Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1919

"Xing Hebo, this place... Doesn\'t look like a place with people?"

Wang he put down his telescope and said anxiously, "the three ships are still on the shore. It can be seen that his Highness the king of Han didn\'t explore. It\'s disappointing!"

Zhu gaoxu\'s fleet in the distance also saw this side. Many people cheered on the shore, like

Like a beggar in distress!

"Disappointed what? No one is better?"

Fang Xing doesn\'t know what\'s going on here. He feels guilty when he thinks of Zhu gaoxu\'s temper.

When the boat approached the shore, Fang woke up and saw an angry Zhu gaoxu.

Zhu gaoxu was a lot black, shirtless and carrying an animal in his hand. He roared at Fang Xing angrily: "Fang Xing, this is the good place you said?"

The animal in his right hand was struggling desperately, and his front paws were like a boxer.

Zhu gaoxu was beaten, so he tightened his right hand, and then

"What\'s this? I hurt the king\'s command and the alligator dragons. There are big fish eating people in the sea. It\'s easy to find a place to take a bath. The water is full of alligator dragons..."

Seeing Fang Xing coming awkwardly from the board, Zhu gaoxu threw the animals in his hands on the ground and scolded: "Gou RI, wild dogs, groups of biting, and those natives, their darts will fly back and forth. This is the good place you said? Do you want to kill the king?"


Fang woke up and looked at the poor animal. He went to touch the bag, then got up and said, "Your Highness, alligator dragons can use their skin and meat, kangaroos can eat their meat, not to mention wild dogs. As for big fish... Sharks... That thing can be stabbed to death with an Internet cafe and a long gun."

"These are resources. When immigrants arrive, these are food. Your highness, this is a gift from God!"

Fang Xing\'s sincere attitude only received a sneer.

Zhu gaoxu said, "don\'t try to trick me. Come on, I\'ll throw you a dart."

Then he took out an obvious curved thing from his waist, weighed it in his hand, and threw it out.

Before Fang Xing could see the effect, all the people around him fell down, as if Zhu gaoxu had thrown out a grenade.

The thing with V-shape actually flew almost 100 meters away, and its position was erratic with an arc.

"Your Highness, great strength!"

Fang Xing praised sincerely, and then saw that the thing turned around and began to turn around.


Fang Xing blinked and felt that he must have had an illusion.

The boomerang roared back. Looking at the direction, Fang woke up and knew why everyone was lying down.

Have you been hurt by mistake?

Fang Xing still felt funny. The boomerang had flown close. Zhu gaoxu stretched out his hand to catch it, but it was empty.

Then the boomerang woke up at Fang.

I said!

When Fang woke up, it was too late to get down. He habitually shouted, "old seven!"

The sound of the long knife coming out of its sheath sounded almost at the same time, and then the light of the knife flashed.

When Bastian, who had just landed, saw Xin Laoqi\'s lightning speed, he couldn\'t help saying, "how many such people are frank?"

Probably feeling the attention, Xin Laoqi turned back, stared coldly at Bastian, and then slowly put the long knife back to its sheath.

"This is a soldier, a very powerful soldier."

Bastian was a little uncomfortable by this look, so he forced to smile and said.

Zhu gaoxu was also afraid, so he said, "it\'s all right. We\'re even."

This man is really suitable to be a friend!

Fang woke up and said, "it\'s still wild here, but it\'s good. There are many resources. You can start from scratch... Your highness."

They turned and looked at the sea.

The sun dyed the sky blue, and several clouds fluttered slowly.

The blue water is clear. At a glance, it\'s all this color. People can\'t help but breathe a little faster.

A group of seabirds flew up and down on the reef. The sound of birds came. Fang woke up, closed his eyes and murmured, "can I give it to others here?"

Zhu gaoxu shook his head, "if you don\'t give it, the king will kill him!"

In the twinkling of an eye, Zhu gaoxu remembered the "big mushroom" he met that day and asked Fang Xing.

Fang woke up and thought and guessed, "is it a tornado?"

Zhu gaoxu disdained: "the wind? The lightning almost rushed to the king!"

"How can I see a rainbow without going through wind and rain?"

Fang Xing talked nonsense casually, raised his chin at Bastian and whispered, "the mission from tessi has made a great plan."

Zhu gaoxu\'s eyes widened and said discontentedly, "then why not throw it into the sea to feed the fish? One of the king\'s bodyguards foolishly went to the sea to play. He was torn to pieces by the big fish and couldn\'t find a piece of meat."

The Bastian over there smiled at him. Fang woke up and ignored him, saying, "it\'s still fighting over there. People\'s brains are turning into dog\'s brains. I\'m wondering if I can make use of it."

Zhu gaoxu frowned and said, "you have a lot of fancy intestines, but I\'m impatient to socialize. I left to get some alligators and bake them at night."

The ferocious saltwater crocodile became prey in Zhu gaoxu\'s mouth. Fang woke up to see that he greeted more than ten people, and then went to the right.

The shore is full of Ming army tents, looking neat.

Those Sergeants are free to move outside, but Frank has fought for decades, and Bastian has long had a pair of eyes that can recognize elite and miscellaneous brands.

"Look at the eyes of those people. They are good soldiers."

At this time, all the sergeants on the ship came ashore. Under the leadership of the officer, they began to walk slowly along the coastline to adapt to the land.

"More than a thousand people."

A member of the mission whispered, "Bastian, these people\'s weapons..."

Bastian shook his head and said in disappointment, "it\'s a fire gun. It\'s not very useful, that is, the nobles hunt or defend the city. Ming people..."

At this time, tessi\'s musket was bulky, and the ignition method was backward, so the field troops could not use it at all.

"Is this the guard of honor of the Ming people?"

"Go catch the alligator dragon!"

Zhu gaoxu walked away and waved back.

Old boy!

Fang Xing also waved and smiled purely. Then he turned back, looked at the mission, smiled and said, "let them follow."

Wang he went over and shouted, "follow me."

The interpreter said happily, "Bastian, he told us to follow him and said he was going to catch a dragon."

Bastian asked, "who was that man before?"

The interpreter shook his head and said, "they all call your highness."

Bastian shrunk his eyes and whispered, "dragon?"

The interpreter nodded and said, "yes, for oriental people, the dragon symbolizes supremacy, majesty and killing."


The party walked more than three miles along the coast, and the beach was in front.

Zhu gaoxu was already standing on the beach. Looking at the alligator dragon basking in the sun in front, he shouted, "who dares to go with me!"


Bastian looked at the alligator dragons and exclaimed, and then retreated.

Tessy\'s crocodile is fierce enough, but the crocodile here is ten meters long. It\'s a monster.

But Zhu gaoxu held a machete with a long handle. With his dark upper body, he turned back to the other party and woke up and shouted, "Fang wake up, come on!"

Fang Xing waved his hand and said, "Your Highness, this thing is too powerful. I\'d better watch the war."

"No courage?"

Zhu gaoxu excites the general, but Fang Xing just shakes his head. He feels that he is more than 99% likely to be eaten by a crocodile, and the remaining 0.1 is cut to death by Zhu gaoxu.