Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1927

The Empress Dowager hadn\'t called Zhu Zhanji for a long time, so as soon as she heard the call, Zhu Zhanji put aside things and hurried to ningshou palace.

As soon as he entered, Zhu Zhanji saw Duanduan and Wan Wan accompany the Empress Dowager. Duanduan took a wood carving and talked about his hard work in exchange for a word of comfort and praise from the Empress Dowager from time to time.

"Empress mother."

Zhu Zhanji made some stiff salutes. He always felt that he was right, and the Empress Dowager was unwilling to intervene in politics. The mother and son were just making trouble.

The Empress Dowager took the wooden statue and sighed: "Duan Duan knows filial piety. The palace still thinks that when you were young, you loved to laugh. Your father was happy when he saw you smile, and then wiped your saliva with his sleeve..."

Zhu Zhanji was embarrassed and said, "empress mother, where are you?"

He was said to drool in front of his daughter, and Zhu Zhanji lost face.

Wan Wan covered her mouth and smiled secretly. Then Zhu Zhanji glared at her and said on the Empress Dowager\'s shoulder, "empress mother, the emperor\'s brother is a murderer."

The Empress Dowager patted her hand and asked, "where\'s Xiao Fang?"

A dog barked outside. The Empress Dowager said, "poor little Fang, who is so good, was pulled in."

Then Xiao Fang rushed in, shaking his whole body. He probably knew who was the best. He just wagged his tail at the Empress Dowager\'s feet.

The Empress Dowager leaned over and touched its head and said with a smile, "it\'s very good."

Zhu Zhanji also joked, "empress mother, why don\'t you keep a dog here?"

The room was momentarily silent.

The Empress Dowager looked up and thought, and said seriously, "OK, but it\'s better to be a dog like Xiao Fang. Those big dogs are heard to be very powerful, but they\'re too fierce."


The mother and son in the palace are as good as ever, and the mother is kind and filial to the son, but Jiao Qiren can\'t do anything.

He was assigned to Huanxian County, Shaanxi Province. In the former Song Dynasty, this was the front line, but now there is no enemy outside the Great Wall, and there is some peace.

Since it is peaceful, the county government is just living a stable life.

Yes, Shaanxi and other places, even if there is no foreign invasion, agriculture is underdeveloped under the harsh environment. Needless to say, commerce used to be available outside the Great Wall. Now there is only Xinghe city outside the Great Wall, and there is nothing beyond the vast grassland.

Therefore, Huanxian county and the whole Shaanxi have gradually declined.

Being assigned here is not Jian Yi\'s obstruction, but Fang Xing\'s arrangement.

Walking into the county government office, I felt that the house was gray and the people I saw were lazy. Even the horse dedicated to Wang Xu, the county magistrate, put his head on the fence and didn\'t have the spirit to eat the grass in the trough.

Jiao qieren went all the way to the duty room, where two colleagues Pan Zhi and Li Xincheng glanced at him, and then continued to deal with business.

The so-called petty officials are better than the factotum, but in fact they are not much different from the factotum.

Shangguan asked you to sweep the floor. Don\'t you dare not?

When Jiao Qiren first arrived, he was very warm up. He also felt that he had arrived at a good place. He couldn\'t help being grateful to each other.

"Jiao Qiren, Lord fan asked you to go."

The two colleagues had been waiting for Jiao Qiren to sit down and count the performance of the grain chiefs everywhere before they slowly reminded him.

But a quarter of an hour has passed. Jiao Qiren is neglecting Shangguan.

This is office politics, one of the means to pit opponents among colleagues. No flow, but very practical.

Jiao Qiren\'s hand stopped and sat for a moment. Then he put his brush on the pen holder and got up to find Fan Ying.

After walking under the eaves and entering the inner courtyard, the room on the right is Fan Ying\'s duty room.

The door of the duty room was not closed. Jiao Qiren remembered Xie Jin\'s instruction that officials who did not close the door were either hypocritical or did not count in their hearts. They were worried that they could not withstand the temptation, so they simply opened the door to show their innocence.

According to Jiao Qiren, although Huanxian county has declined, the more impoverished it is, the stronger the struggle and "self-motivated" among officials.

Standing at the door, Jiao Qiren whispered, "Lord fan, I\'m late."

In the place facing the window, there is a table with three wisps of long beard. Looking at the amiable middle-aged man reading a document.

Hearing the speech, the man looked to the right and frowned, "Why are you late?"

This is a question with a trap. Jiao qieren restrained his mind and said, "I just came back and heard the news."

Don\'t defend too much. If someone wants to punish you, the more you defend, the more guilty you will be.

This is Xie Jin\'s teaching.

The man is Fan Ying, the master book of Huanxian county. He coughed and said, "well, it\'s early next time."


Seeing Jiao Qiren\'s deference, Fan Ying smiled and said, "I heard that your academy is very keen on immigration. Now the chief envoy wants more immigrants from all over the country, and the rest of the people also want a variety of trees. However, the people are hard to leave their hometown, but it is difficult for Lord Wang."

Jiao qieren just smiled, but didn\'t answer the question.

Fan Ying continued: "I heard that your college is a little fastidious about immigrants. I want you to have a try. How about it?"

Jiao qieren almost broke his teeth secretly.

Elegant? What\'s elegant? How long has he been in Huanxian? I\'m not familiar with the situation everywhere. If you succeed in persuading people to emigrate, it will naturally be a thorn in the eye of the county government. If you fail, it is a ready-made crime.

He wanted to refuse, but only his eyes showed some meaning. Fan Ying smiled and said, "you\'re new. Remember, be diligent and don\'t be lazy..."

This is a blatant threat: you are neglecting the official today. If I report it, no one can make a mistake.

Moreover, you\'re picky when the Shangguan arranges you to do things. You\'re here to be a master!

Jiao qieren arched his hand and said, "yes, I\'ll go right away."

Don\'t say anything at this time. I\'ll go after lunch. That\'s another crime.

Fan Ying said with satisfaction: "well, young people should act vigorously and do well. I will look at you and won\'t lose your credit."

Jiao Qiren quits and looks at you. It\'s obvious that he should be careful and don\'t make mistakes.

Returning to the duty room, Pan Zhi smiled and said, "yo! Look at your happy smile, but Lord fan praised you?"

Li Xincheng also said with a smile: "someone came to ask if you were in. We said you were out. Later, we forgot about it. Didn\'t lord fan say anything?"

Jiao teased Ren and didn\'t speak. He packed up his things, put them in a cloth bag, slung them on his shoulder, and then went out of the duty room.

"It\'s ridiculous to think highly of yourself!"

"The petty officials are all local people. He is a foreigner. He doesn\'t know how to communicate. He shows that he can do things all day, ha ha!"


Jiao qieren led a donkey out of the corral of the county government. This donkey is the luxury bus of the county government. Whoever goes out will ride, so it is carefully served and smooth.

All the way out of the county government offices, the streets were deserted. Few customers came in and out of those shops, and the reason was spring.

We should prepare for farming in spring, but the land here can\'t compare with that elsewhere. Even if we plant potatoes, the output will be a little less.

The main street of Huanxian county is not long. When we came to the end of the street, the sound of fishing drums came.

This is a shadow play in Huanxian County, which is most loved by locals.

A piece of cloth, some paper-cut characters, these are props.

An old man\'s voice came from behind the white paper. In the daytime, the performance of those paper-cut characters was not brilliant enough, but the people were willing to see it.

The cart and horse moved slowly, and the two characters moved and shook behind the white paper.

The old voice came from behind the paper, and the onlookers were silent and focused on watching and listening.

The singing is desolate, but it seems to break the world