Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1925

The scenery in Java is good, but facing the corpses on the ground, Chen Mo retched a few times, and then the bloody smell from the splashed blood penetrated into his nose. The fishy smell made him no longer return to his previous "Wu Yong".


Chen Mo knelt on the ground and vomited out the overnight meal. He looked up dimly with tears in his eyes. The juice of vomit hung around his mouth and opened his mouth to breathe.

"Do you want to do meritorious service?"

Huangjinlu is very used to this kind of killing. He frowns at Chen Mo\'s embarrassed appearance and says, "you run around naked all day and look at your pride, but you\'re not as bold as Liu Ming. You\'re blind to your fat."

Chen Mo knelt on the ground, wiped his tears with his sleeve and wiped his mouth. Huangjinlu said disgustingly, "there are all clothes. Go and wash."

Huangjinlu killed more enemies and the smell of blood was heavier. Chen Mo covered his mouth and waved his hand, "you go away quickly. I can\'t stand the smell."

"Can\'t stand what?"

Fang Xing\'s body was also splashed with a lot of blood, even on his face.

Chen Mo said with a strong smile, "uncle, little... Vomit!" before he finished, he began to vomit wildly again.

"Have you never seen blood?"

Fang Xing said, "if you spit more, you\'ll get used to it. When you turn back, you can kill the enemy without changing your face."

Huangjinlu said, "uncle, this guy is naked all the way, cheating everywhere, but he won\'t suffer a loss. Those natives are more willing to associate with him, which has done a lot of harm..."


Fang Xing said with a smile, "you did a good job. You don\'t know how to record your deeds in history. Did you have diplomatic talent or did you get lucky?"

Chen Mo stopped vomiting, his mouth was full of residual saliva, and asked blankly, "uncle, can small people still be recorded in history? Can\'t you? It\'s said that big people only have a few strokes, and small people are just a businessman, how can they!"

The Golden Foot\'s face was red and said, "uncle, this thing..."

Fang Xing patted him on the shoulder and said in a positive tone, "you have not only found the new world, but also found these seeds. Everything is worth keeping in history, so... Just wait, and future generations will naturally make a biography for you."

Huangjinlu\'s breathing became heavier and heavier, and his body shook like drunk.

Chen Mo miraculously stops vomiting, gets up and laughs, "uncle, can you write the small... More powerful?"


Fang woke up and pointed to the vomit at the corner of his mouth, then shook his head.

Chen Mo asked angrily, "Lao Huang, I\'m really ashamed?"

Huangjinlu just felt that he was floating all over. In the pleasure of creating the peak of life, he said casually: "you are the most disgraced in the whole fleet, and you are naked all day. Word of mouth goes out. Tut! Your reputation stinks."

"Lao Huang."

Chen Mo was dejected and said, "but without my frank meeting, we would have become a local barbecue. Do you think I did it myself, I said..."

Huangjinlu has left. He needs to calm down the agitation in his heart.

How glorious is it to keep a name in history?

In this moment when the glory of your ancestors has become the mainstream thought, if you can keep a name in history, it means that you have reached the peak of your life.

He walked into the dense forest, knelt towards his hometown, and sobbed in a low voice.

"Dad, my child is also promising. Please feel at ease under the nine springs. Our Huang family will get better and better in the future..."


Wang Heyan looked at the golden foot of the dense forest with envy and said, "xinghebo, can our family have this day? At least mention a name. In those years, our family was patted on the shoulder by Emperor Wen. Can\'t we leave a name?"

Zhu gaoxu is coming this way with a hearty face.

Fang Xing said perfunctorily, "there are at least dozens of people serving Emperor Wen? Everyone has a name in history? That\'s impossible. But if you learn Huang Yan, you\'ll probably have a play."

Wang he said with awe inspiring Justice: "don\'t mention the traitor. Our family is against him!"

"Ha ha! How about Fang Xing?"

Zhu gaoxu came laughing. Fang Xing arched his hands and said, "Your Highness is powerful!"

Zhu gaoxu\'s body was almost all red. As soon as he approached the fishy smell, he rushed over.

"It\'s nothing. In those days of Jingnan disaster, the king with a team of cavalry dared to kill into the southern army, and then he could kill it out. Now he\'s old. He can\'t leave all the enemies. He\'s old!"

He was old, but Fang woke up and saw that he was proud, so he praised: "Your Highness is still invincible. You must be the first general of the country."

Zhu gaoxu couldn\'t close his mouth with a smile. Then seeing that Wang he was hiding from himself, he shouted, "I\'m in a daze and want to be a god! Don\'t you go and count the gains?"

Wang he shivered and ran away.

Others can pretend to be old under the title of supervisor, but in the eyes of Zhu gaoxu, the king of Han Dynasty, eunuchs are all slaves of his family. It\'s light to smoke you if you\'re not happy.

If you complain to the emperor? Congratulations, it\'s probably fruitless, and it will lead to more fierce retaliation from Zhu gaoxu.

Fang Xing felt that if Zhu gaoxu became a Zongzheng, he would ensure that the vassal kings of the old Zhu family were in danger.

Once this idea was generated, it could not be stopped. Fang woke up and asked tentatively, "Your Highness, what if you were asked to be Zongzheng?"

Zhu gaoxu was rubbing the solidified blood scab in his hand and said disdainfully, "that\'s a place to eat and die. I don\'t want to step there."

Fang woke up again and said, "once you take the post of Zongzheng, those vassal kings can beat and scold you! Think how proud!"

Zhu gaoxu rubbed the blood scab on his face and said, "don\'t fool Ben Wang. Just be a friend. You\'re full of bad water and roll away."

Fang woke up and said, "don\'t you feel multiple choices and multiple roads!"

This idea was dispelled by Fang Xing, and Zhu gaoxu then sent scouts to find the one with the strongest strength in Java.

Fang Xing\'s plan is to bring down the strongest ones, and then give up Java temporarily. When the time is ripe for large-scale immigration, he will directly clean them up.

After counting the gains and harvests, Wang he didn\'t dare to report to Zhu gaoxu, but came to Fang Xing.

"Xinghebo captured more than 500 people. What about these people? Can you take them back?"

Chen Mo has returned to normal. When he hears the speech, he wants to express his courage. He suggests, "uncle, or throw it all into the sea."

Fang Xing frowned at him and said, "you\'re brave. Why don\'t you help clean up those bones?"

Chen Mo\'s throat surged, quickly waved his hand and said, "uncle, it\'s just a joke, just a joke."

"On business, the army never jokes!"

Fang woke up and knocked him, then called Fu Xianlai.

Zhu gaoxu didn\'t want to take charge of these things and let Fang Xingshi do it, so he just thought about it and ordered: "all these people will be sent to Sumatra and handed over to Shi Jinqing."

Sumatra has been included in the management of the old port. Shi Jinqing\'s biggest headache now is the lack of manpower. At least these hundreds of people are also a benefit.

After Fu Xian left, Fang Xing went to ring the alarm bell for Zhu gaoxu and asked him to kill fewer people and leave some labor for Shi Jinqing.

After resting in place for a day, according to the prisoner\'s account, Zhu gaoxu and Fang Xing set out with their subordinates.

Subsequently, beacon smoke lit up again on the land of Java. The Ming army lined up and shot with fire guns, which directly defeated the largest forces in Java.

The whole java was shocked, and forces of all sizes went into the woods one after another, hoping not to be watched by the Ming army.