Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1933

"What is this?"

When he saw the city wall from a distance, Bastian blinked. Later, he felt that it was not enough and rubbed his eyes again.

"Oh! What on earth is this? The city wall? So tall... And broad."

The tall city wall can\'t be seen from left to right.

The neatly arranged houses outside the city reminded the people of the mission of Frank.

"Is this heaven?"

Someone said blankly, "it\'s very neat. Put it in Tessie. This is heaven."

"Yes, this is... Heaven!"

Bastian was stunned. His attention was all on the wall. As the distance drew closer, the wall became clearer and clearer, and his mood became more and more depressed.

"The Ming people built walls in the capital, which is always ready to fight against foreign enemies. It\'s terrible!"

The people in and out of the gate are in good order. Although they are not gorgeous, they look peaceful.

Frank was in a state of war and there were some problems in the supply of food, so Bastian was very disappointed after seeing the faces of these people.

"It\'s not good news that Ming people can make people eat and wear warm."

After entering the gate, these discussions disappeared.

"I\'m stunned. It\'s really a countryman!"

Wang He disdained: "xinghebo, these people are not liars, are they?"

"No, because they can\'t get a reward."

At present, no one dares to pretend to be the Taixi mission, because Daming is more cautious about Taixi, and they can\'t get much benefit. Compared with the hard work along the way, the gain is not worth the loss.

Wang he looked back and saw the people of the mission sticking their heads out of the carriage, almost dull and greedy looking at the prosperity of the capital. He couldn\'t help feeling proud.

"Xinghebo, Daming is the kingdom."

"Yes." Fang Xing said definitely, "always!"

"Uncle, the people of the mission want to see your majesty now."

Someone in the back reported that Fang woke up and sneered, but Wang he shouted, "they stink and can\'t see their clothes. What if they smoke to your majesty? The people from the etiquette department will come soon and give them to them at that time."

After waiting for the people from the etiquette department to welcome, Fang Xing directly explained: "these people are from Franck of tessy. Keep an eye on them. Don\'t let them contact. Otherwise Benbo will kill them halfway."

Yan Dajian, who was picked up by the Ministry of rites, was stunned by Fang Xing\'s threat, and then said with a bitter smile, "xinghebo, you can\'t say this to outsiders, otherwise it will be a shock to the government and the public."

Killing the other side\'s mission almost represents an endless war.

Fang Xing said casually: "concussion is concussion, but compared with the fact and some secrets of Daming detected by them, Benbo will choose to kill them, so the etiquette department should pay attention. Benbo will enter the palace now."

Yan Dajian only smiled bitterly and bowed his hands, and then went to talk to the messenger.

"Yan Dajian, the left attendant of my official etiquette department, you are from far away tessi. You are dusty. Please follow me to wash and bathe."


Fang Xing went all the way outside the palace and Shaoqing was led in.

He took a few baths all the way. When he got to the main hall, several assistant political scholars couldn\'t help but rejoice when they saw his black face.

Zhu Zhanji saw that Fang Xing was tanned and his face was much rougher, so he said, "Xinghe Bo\'s trip is hard."

After a few polite words between monarchs and ministers, Fang woke up and began to report the results of his trip.

"... Sumatra was in chaos. The leader of the country was killed by rebels. His Highness the king of Han led his army to break the enemy and catch the rebels."

"Java is still in chaos, and the people are unable to make a living. I can\'t bear to see it, so I destroyed several forces that do the most evil..."

All the ministers raised their eyebrows together and thought that this guy\'s words would never be credible. What people can\'t bear to live on? Most of them are used as a shit stirring stick.

How innocent Java is!

"A Frankish mission came to see his majesty. The minister took them all the way back to Beijing. At present, the ritual Department has taken over."


"Yes, your majesty, from tessi. It\'s a big country."


The atmosphere immediately warmed up. Not only the officials, but also Zhu Zhanji wanted to see what the people of Taixi were like and how Taixi is now.

Fang Xing briefly introduced the situation. When it was said that Frank was fighting with his neighbors on the other side of the Strait and had been beaten almost unable to take care of himself, the ministers obviously lost interest and thought that this was just a country similar to North Korea in the past.

"Frank can\'t be underestimated. This is a country that has a great impact on the region. It doesn\'t lack fighting spirit, so I think I can talk about it, but I can\'t be honest."


This is not very good, is it?

Yang Rong felt that Fang Xing should not say this in front of everyone, which was a little embarrassing.

Fang woke up without much explanation, and then said, "Your Majesty, the Golden Foot fleet has returned."


After thinking for a while, Zhu Zhanji remembered what the Golden Foot fleet was, and then asked, "can I find something?"

The emperor only asked about the results. As for casualties, it was only after the results.

"The rubber tree seeds have been retrieved, and there are surprises."

Fang Xinglang said, "Your Majesty, they brought back not only rubber seeds, but also a new grain seed."

As soon as Zhu Zhanji heard that it was grain, he couldn\'t help but ask, "what kind of grain? How much can we produce?"


Fang Xing felt that it would be very difficult to have a famine after the Ming Dynasty, so he said happily: "Your Majesty, this thing is called corn. Looking small, he thought he could slowly improve the seeds through cultivation."


The originally happy officials immediately stopped.

But out of the trust of the other party, Zhu Zhanji immediately ordered, "go and send them."

This is a great dignity, so when the three of huangjinlu walked in the palace, they almost looked straight at each other, and their heart beat faster than the first night of marriage.

When they entered the hall, they all knelt on the ground and dared not lift their heads, let alone steal a glimpse of the emperor.

"Golden Foot..."

"Your Majesty, the little one is here."

Huangjinlu could still keep calm, but Chen Mo around him was shaking like chaff, and even heard the sound of his teeth knocking.

Zhu Zhanji said approvingly, "it\'s good that you can turn evil into right and contribute to the country."

This is a compliment from the emperor!

The Golden Foot couldn\'t carry it anymore, shaking Shane.

This little man\'s reaction was normal and reassuring to the king, so Zhu Zhanji nodded, then praised Liu Ming, and finally asked, "who is Chen Mo?"

"Your Majesty..."

Chen Mo burst into a shout. The bodyguards on the side almost wanted to rush over. Fortunately, Fang woke up and walked over to drink and scold.

"What is the crime of disturbing your majesty!"

Chen Mo quickly apologized and said, "Your Majesty, I\'m flustered. I\'m flustered."

The fat black face looked a little frightened, but it was very funny in the eyes of outsiders.

Zhu Zhanji held back his smile and asked, "I heard how much you have done overseas, but Wu Yong is superman?"

Chen Mo is stunned and looks at Fang Xing. Knowing his glorious deeds, Fang Xing twitches his cheeks and turns his head. He doesn\'t want to see this fat face full of tragedy.

Chen Mo also feels that he is a tragedy. If his "great achievements" are said, is it still worth the credit?

Yes, this guy doesn\'t care about face at all. He only cares about benefits.

Huangjinlu and Liu Ming laughed and endured very hard, so they lost their appearance. Someone coughed. They quickly hung their heads and were afraid.