Lord Chang was assassinated. As a right envoy, I must come out to clean up the situation, otherwise once there is unrest, it will be..."

Fang Xing stared at him and said coldly, "Lord Qian knows martial law. Why did you stop him?"

Jiang xuze said: "at that time, I was just worried that people would be in chaos after martial law. If someone ignited a fire, Jinan City would be afraid to..."

He was speechless because he was facing a confidant of the emperor and Fang Xing, who was very experienced in how to deal with such things.

Fang woke up and stared at him. He smiled and said, "make it up, you continue to make it up!"

Jiang xuze\'s face was twisted, and sweat slowly flowed down from his forehead.

He blinked, tugged at the corners of his mouth and said, "xinghebo, my official..."


Fang woke up and shouted.

Shen Shitou strode in and bowed, "Xing He Bo!"

Jiang xuze\'s face had been covered with sweat. He waved his hand and said, "Xinghe Bo, I\'m a political envoy. You have no right to deal with it..."

Fang woke up and locked his eyes, got up and said, "take it!"

"Xinghebo, you... Ah!"

Shen Shitou shot himself, but as soon as he said goodbye, he controlled Jiang xuze.

Jiang xuze was forced to lower his head. He tried to look up, looked at Fang Xing with desperate eyes, and shouted, "Fang Xing, I\'m not good with you. You\'re taking revenge for public and private! I want to sue! I want to impeach you! I want..."

Fang Xing pointed to Shen Shitou and said, "his name is Shen Shitou. Do you know his identity?"

Jiang xuze wanted to turn back. Shen Shitou slapped him in the face and shouted, "I\'m working next to your majesty. You\'re lying!"

Jiang xuze turned back in sweat and said, "xinghebo, I have no selfishness in this matter. Someone must have caused trouble."

He glanced at Qian Hui, who sneered at him, and said, "my official and Qian Hui were dirty in the past. This is that he was a villain behind his back, villain!"

The last hard drink almost exhausted Jiang xuze\'s strength and was taken out immediately.

Qian Hui arched his hand and said, "Xinghe Bo, I\'m with him..."

Fang woke up and pressed his hand. When he sat down, he said, "if Jiang xuze controlled this place last night, Benbo would probably die. Work at ease and stabilize Jinan. At that time, there will be a statement about achievements and mistakes."

Although the normal order of Jinan City was restored, the fighting last night made people timid, so the streets were deserted.

Fang woke up and wanted to sleep, but finally took people to the street to appease people.

Qian Hui summoned a cadre of officials at the chief secretary and sighed: "great things have happened in Jinan City. Fortunately, Xinghe and Bo kill and attack decisively, everyone, otherwise we will wait for our sins today."

Those officials felt lucky and thought of Fang\'s tough performance after waking up in Jinan.

Even Jiang xuze was taken down. They are a fart!

Qian Hui knocked and said, "there will be a tail in this matter. You can\'t slack off and collude... Outsiders, once you find out xinghebo\'s means, you\'ll see it and exile if you don\'t die!"


The officials below remembered those assassins who had been killed and shangru who had been hung on the gate and howled miserably. No one thought Fang Xing would be soft.


Yu Qian followed Fang Xing and the party walked slowly down the street. The people couldn\'t help but relax when they saw it.

Xing and Bo are out for a walk. There are just a few servants around. What are we afraid of!

So gradually there were more people, but everyone was peeking at the servants behind Fang Xing.

"Is that xinghebo\'s servant?"

A woman holding the child asked.

A man nearby was peeping at her figure. When he heard the speech, he said enthusiastically, "yes! But there\'s no Xin Laoqi. It\'s estimated that he was injured."

The woman looked at the servants behind Fang Xing and said, "that\'s how powerful one person can beat thousands of people! If only my son could be so powerful in the future..."

The boy in her arms sucked his fingers and looked curiously at Fang Xing who was walking slowly with his negative hand.

The man took the opportunity to get closer, his eyes tilted downward and said, "hundreds of people at most, 1000 people? That must be an immortal."

The woman felt that she was right, and her position was suddenly shaking.

The child she was holding suddenly howled and cried, and the woman bumped him. As a result, when she turned sideways, she saw the man peeping at herself, with very obscene eyes.


The woman subconsciously kicked out and hit the man\'s head-on bone.


Once the head-on bone is injured, the taste of pain is not good.

The man\'s scream startled Fang Xing, who was enjoying the leisure. He looked slightly and saw a woman kicking and beating a man, still shouting and scolding.

"My mother said you were so kind. It turned out that you were peeping and shameless. Go home and see your mother!"

The man was kicked back and forth, but the people around him didn\'t rush to watch the excitement. They were all watching Fang wake up.


Fang woke up and looked at the well-dressed woman. He couldn\'t help feeling that the man was too obscene. He ordered, "tell him to wait in place and call someone to deal with it later."

Such activities as peeping at women are not rare. If they are not found, they are mostly complacent.

But being caught means being locked up for a few days. It\'s unclear whether you will be picked up for soap in prison.


The servant went to deal with it and then came back. The man stood by the roadside and dared not move when Fang woke up.

Yu Qian couldn\'t help scolding for being immoral.

Fang Xing felt a little tired. He yawned and said, "three immortality, virtue, meritorious service and words, virtue is in the front. Virtue, virtue, who has virtue? Benbo thought that virtue was virtue if he could do his duty, be filial to his parents and take care of his family. As for other illusory virtues, let others seek them. Benbo estimated that he would be almost like Taoism in the end."

Yu Qian looked at the sky speechless, but he felt some truth.

The sun is rising, but the temperature is not high,

When Baiye in the city opened the door, a child pointed to Daming Lake and shouted, "rainbow! There is a rainbow!"

Fang Xing squinted and saw a rainbow hanging in the sky.

Yu Qian murmured, "what a beautiful rainbow."

Fang Xing covered his eyebrows with his hands and said with a smile, "no, it\'s gorgeous. The rainbow in the morning is an excellent omen. Daming can\'t be chaotic!"