Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1999

After an autumn rain, the city of Jinan seemed to be depressed a lot.

There are fewer people on the street. Even if there are, they are in a hurry.

Rumors are flying all over Jinan at the moment.

——Xing Hebo is going to mobilize an army to kill all the gentry!

——More than 30 people have been executed outside the city!

——Those troops outside the city have red eyes, and innocent people have suffered heavy casualties!

All kinds of rumors are different, and they are jokes to those who know the situation. But the people don\'t think so. They are afraid of the army. They stay away from it.

Fortunately, the food supply has not been cut off. Those gentry and businessmen who have been awakened by Fang have been worried about their fate. I don\'t know who started it. They directly sold their purchased food at almost 50% discount, and immediately delighted the people.

But Fang woke up but just looked on coldly, and did not release any kind signal, which almost collapsed those people. It is said that most of their hair was white.

The city is gradually depressed, and Chang Yu is happy to see its success.

"It\'s better to stay at home after the agricultural season, so as to save time to be bewitched."

He is drinking tea, strong tea.

Autumn is dry. Drinking strong tea is an inexplicable trouble.

Chang Yu sat in the lobby and waited quietly.

Half an hour later, he still didn\'t move.

Footsteps came, and Qian Hui, the watchman, came in. He arched his hands with a solemn face and said, "Sir, Xinghe is coming."

Chang Yu put down his tea cup, rubbed his eyes and sighed, "what should come will come, pass it on, try your best!"

At this time, there is no difference between Yamen and the people below promise loudly.

"The momentum is like a rainbow, good!"

Fang Xing came in with his servants, Wang he and others.

He glanced across the lobby and asked, "where is Jiang xuze?"

Chang Yu had already welcomed him and said, "Lord Jiang told me that he was ill, and I agreed."

Fang Xing looked at the arrangement in the hall and said, "my father died and my mother got married. Everyone cares about everyone. Let them go!"

There was a strong evil spirit in these words, and the officials present secretly mourned for Jiang xuze.

What\'s the use of holding that family? County officials are not as good as being in charge, and Fang Xing is still an important Minister of the emperor\'s trust. If it hadn\'t been for the complicated situation in Jinan, you would have been in trouble.

Fang Xing walked to the front and turned around and said, "the army is ready and the military is ready. How about you? Are you loyal to your majesty and Daming, or do you want to help the gentry?"

"I can\'t wait."

"Just don\'t dare! Work hard!"

Fang woke up and sat down. Chang Yu winked at the officials, and then they dispersed.

"It\'s easy to plan, but difficult to implement. Your Majesty\'s overall planning in the Forbidden City depends on the loyalty of the following officials..."

Chang Yu and Qian Hui nodded and said yes. They were both a little nervous.

Fang pointed to the chair and motioned them to sit down.

"There\'s no need to be nervous. Benbo is the leader. If there\'s a mistake, it\'s Benbo\'s fault."

Fang\'s words were sonorous and powerful, and then he said coldly, "let\'s start!"


"The army has entered the city!"

Under the leadership of officers, a group of sergeants entered Jinan City and then patrolled according to the prior allocation.

Wang he stood in the middle of the road, looked at the empty street and said, "whose world is this?"

"The world of Daming!"

Yu Qian heard the sound of horse hoofs. He closed his eyes and let the sound of horse hoofs pass by.

Several sergeants beat their horses to the outside of a big house and shouted: "Yang Ju, there are more than 50 hectares of land in his family, which is a strange gift. Adults have orders. Yang Ju must arrive at the chief secretary\'s Yamen within half an hour. If he violates the time, the whole family will copy it!"

"Oh, my God! I don\'t have 50 hectares of land to offer..."

When the door opened, a middle-aged man in cloth stumbled out and said angrily: "those lands were bought by my family, this is..."

The sound was like a cuckoo crying blood, but the sergeants just gave him a cold look, and then rode away.

"Oh, my God, what\'s wrong with the Yang family..."

Wang he looked at the man shouting and said with a smile, "he also came out in cloth clothes. It can be seen that he has been preparing all the time."

Yu Qian didn\'t want to see this man\'s ugliness any more. He turned back and said, "it\'s just tough and weak. He\'ll go right away."

The city is full of troops. These gentry know how powerful they are. Who dares to resist?

Sure enough, the man was sad and angry for a long time. Without being reminded by his family, he hurried to the chief secretary\'s Yamen.

"This is an armed crackdown."

The man in royal clothes stood in the street and witnessed the scene just now. He murmured, "this is the Wufu governing the country!"

"Young master, the street is full of sergeants. Let\'s go back."

The man in royal clothes noticed the malicious eyes and said, "no problem, let\'s go to the chief secretary\'s Yamen."

He doesn\'t worry about those eyes. Now he wants Fang to wake up and lose his mind, and then do it on himself.

The gentry organized a group to find Fang Xing\'s trouble. Finally, they were fierce and weak, lost the face of the saints\' children, and made him resentful.

You can\'t!

Along the way, he met many gentry in the same direction. Most of these gentry were dressed in cloth and looked sad and angry.

The dark clouds churned in the sky, occasionally revealing a gap to let a ray of sunshine pierce down.

This ray of sunshine gave no hope, and the clouds immediately blocked the sky.

The man in royal clothes found that the gentry were slowing down.

He stopped and looked back. Looking at the string of people behind him, he couldn\'t help laughing bitterly and said, "in ancient times, there were many people in Yan and Zhao who were impassioned and Elegy, Shandong culture and Education... Where are the bones?"

The people behind him were flattering him, but they would not surpass him.

This is not respect, but... Fear! I want someone to stop the gun.

The man in royal clothes shook his head and muttered to himself. He turned and continued to move forward, but his steps were much heavier.


In the main hall, Fang Xing sat on the main seat. Chang Yu and Qian Hui went in and out from time to time, and some couldn\'t sit still.

"Uncle, there are many gentry outside."

Fang Xing was reading a book with great interest.

Hearing the speech, he closed the book and said, "all gather to the hall."

There were more and more footsteps outside. Fang woke up and walked outside the door.

The front of the hall is full of people. Those behind can\'t get in. They can only stand outside.

There was a black head, but what Fang noticed was cloth clothes and the man in royal clothes who had been slapped in the face by himself.

He didn\'t care about this. As the representative of that family, he could beat out the man in royal clothes, but it represented his guilty heart.

No, not guilty, but timid!

"Are you a lawyer?"

Fang woke up and made the man in royal clothes blush like blood.

The procurator, also known as the litigant, originated very early, but in this dynasty, he was regarded as an evil disciple. In the Hongwu and Yongle dynasties, these people had little place to live, and they can only be heard occasionally until now.

The man in royal clothes wanted to argue, but Fang Xing\'s eyes swept him.

There was a murderous look in his eyes!

The sky is overcast and the autumn wind blows strongly on the ground.

Fang woke up and stood with a negative hand and said, "the court has reached a conclusion on the strange sending of the offering. Return all of them. Do you have any objection?"

A silence, a decadent and unwilling atmosphere brewing in the gentry.

"Who objects?"

Still silent!

A gust of wind blew and a piece of fallen leaves rushed over.

The fallen leaves wiped a man\'s face. The man suddenly looked up, his eyes were sad and angry, and wanted to stop talking, but finally they all turned into a unwilling sigh.

The situation is stronger than people. The sergeants standing on both sides are waiting for action. The bayonet looks cold on people\'s back. Who dares to move?

Fang woke up and waited for a moment, then said, "it seems that you are all people with profound righteousness. Ben Bo will play his majesty. It will be good in the future."

The following reluctance is stronger.

What benefits?

The fields are gone. No matter how much money you have at home, you just eat nothing!

"Let\'s go!"

Fang woke up and nodded. A small official shouted, "come along and take a closer look at your deed. If you have any objection, put it forward immediately, otherwise it won\'t matter afterwards. Finally, draw a pledge!"