Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2001

"They killed brother Yingze!"

The body had been put down, with its tongue sticking out and looking scary.

A group of family members were crying in the door, with a loud voice, so that Yang Yan had to raise his voice.

With red eyes, he pointed to the corpse and said, "brother Yingze has gone. Who\'s next?"

The crowd gradually accumulated anger.

Gradually, anger began to burn.

They are the children of heaven\'s favorite son. No, they are the children of heaven\'s favorite son. Their father and brother are going through the formalities for returning the land in the chief secretary\'s Yamen... Fang woke up and broke into the dust.

Take back the land that they gave, which is to cut off their wealth.

But this is not the end of the world!

What they are more afraid of is Fang Xing\'s attitude.

——If the imperial power does not go to the countryside, the people will suffer!

Once this conclusion is adopted by the emperor, what is the next step?

Stationed officials?

What\'s the difference between our generation and ordinary people?

The land is gone and the right is gone. Do you want us to do business? With those pickled merchants

There\'s nothing left

What are the benefits of not receiving contributions?

Snort, whew, whew!

Red eyes!

Look ferocious!

It\'s time!

"There\'s no way to live!"

Yang Yan thought of the man\'s promise, so he raised his arms and shouted, "it\'s better to make a vigorous scene than sit and wait for death!"

Deng FA was behind the crowd. He also shouted, "Kong said Chengren, Meng said taking righteousness, and taking righteousness into benevolence is right now!"

He Shan gradually retreated in the crowd and shouted, "the army is out of the city! Many people in the street are making trouble. We can\'t miss the opportunity, and we won\'t come again..."

Young people always follow blindly, not to mention that most of their own interests have been cut off. Thinking about the future, the sadness and anger almost turn into a flame, which can burn the whole city of Jinan.

"Nothing! Nothing!!!"

A young man remembered the sadness of his father and brother at home and shouted, "burn! Burn Jinan!"

Destruction is the darkest place hidden in human heart, destroying everything, including ourselves!

Yang Yan three people withdrew from the passionate crowd, and then quietly retreated.


"Hundreds of people gathered here. They were angry and empathetic."

The three of Yang Yan retreated to a place 50 meters away from the incident. He hid behind the house and said to his companions excitedly, "see? This is blood, this is the backbone of Daming!"

The fire has been lit!


"Smash the chief secretary\'s Yamen!"


Like a fire, the crowd began to move forward.

"Just in time!"

Yang Yan looked at the sky and said, "it\'s dark now. At that time, there will be chaos. Who can make it?"

Deng FA said proudly, "let\'s get away smoothly, brother Xiuyu, withdraw!"

The crowd began to collect weapons, sticks and even bricks.

Ahead is a prosperous place of Commerce and trade. Those shopkeepers and guys are watching the excitement, but who ever thought


When these gentry children rushed into the shop waving sticks, the people on the street were stunned.

"Are they crazy?"

Seeing that the shopkeeper and the waiter were beaten and fled desperately, those peers were not calm.

Yang Yan said proudly: "it\'s not about the means of doing things, but about chaos. As long as Jinan City is in chaos, he will be unlucky when he wakes up. The more chaos, the more unlucky he will be. At that time, the world will respond, and the palace must weigh it, otherwise Daming will..."


He Shan suddenly shouted nervously behind him. Yang Yan turned back unhappily and was ready to scold.

But his mouth opened and never closed.

On the right, more than ten steps away from the hanging house, a big man was holding the handle of the knife and looked coldly at the smashing ahead.

"Yes... Yes..."

Yang Yan heard the sound of teeth bumping and the trembling voice

"It\'s Xin Laoqi!"

Yang Yan only felt the sound of banging in his chest. In an instant, the feeling of weakness began to diffuse from his heart, just like a dying person\'s rapid breathing.


Yang Yan turned and left. He didn\'t dare to run. He was worried that he would attract Xin Laoqi\'s attention.

The three quietly withdrew from the street and finally looked at each other in an alley.

Deng FA said with a strong smile, "what should we do? Fang Xing was ready to send the army out of the city, but there is a thousand household office of Jubao mountain guard in the city. Those are murderous gods!"

He Shan was a little flustered. He said, "we all forgot that the man is a famous general. By such means, it is estimated that there is nothing to hide in his eyes. We may have been watched by others."

This was like a cold wind, which made the other two shiver. They looked at both ends of the alley rigidly, and then panicked.

Deng FA held her chest in her hands and trembled. She looked at the alley and said, "I want to hide. I\'ll go out of the city tomorrow and hide in the countryside. You two, go first."

He arched his hands, then turned and left, then trotted, and finally ran fast.

He Shan couldn\'t carry it anymore. His cheeks were shaking and he arched his hands and said, "brother Xiuyu, that man is cruel and cruel, but he still has a wife and children at home. Goodbye."

He didn\'t even say he had any plans, which showed despair.

This is the despair of worrying that Yang Yan and Deng FA will reveal their own information after they are caught!

Yang Yan stood alone in the alley. The sound of smashing and shouting in the distance kept coming.

"Husband, are you killing people outside?"

"No, it\'s those scholars who are smashing."

"Ah! Are they crazy?"

"Yes, they are crazy. The Xinghe Boke is in the city and will kill later. Look at the bolt quickly. If those scholars escape and knock on the door, they will ignore them."

"I\'m sure not. Husband, you take a kitchen knife. If they break in hard, they\'ll be cut to death."

"Yes, they are all a group of madmen. I thought xinghebo had gone too far. Now I see! It\'s not enough. We should let these people be like our people..."

Just where Yang Yan stood, separated by a wall, a couple were gnashing their teeth to prepare weapons and prepare a beautiful ambush for those who failed to escape.

Yang Yan only felt cold all over. He knew he was wrong, and so was the man in royal clothes.

This is clearly temptation!

Fang Xing is tempting the gentry to make trouble!

"Fang Xing..."

A sad cry startled the couple in the wall, and soon a head came out of the wall.

"Husband, who is it?"

"Run, yo! Run so fast!"

"How fast?"

"Faster than a dog..."


In the long street, a fire broke out. A group of readers ran out of the burning shop excitedly, pointing to the spreading flame and laughing.

"My shop!"

A man with a bloody face stood outside and was pulled back, wailing as he walked.

"Go! These madmen will kill you!"

The sky gradually darkened, and the faces of those scholars looked particularly fierce in the light of the fire.

This is a group of desperate people!

Two scholars were chasing a man with a stick.

The man ran to the open ground, and the scholar behind him was holding his robe, like a cat playing with a mouse.

The man fell, he got up quickly, hit him on the back with a stick behind him, and immediately fell down heavily.

Two scholars were waving sticks, and the merchants on the side were staring at the scene.

"Uncle, do it!"

Fang Xing was outside the gate of the house where he committed suicide, and there were many people behind him.

Wu Yue could not bear it. Under the light of the fire ahead, those crazy figures made him want to rush over and let those crazy people see the power of Jubao mountain guard.