Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1975

It\'s Tu, not jazz. The dibala family is on the move. It wants a hundred yuan to change its name. Wouldn\'t it be good to give a reward? Dibala, I\'m dizzy.


Yu Qian got on the boat and the boat immediately went offshore. When he went upstairs, he just saw Yang Yan drinking.

This man is very interesting to drink. If someone wants to drink a pot of wine, he probably uses a bowl, but he uses a small cup and drinks one cup after another.

"Tingyi, come and sit down."

Yu Qian arched his hands and sat opposite Yang Yan.

"Try it."

Fang Xing pointed to the big plate and said, "the cook has a good hand in barbecue. It tastes very good."

The kitten sent a bowl of chopsticks. Yu Qian ate one, also dipped in chili noodles, and then praised: "it\'s really good."

"I say yes... Of course it is."

Yang Yan has finished drinking a pot of wine and is a little dizzy.

He wanted to talk, but he forgot his previously typed abdominal manuscript.


Mr. 17 finally picked up chopsticks and ate mutton in silence.

Yang Yan hiccupped and suddenly found that he was redundant.

Fang wakes up drinking slowly and calmly.

Mr. 17 is eating meat. He eats it slowly and smiles.

He put down his chopsticks and said, "you can\'t go up and down, but keep the middle."

Yu Qian put down his chopsticks, stared at Mr. 17 and said angrily, "this is Daming, not your home. Country, home, you represent home, while Xinghe Bo and my official represent the country. How can there be room for negotiation?"

This man is here to smash the field, isn\'t he?

Yang Yan glanced at Mr. 17 and asked, "what did you learn? Did you forget what you learned?"

Yu Qian straightened his back and said in a loud voice, "what you have learned is what you have learned, and state affairs are state affairs. You can\'t tell this. What you have learned is selfishness. What benefits the country?"

Fang xinghuoran got up and startled Yang Yan who was preparing to refute.

But he just turned and walked outside.

There is a railing corridor outside, which is a good place to see the scenery.

Watching the light and color of the lake and tapping the railing is the way the ancients liked.

"The scenery is good."

"Yes, but I\'m a little curious. For a while, everyone wrote poems... They all had to take railings and take pictures. Do you think that railings are too unjust?"

"It\'s not wise for you to compare railings to common people and our generation to dementia literati who moan without illness."

The boat swam gently in the lake. At noon, the water waves in the lake seemed to solidify, but the clear lake water made people feel cool.

"Xinghebo, I know you have enough influence on your majesty. This is shaking the foundation of Confucianism. Your Majesty must know this."

"So what?"

"Is your science ready to replace Confucianism?"

After a silence, Mr. 17 sneered: "cancel the preferential treatment. Who is willing to study? Then it will be the scene at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Any scholar can be the magistrate. Is this the situation you want?"

"There are only so many students in Zhixing academy, and they are all petty officials, Xinghe Bo, regardless of the front and the rear. Is this your plan?"


"You\'re just an official. What you just said directly steps into the mud and spreads out... There will be countless people looking for your trouble. You\'ll have trouble sleeping and eating."

Yang Yan took the glass, looked at Yu Qian, and drank it all in one gulp.

Yu Qian looked at him coldly and said, "a clown!"

Yang Yan looked at the outside and whispered, "our strength is stronger than you think. Xinghe Bo can come here is proof. You should pay attention... Misfortune comes from the mouth."


"You\'re here, which means there\'s still room for negotiation. Canceling preferential treatment is no different from destroying the ancestral system. At the moment, what you see is calm, just like Daming Lake. It seems calm, but I know... Someone went into the water the day before yesterday and didn\'t get up again..."

"Preferential treatment can only raise a group of greedy moths. If you are not willing, change your course and devote yourself to exploring Confucian knowledge. Time changes. If you don\'t keep up, it is corruption."

Fang Xing turned back and said, "I am sincere about this. I sincerely hope that Confucianism can break away from the stereotype. Daming can\'t live without Confucianism. Daming without Confucianism will be a world of interests. That\'s not what I want to see."

He really sincerely hopes that someone can shout, the best is the family behind him, and then Confucianism reappears its vigorous vitality, hand in hand with science, one outside and one inside, to change Daming again.

Mr. 17 shook his head blankly, and then his eyes said coldly: "Xinghe Bo, the sage\'s legacy and the efforts of the sages, this is not what anyone can change if he wants to change."

The breeze was cool. Fang woke up and looked at the clear lake. He thought it was a good idea to go swimming.

"You... Blocked a road."

Fang Xing nodded slightly and entered the cabin.

Yu Qian and Yang Yan inside were like two cockfighting arguing. When Fang woke up, Yang Yan immediately shut up.

Fang woke up and glanced at him and said, "you can\'t achieve anything. You don\'t know the people\'s livelihood. What qualifications do you have to talk about."

Yang Yan\'s face was angry, but he didn\'t dare to send it out.

Fang woke up, raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "if you dare to argue with Ben Bo, you can still look up at you. You are afraid to see dignitaries... It\'s just a business of flies and dogs."

"Full of wine and food, just as the ship docked, let\'s go back."

The sound of going downstairs went away and the sound of horse hoofs sounded.

Mr. seventeen stood outside, looking at Fang Xing, who was far away, with a sneer on his face.

Yang Yan blushed and said, "this man is bullying others."

The bird\'s tongue looked gentle and said softly, "his domineering is well known. Xiuyu, it\'s not your fault."

"Sparrow tongue..."

Looking back at the scene, Mr. 17 said, "the road is dead, so... Let them feel that everything is difficult..."


Along the way, Yu Qian wanted to talk to Fang Xing several times, but he didn\'t say it in the end.

Fang woke up and saw it, but ignored it.

Back to the station, Huang Lu is already waiting.

Seeing his face sweating, Fang woke up and asked someone to send a towel.

Huang Lu carefully wiped his face with a cold towel and hissed from time to time.

This is badly exposed to the sun. It is estimated that it will molt in a few days.

Huang Lu\'s face turned red. He said comfortably, "Xing Hebo, those gentry are still cooperating, but they didn\'t make trouble. The accounting side is also fast. The lower officer took a preliminary look. It\'s shocking!"

"It\'s not that they are clever, but waiting for Benbo\'s statement."

"Statement? When?"

Fang Xing felt a little hungry, so he asked someone to get himself a bowl of noodles. Then he leaned back, put his hands on his thighs, looked at the void and said, "just now."

Huang Lu rubbed his hot face and said helplessly, "the lower official knew that he was not so light-hearted, so... Then they would make trouble, but how would they make trouble?"

"I don\'t know."

Fang Xing was thinking about Yu Qian.

Yu Qian was threatened because the other party didn\'t dare to wake up rashly, so he chose Yu Qian as an example.

However, the other party dares to threaten Yu Qian in front of Fang Xing. This is the real domineering and some warning.

Warning Fang wake up!

Fang woke up and smiled. He was not ready to comfort Yu Qian.

The officialdom of the Ming Dynasty and the gentry are actually closely linked, just like twin brothers, but one is bright and one is dark.

If Yu Qian can understand this truth from this matter and clarify the relationship and interests, he will come to Jinan in vain.

"Let me take my apprentice? Interesting."

Zhu Zhanji seemed to attach great importance to Yu Qian, which showed that he still didn\'t understand the emperor\'s way.

Zhu Di can use Ji Gang, Lu Zhen and some seemingly infamous people.

This is not that the king is close to villains, but that those gentlemen are not obedient. Therefore, the king needs a group of obedient men. It\'s best to be full of initiative and take the initiative to act for the king.