Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1971

"When I saw the farmer that day, the five members of the family were in rags, their eyes were dull, and they looked like haggard trees..."

All the officials in the hall listened carefully. They not only hoped that Fang Xing would return without success, but also hoped that he could find the root cause of the merger in Jinan and rectify it one by one.

We can abolish the tax-free preferential treatment of gentry!

Yu Qian was still reading aloud: "... Make use of famine to lend money and get 60% of the profits. The two taxes in summer and autumn are like a feast, and the grain chief and small officials go up and down. It\'s only common to fight in and out, and the money of various names makes people stunned... As soon as the people go, it is wasteland, and the local government colludes with the gentry to sell the land at the price of wasteland..."

Yang Rong\'s face trembled slightly. He only felt a burst of irritability and weakness in his internal organs.

He lives above the temple. He thinks he has been working hard for Daming, but

"... the local people are enslaved at will. They are miserable. The minister thinks that they should adopt the one tax system. Many names are cancelled, subject to the mu, the upper, middle and lower third-class fields, and the rest are wasted..."

The emperor asked someone to read the memorial, mostly to look after him and let him show his face.

This is a good job. As long as you have a good voice and speak clearly, you may read six books of history all the way in the future.

But Yu Qian\'s face didn\'t look happy, and so did the ministers.

"Petty officials are rampant, local gentry are greedy, and the people are like fish and meat."

Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes were cold and fierce. He patted the handrail and got up and said, "herdsmen, herdsmen, I see that some people regard the people as cattle and sheep, but they have become butchers!"

The officials are not natural, and they have some ideas that are not humane.

This is the shell, which Fang Xing gave to the emperor.

Shells exploded among the ministers, and various ideas about whether to abolish the tax-free treatment of gentry tended to be unified under this shell.

You say the gentry are an important part of Daming.

You said the gentry could stabilize the countryside.

You say the gentry are the foundation of Daming

These words of praise were fragmented before this shell.

"Is this the gentry of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Is this the foundation of Daming as Zhu Qing said?"

The officials were speechless. When Zhu Zhanji dished out Li Er Mao\'s Memorial, they seemed silent, but secretly played the memorial, but they kept going into the palace. All kinds of painstaking analysis, and even said that "if you change the gentry\'s preferential treatment, Daming will collapse.".

Zhu Zhanji sneered, "this is not the foundation of Daming, but the moth digging the foundation of Daming!"


Then Jinan house, but he is not a little white rabbit.

But a tiger!

The tiger is dormant. What is he thinking?


Fang Xing bent over and sniffed a yellow flower carefully.

He looked attentive and breathed slightly. He gradually raised his head and said, "flowers fall on the earth. All traffickers and pawns can enjoy them."

Huang Lu felt that he had just seen a tiger sniffing the flowers. He bowed his head and said, "Xing Hebo, those people... Are unwilling to fall into the world, so... They have gathered together, and there is violence everywhere..."

"That\'s anti France!"

Fang Xing made a definition without hesitation and said, "the general trend is like a spring tide. Some people say that people have several needs in their life, but in Ben Bo\'s opinion, it\'s nothing but idle bullshit and farts when they eat too much."

"People, just to live!"

"Benbo saw the people with blank eyes. They were desperate. They were numb. Why were they numb? Because if they were not numb... They couldn\'t live and didn\'t want to live..."

Huang Lu was awe inspiring and worried that his implementation was too soft, which made the uncle who obviously didn\'t like scholars angry.

"Those scholars do nothing all day, lean against the red and green, go down with a pot of old wine and sing some sour poems. They think they can go through heaven and earth, but do they think where their money comes from? It\'s all the blood and sweat of the people!"

Huang Lu can only say yes to this. He doesn\'t dare to wake Fang up. As for the days of those scholars... He thinks it\'s understandable.

Scholars are the bones of Daming. Without their support, what will Daming become?

He was a little confused. He was thinking about what would happen to the people who had lost the control of the gentry.

"Each county shall set up an organization to increase or decrease officials according to the number of households..."

Fang Xing stretched out his finger, gently stroked the yellow flower and asked carelessly, "how about straight pipe?"

"Imperial power goes to the countryside..."

Huang Lu\'s face changed greatly and blurted out: "Xing He Bo, I\'m afraid it\'s wrong?"

"What are you worried about?"

Huang Lu faced up to the work of cleaning up the farmland, so Fang woke up and tried. He wanted to see the officials\' views on this.

Huang Lu looked around and said nervously, "uncle, apart from anything else, since the former Song Dynasty, emperors and scholar bureaucrats ruled the world together. Daming... Daming has changed since emperor Gao, the Taizu emperor, but after all... It has come back slowly. Now the world is already stable and bold. I\'m afraid it\'s going to shake the foundation!"

"What are you worried about?"

Fang Xing asked the same question again.

Huang Lu wiped the sweat off his forehead and clenched his teeth and said, "what I\'m worried about is... Those people."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "your worry is reasonable, but you look up to them. At this time, Daming has no foreign invasion, and they can\'t borrow. At this time, Daming has enough money and food, and they don\'t have the opportunity to make a noise. Now your majesty is working hard for governance and benevolent government. Who... Dares to oppose such a Daming?"

Huang Lu just nodded, but his face was in a trance.

If you really want to let the imperial power go to the countryside, then... What\'s the matter with scholars!