Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1968

"Cynic? Interesting."

Fang woke up and missed his family. He remembered that he cried like a carefree life and death when he went out. He wished he could fly home right away.

The sun in the north is different from that in the south. It feels overwhelming and pervasive.


Zhu Zhan basically intended to choose the pilot in the south, but in the end, he was frightened by the power of the southern gentry, and finally chose Jinan proposed by Fang Xing.

He kept looking at the blue sky for a while, and then his eyes were almost as sad as being blind.

He rubbed his eyes and asked, "what does that Pan song mean?"

As a member of his entourage, Shen Shitou shoulders the important task of "protecting" Fang Xing.

According to the emperor\'s instructions, if the situation is bad, he can directly knock Fang Xing out and take him all the way back to Peiping.

"Uncle, that\'s a villain. He wants to pull a line and take the opportunity to embark on an official career."

Shen Shitou thinks pan song is a villain, but Fang wakes up but doesn\'t think so.

"People have selfish thoughts. Science can\'t transform human nature, but he made a problem for Benbo..."

"Are those students still making trouble?"

"Yes, uncle, they are standing outside the chief secretary\'s Yamen. They don\'t speak, but they are standing."

"This is a demonstration, but I don\'t dare to come to Benbo. It can be seen that they are all good at personal planning."

Fang Xing stood under the eaves, reached out and let the sun shine on his hands, feeling the scorching heat.

"The first thing is to clean up the farmland and trace the origin, but it needs the cooperation of Chang Yu."

"On Daming Lake, he didn\'t promise anything, but Benbo believed he would do it, but... He just did it."

Fang Xing felt that Jinan was like a vegetable market at this time. Everyone stopped and looked at themselves quietly.

"Let Chang Yu come."

Regardless of his rank or status, Fang Xing has the capital to let Chang Yu come.

When Chang Yu arrived, Fang woke up and took a nap. He was in good spirits.

"Benbo wants to check the fields."

Chang Yu said, "OK, I will cooperate."

"I want to check the fields carefully."

"I must be serious."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "this matter is related to the Ming national fortune. Which side is Lord Chang on?"

Chang Yu said stiffly, "of course I\'m on your Majesty\'s side."

"Well, I always like the purity of the army and the simplicity of killing. Some people say I am nine turn large intestine, but compared with you, I become a little white flower."

Fang Xing feels that people in this world will always look at problems from their own position and from their own position. Few people can look at problems without their interests.

Chang Yu\'s eyes became more active and said, "this is another kind of killing. If you prosper, you will rise to heaven, if you fail, you will die without a place to bury. I don\'t know why you are so stubborn, but I must do what I should do, and I won\'t be vague."

"Xinghebo, you can be famous both in civil and military history. The trust of the three emperors is enough to spread. You are so willing to take risks... What do you want?"

Chang Yu asked seriously, and Fang Xing answered very seriously.

"I just saw the mistake and thought that this mistake would lead to the decline of Daming, so I came."

Chang Yu was speechless and bowed down.

"I am ashamed of myself."

Chang Yu sighed, "that xinghebo\'s eyes are very serious. I know he disdains to perfunctory me with lies, so he really wants to change this situation."

Jiang xuze, the right political envoy, said in a low voice, "Sir, since the news came to Shandong, the crowd has been excited! He\'s going to make a chestnut out of the fire. We can\'t help it, but can\'t we also compensate?"

Chang Yu\'s eyes changed slightly and asked, "did the family come to you?"

Jiang xuze smiled bitterly and said, "how can the family sit still when the man arrived in Jinan? Don\'t forget that the wall collapsed... The outside world said that the man did it. It\'s an enemy meeting!"

Chang Yu patted the table and said, "don\'t see me."

"My lord..."

The level of the left and right political envoys is the same. If Jiang xuze sticks his neck and disagrees, Chang Yu can only bring the lawsuit to the front of the emperor.

But Chang Yu didn\'t hesitate. "It\'s your Majesty\'s will. Those important officials in the court agreed, but you communicated with the family secretly. No wonder xinghebo said that we are officials of the sage\'s family. No, we are officials with the sage\'s signboard."

Jiang xuze\'s eyes were cold and said, "Sir, this is like fishing for an iron chain in an oil pot. The bottom of the pot is a raging fire. I still said that. We can\'t take chestnut from the fire for him."

Chang Yu\'s eyes crossed his shoulder and said faintly, "it\'s up to you."

Jiang xuze got up and left.

It would be a big problem if there were discord between the left and right envoys, but Chang Yu didn\'t mean to stay at all.

Jiang xuze went out of the chief minister\'s Yamen, looked at the scholar who had changed a crop opposite, nodded slightly, and then went to the left.

"Good sun! Hide under the eaves."

"We can\'t go. If we go, the momentum will be weak. Let\'s stand like this and someone will change it in half an hour."

"Someone fainted..."

Jiang xuze came all the way to a mansion, which was very big, but he didn\'t want to appreciate it.

"They want to check the fields."

"Who? Is Fang awake?"

"No, Chang Yu has promised Fang Xing and will start the inventory immediately. According to my judgment, Fang Xing will gradually start cleaning up after the inventory. I\'m afraid the land offered will not be preserved."

"That man is making trouble for himself!"

In the study, a man in royal clothes stood with his hands down. He had been looking at a painting and calligraphy hanging on the wall. At the moment, he turned back and said modestly: "who still reads when he goes to duty-free and land?"

Jiang xuze nodded and said, "that\'s right. I think Fang Xing still wants to build momentum for his science. Without these privileges, will more people learn his science..."

The man in royal clothes praised and said, "Lord Jiang has a unique vision."

Jiang xuze said modestly, "Mr. 17 is flattered. It\'s a matter of wolf ambition. I\'m just watching coldly."

The man in royal clothes smiled and said, "yes, we need to watch and see what the outcome of the perverse will be."

Jiang xuze bowed to leave. The man in royal clothes sent him outside the study and watched him leave.

"Sir, this man seems to be greedy for profit."

The schoolboy who was cleaning up his pen and ink in the study muttered and expressed his views on Jiang xuze.

Mr. 17 smiled and said, "my house is just a sign. Many people want to use it, from emperors and generals to ordinary people, but the sign is a sign. Do you want to use it? Then show your sincerity..."


Sincerity is a very precious thing, which must usually be expressed by action.

Chang Yu began to show his sincerity.

On the third day Fang woke up, Huang Lu, the governor of Jinan, came to Fang\'s residence to ask for an audience.

"Xinghebo, here we go."

Fang Xing looked up at the roof and said, "is there any difficulty?"


"The lower officials go to check the fields. The local Lijia grain chief is afraid that he will obey the public and disobey the public. It\'s hard to meet the blood."

This man has some insight!

Fang Xing looked down at him and said, "don\'t the chief grain officer hope that the more people who can receive grain under the rule, the better? Then this move is only good for them. Why do they have to comply with the public and oppose the evil?"

Huang Lu said, "what the local grain chiefs fear most is the separation of households, and some hide their fields. What they are most afraid of is offering."

As soon as Fang woke up, he understood and asked, "those contributions lead to a reduction in taxes. Everyone will be used to it, right?"

Huang Lu nodded and said, "well, the grain head likes to have contributions in the places he manages, so that he can prevaricate the top, and the top can do nothing about it. Daming is like this, so he can only turn a blind eye and let him pass."

"In other words... Scholars who have obtained the tax exemption privilege are actually the backer of the grain head, and the two sides will even collude to make profits..."

"That\'s right."

Huang Lu said reluctantly, "if the chief grain goes against his will, the scholar naturally has all kinds of means to clean him up..."

Fang woke up and remembered that when he first arrived at Daming, the grain head actually came to collect taxes. He couldn\'t help smiling and said, "OK, in that case, let\'s go and have a look."