Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1981

Miao Xi gasped. He covered his stuffy chest and slowly turned around.

On the right is the palace. Those bodyguards looked at the lonely Miao Xi coldly, but no one came down to catch him.

An officer in front strode forward, stood still when he was more than ten steps away, and his cruel eyes locked on Miao Xi.

"Tell me who you are, royal guards?"

Miao Xi, holding a short knife, whispered with a smile: "no, Daming is not only the royal guards, I come from... East hall!"

The officer was confused for a moment. Someone came and said, "it\'s a place similar to the royal guards. Unexpectedly, he dared to inquire about the news. Are all the royal guards dead?"

"Yes, it\'s all dead!"

Under Sun Xiang\'s intentional or unintentional guidance, the relationship between East Hall and royal guards gradually drifted away.

So Miao Xi proudly reported his origin. He hoped

He hopes that the reputation of East Hall can spread everywhere!

He hopes his bravery can make his family live a good life!

He hopes Daming

"Mingren, I need your confession!"

The officer stared at Miao Xi and said in a deep voice, "if you don\'t want to be tortured, say it. You will be pardoned and become the person next to your highness."

The footsteps behind him stopped. Miao Xi wiped the sweat from his eyes, grinned and said, "I\'m your grandfather!"

The officer was stunned and immediately said with a grim smile, "take him!"

Two sergeants pulled out their long knives and strode forward.

The boots shook the ground.

There was silence around, only the slight vibration.

Miao Xi took a look to the right, and his eyes suddenly burst into brilliance.

"Is this the spy of the Ming people?"

Meier decided to do a big thing, so as soon as she was relaxed, she came out to have a look and relax.

Standing on the steps, he couldn\'t help laughing when he saw that Miao Xi still refused to surrender.

"Ming people are always so stubborn, which is not a good thing."

The nearby guard said, "Your Highness, it\'s the spy of Ming people. What east hall does it say?"

Meiergan is not interested in this. He doesn\'t think a spy can provide much information.

He just wanted to see if his subordinates could show the bravery of HA lie warriors in front of so many people.

Yes, a lot of people.

Those people who were ready to return home looked around silently and watched Miao Xi face two powerful soldiers alone.

The steps are gradually light.

Like a gust of wind, the long knife swept in.

The goal is not the key, but Miao Xi\'s left shoulder.

This is a way to despise and live.

Miao Xi forgot his fear. He broke forward, turned right, and then approached.

This is a means of assassination!

Assassination is never a big deal. The smaller the action, the better.

After the short knife cut off his opponent\'s two fingers, it plunged into his lower abdomen. Miao Xi turned his wrist hard, and then drew the knife.


The scream was like his previous long scream.

The second Sergeant saw that his companion abandoned his knife and stumbled back. He shouted loudly, no longer worried about living, and flashed like a long knife.

Miao Xi didn\'t even want to pick up the long knife on the ground. He quickly got out of contact and let his opponent\'s long knife fail. At the same time, he ran to Meier Gan, who was watching the war on the steps.

If I can kill him, then... Can I disrupt the upcoming merger within Harley?

His eyes are full of excitement, and his speed is getting faster and faster

Also Siya looked pale at Miao Xi rushing forward. He knew that after seeing the messengers of Fugu and Wuen, he knew that Haley had been far away from Daming.

Dongchang, who knows this name, has replaced the royal guards as the name of the new generation of secret service agencies in the Ming Dynasty.

The East factory has come out. What does that mean?

"He is very brave!"

Meier\'s cold words angered his bodyguard. One bodyguard drew a knife, strode down the steps, and coldly shouted at the sergeant chasing Miao Xi: "stop!"

This is the pride of Mier\'s work. The pursuers stopped one after another.

"He will be killed."

"Yes, Ming people... So far away, they came to spy..."

"Last time we provoked a battle and lost miserably. Today, the chaos of Hari was determined by that war, so the Ming people came..."

"Look, it\'s done."

Miao Xi rolled on the spot and hid from a knife.

When the long knife failed, the guard was ashamed and kicked it.

The goal of this kick is Miao Xi\'s neck. If you are kicked, you will have to die if you don\'t die.

Miao Xi didn\'t dodge. When the guard was surprised, he had abandoned the short knife, and a hook suddenly appeared in his right hand.

This is the hook given to him by Sheng.

Miao Xi suddenly moved his head. The foot kicked him in the shoulder. At the same time of severe pain, the humble hook caught the guard\'s heel.

Pull hard.


With a howl, the guard fell heavily to the ground.

Miao Xi\'s left shoulder couldn\'t move. He threw himself on the bodyguard with one hand and hit him hard in the throat.

One punch!

Two punches

A gust of wind blew behind him. Miao Xi, who was preparing to swing his third fist, was knocked away from behind.

He fell heavily to the ground, and his bones seemed to have scattered.

He has lost all his weapons.

He looked at the reddish sky.

The sky looked at him coldly.

Death is staring at him there, ready to harvest the dead soul from Daming


Just as a bodyguard sat on him, Miao Xi felt his head with one hand in his hair.

The bodyguard punched.


Miao Xi\'s head turned to one side.

He opened his mouth, spouted a mouthful of blood, and then smiled.

The guard frowned and took his neck in one hand.

Miao Xi waved his right hand.

The steel needle pierced into the guard\'s eyes. Miao Xi tried his best and stirred it.

The vitreous body is like a collapsing sandbar, rolling down from the orbit.

At the same time when the scream came, her face returned to calm. Mei\'er said coldly, "kill him."

A bodyguard strode down. He opened his companion who covered his eyes and was howling. Just as Miao Xi struggled to get ready, he knelt heavily on Miao Xi\'s chest


A mouthful of blood vomited out of Miao Xi\'s mouth.

He\'s still laughing.

Because he knew that Zhao Chun must have run away with people, and the night would provide cover for them. If the Hari people want to catch them, they need more people, longer time and more price.

The guard pulled out the long knife, stepped on Miao Xi\'s right hand with his left foot, and the long knife fell slowly.

Miao Xi smiled and looked at the last residual red flash in the sky.

"You will be defeated, and the war will come to Samarkand... Daming is invincible, and you will..."

The long knife slowly and firmly inserted into his chest

Miao Xi looked at the light gradually disappearing in the sky and thought of the unrecognized skeleton eaten by the beast.

"Daming... Invincible..."

The last sunset dissipated, and the blood color just flashed by.

"Is this the warrior of the Ming Dynasty?"

Meiergan thinks it\'s bad for morale. He hopes that Siya can turn this incident into a tool to attack Daming.

Also Siya looked at Miao Xi who didn\'t move, shivered and said, "most of the warriors of the Ming Dynasty are in the army, but... East hall doesn\'t belong to the army, just..."

Mier\'s eyes were more gloomy and said, "well, he is a warrior."

Also think of teeth want to defend, Meier dry has turned around.

A cold word came.

"Since he is a warrior, give him the treatment of a warrior and feed the dog!"

Also Siya\'s body was shocked and turned back and said, "brother, don\'t worry."

Mei\'er slowly turned back dissatisfied and asked, "why? Have you been determined to follow the Ming man?"

He also thought of his teeth and said solemnly, "brother, the reason why he is called a demon God is not only because of the Beijing temples he forged, but also because his vengeance will be rewarded. Yes, he will never let go of the enemies of the Ming people, especially the torture, which is almost endless."

Meier Gan watched the bodyguard stand up

Under the light, Miao Xi was motionless, and his chest was still bleeding out.

There was still a smile on his mouth, no pain, no... Fear

Mier said coldly, "feed the dog! All spies of Ming people will feed the dog in the future!"