Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1936

Fang Xing just wanted to sleep in, but he was awakened by worry free outside at dawn.

The girl is lively and naive. She is the pistachio and treasure of the whole family.

Fang woke up yawning and led worry free out.

The big bug and the little bug follow lazily. As for potatoes and Ping An, the two boys have gone to class.

"Dad, yesterday the Empress Dowager asked the eldest brother and the second brother to bake something to eat!"

Worry free is wearing a light green thin jacket. Her hair is combed into two small ponytails and tossed behind her head.

Such a cute daughter woke Fang up. He said softly, "that\'s something to look forward to!"

Worry free raised his small face and asked curiously, "Dad, what is hope?"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "I just want good things. I think good things can be done."

Worry free gave a cry, then turned back and shouted, "big bug, small bug, go catch the hare!"

The two big dogs rushed to the front in high spirits and looked back at carefree from time to time.

This girl has a great atmosphere!

Fang Xing, soft in heart, took her all the way to the field and watched two big dogs running crazy.

"Niang... Niang!"

Fang woke up and turned around. When Mo Chou came near with Huanhuan in his arms, he touched his face and said, "Huanhuan calls dad."

But Huanhuan turned her head and buried it heavily in Mochou\'s chest.

Mo Chou coaxed him in a low voice, but Huanhuan still refused to call his father.

"Master, the child is a little stubborn. I\'ll teach him later."

Mo Chou said apologetically. Fang Xing shook his head: "the child has a great forgetfulness. He can\'t recognize it when I\'ve been out for so long. Just take it slow."

"Brother! Brother!"

Worry free reached out and shouted, Huanhuan suddenly turned back, and then struggled to get down.

"This little boy!"

Fang wakes up and asks Mo Chou to put the child down. Then they see wuchou walking with Huanhuan.

The farmers were working in the field in twos and threes. When they saw it, they all laughed, and the children followed and shouted.

Fang Xing took a sideways look at Mo Chou. Seeing that she was a little shy, he said, "the child is still young. Don\'t force him to learn anything. Play first. I\'ll arrange it when it\'s older."

Don\'t worry, I feel full in my heart, and happiness is about to overflow.

If you are not a strong woman, women want to have a shoulder to rely on.

And Fang Xing is their mother and son\'s shoulder, and it\'s very stable.

Fang Xing felt her loving eyes, coughed and quietly held her hand.

The two dogs ran back, their tongues sticking out, and then they circled around the two children.

The scenery here is unique, and Chen Mo\'s life is also good.

He got a holiday, but he is eager to be an official. He went to the etiquette department to report for duty today.

The head of the etiquette department was the backbone, so Hu Chen came to the "interview" in person.

As soon as they met, Hu Zhen had a good impression on the simple and honest Chen Mosheng and asked, "what is the first priority of foreign exchange?"

What rice?

Chen Mo looks at the ground awkwardly and doesn\'t know how to answer this question.

This is like a soldier who is suddenly promoted to general, and then the officer asks him about strategy. He must be at a loss.

The atmosphere of embarrassment filled the room. Chen Mo looked up and saw the disappointed color in Hu\'s eyes. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he said, "my Lord, I think it should be good."

Hu Chen was still disappointed, because such remarks were common in Fang studies, but as long as they were good, foreign vassal would be alienated over time, and Daming could only rely on force to maintain his leading position.

"As long as it\'s good, do you want a friend?"

Hu Chen\'s dissatisfaction made Chen Mo almost desperate. He blurted out: "my Lord, if you want benefits, you have to coax people, coax people, let them willingly give benefits, and think they have taken advantage of..."

Hu Zhen turned his head slightly. At the moment, he just wanted to curse and scold.

But when he thought about it, he found that Chen Mo\'s words were actually a vernacular interpretation of foreign affairs.

This man

Hu Chen suddenly gave Chen Mo a smile and asked, "where did you hear that?"

Seeing the smile, Chen Merton was as excited as beating chicken blood and said, "Sir, this is the experience of the lower official for many years!"

"When I was in Japan, I was ignorant. I watched them act, but I learned. In the end, I unconsciously coaxed those foreign vassal people, and then I got out of control..."

Hu Chen was already stunned. He had never seen an official who was not ashamed but proud of what he said.

Chen Mo continues to say, and is full of energy: "my Lord, we need someone to pretend to be fierce, someone to pretend to be honest and soft..."

Chen Mo was so excited that he unconsciously forgot where he was.

He looked obscene at Hu and said, "one soft... One hard, my Lord!"

Hu Zhen has never heard such vulgar metaphors. He feels that the ritual Department has become a green skin concentration camp, and even feels that he will probably leave a funny name in history books in the future

Chen Mo realized that he had gone too far. He immediately apologized, but Hu Chen just waved.

Chen Mo thought he was finished, so he said bitterly, "Sir, I\'m just used to talking like this. When I was overseas, the natives... You know, if I talk seriously with them, the natives will think you are hypocritical, so I\'m going to... I\'m going to be vulgar for the sake of being bright!"

Hu Chen said weakly, "go, your majesty has promised you a holiday and come back when you arrive."

As soon as Chen Mo heard this, he said happily, "Sir, I\'ll go now. If you\'re free, sir... I know that the food in a restaurant is delicious. Sir, sir... I have some wealth. Please enjoy it."

This man is too familiar!

Hu Zhen felt that he had really met a nemesis, so he said with a straight face: "bribe me face to face. Are you going to the royal guards?"

"Don\'t, my Lord, the officer is wrong, wrong!"

Chen Mo ran away. He took the initiative to say hello to the people in the etiquette department along the way. He was not enthusiastic, as if he had worked in the etiquette department for many years.

"Who is this man?"

Yan Dajian felt that the smile annoyed him a little. The people around him replied, "Sir, this is Chen Mo, who was praised by his majesty yesterday. He flew to the position of the head of the ceremony department at once. It seems that he is proud."

Yan Dajian said in a low voice, "this man looks frivolous. How can he work in the etiquette department? I\'ll go to adults and ask if I can move his job."

After seeing Hu Zhen, Yan Dajian put forward his own idea. He felt that Hu Zhen himself should also have this meaning, which was synchronized with Shangguan.

But Hu Chen\'s face was strange, but he said something: "this person is some... Rogue, but there is so many people in the etiquette department. I don\'t think it\'s a bad thing."

Yan Dajian frowned and said, "my Lord, the image of Daming can\'t be destroyed!"


Hu Zhen said thoughtfully, "since the late period of Emperor Wen, Daming has no longer treated envoys well, but people in the Ministry of rites always feel sorry. I think this atmosphere should be suppressed."

This involves Zhu Di. Yan Dajian is awed and quickly nods and says yes.

Hu Zhen smiled and said, "the details of the Frankish mission are unknown. I\'m afraid the tactics of the etiquette department will not work for them. I\'ll ask your majesty for instructions and let Chen Mo go at that time."

Yan Dajian is dissatisfied, but he doesn\'t want to oppose any more. Out of Hu\'s duty room, he looked at the sky over the ritual department and was depressed.

Hu Chen\'s words have something to say. Chen Mo\'s lead can be used as a wake-up call for Frank\'s mission. He can\'t stay out of it. At that time, the bottom line of the mission and the situation of Frank can be tested one by one.

This was a cooperation between the Ministry of rites and Fang Xing, and Yan Dajian was completely excluded.