Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1913

"Go! Spread the message everywhere. Daming Xinghe is here!"

Shi Jinqing stood on the dock and commanded solemnly.

"Yes, my Lord!"

The sergeants arched their hands with excitement and got on board. They will go to the small countries nearby, and then

Shi Jinqing watched these men get on the boat and go away. He couldn\'t help sighing: "it\'s better that no one comes!"

Several seabirds are circling on the sea. They are looking for food.

Seabirds chirp, skim the sea from time to time, then grab their prey, flap their wings and fly high, ready to find a place to enjoy a delicious meal.

The early morning sun rose gradually on the sea level, as if it were all glittering with gold.

Seabirds chirp and the sea and sky are the same. Such beautiful scenery is common to sister Shi. She doesn\'t pay attention at all.

"Dad, Xing Hebo is just being polite to us. If others don\'t obey, he will probably start an army to destroy the country."

Shi Erjie said proudly, but Shi Jinqing was a little confused: "father Zheng is here."

Second sister Shi wrinkled her nose, smiled naughtily like a little girl and said, "Dad, Xinghe Boke is your Majesty\'s teacher."

Shi Jinqing suddenly realized, patted his head and said, "it\'s because my father wants to fork over. Well, it\'s best to destroy several small countries, and then there will be peace here."

Sister Shi smiled and said, "yes, Dad, you didn\'t see the appearance of those messengers after the former Emperor said he couldn\'t go to sea. Now it\'s good. Your majesty and xinghebo have the same idea. Those small countries dare not make a new attempt."

Shi Jinqing nodded, then turned back and said, "the army is hard-working. Our people should go out to sea to guard more, so that the army can relax."

But Fu Xian\'s men refused to relax. The warships were divided into three shifts and set sail in turn to explore in the direction of Sumatra on the left.

Fang Xing was stationed in the old port. Scouts were constantly sent to Sumatra, and the whole army began to train.

The murderous atmosphere made the soldiers and people of Jiugang very happy. They were eager to destroy Sumatra, and then they lost a strong neighbor.

The news of scouts kept coming back. The current situation of the struggle between the two forces in Sumatra made Fang Xing very happy.

"Emperor Wen was preparing to dispose of the former Prince and then let the fisherman\'s son ascend, but this is not in the interests of Daming. Now it seems that it is indeed so."

Fang Xing is only worried about Zhu gaoxu. He is worried that the guy will suddenly go crazy and run around the world with the three ships.

Wang he likes to drink Jiugang wine recently, especially a wine brewed by local unique plant fruits. It tastes fragrant and fascinating.

"Xing Hebo, go back as soon as possible!"

Wang he certainly wouldn\'t drink early in the morning, but last night he had a fight with Shi Jinqing and got a hangover.

"It\'s easy for us to come out, but your majesty is alone!"

Wang he drank too much last night. Now he talks too much. He talks like a menopausal woman.

"Your Majesty is surrounded by wolves. Those people are waiting for the opportunity to suppress your majesty. If you are still better, you can at least mix up. You are not here. Alas! There are those students. Their life is hard."

Fang woke up to look at him and said, "Your Majesty is not a child. He has to face those challenges alone. Whether he wins or loses, with experience, it\'s OK. In addition, those students should also be honed."

The students of the academy have always been protected by Fang and awed by Zhu Zhanji, so they really didn\'t encounter any difficulties.

The plain sailing days are good, but they are less honed, which is also the reason why Fang wakes up and doesn\'t care.

Wang he thought Fang Xing\'s heart was too cruel and said, "but those students are seeds! That\'s what you said. Don\'t you feel bad about missing a seed?"

"What do I love?"

Fang woke up and looked at the sunny ground outside the house. He said, "jade is not carved, it is not good, it is not right, it can\'t stand temptation, and it has no judgment. I am the head of the mountain, but I can\'t take care of them all my life. It\'s not the head of the mountain, but Mammy."

When Zhu Zhanji asked Fang to wake up from Beijing, he didn\'t want to see how the wind and cloud changed. No one dared to kill the king. I really can\'t carry it. Fang Xing will kill it back naturally, and then everyone did it.

Wang he is worried about his adopted son. He is worried about whether his adopted son has been bullied. He wants to fly back to Peiping immediately and watch the child grow up.

Fang woke up, went to the door, looked at the castle and said, "this is the foundation. Daming laid the foundation here. How many floors he wants to build in the future depends on whether the pile hole is deep enough. The capital..."


A few days later, the news of the death of the Sumatran leader in "suppressing bandits" came, and Fang Xing immediately called everyone to discuss the matter.

The wine is really delicious. It\'s a little hot. Fang woke up and simply iced it as a summer drink.

"Treason killed the Lord of Sumatra, which is sad news."

Fang Xing bowed his head slightly to express his condolences, and everyone followed suit. But a few seconds later, Fang Xing looked up and said, "rebellion is not allowed in this sea area, so..."

After Zhu Di ascended the throne and Zheng He went to sea, Daming was the arbiter and regulator of this sea area, so Fang Xing\'s words made people feel that the war was about to ignite.

"Well, those rebels have captured the palace. The blood in the palace is terrible."

Fang woke up with sad eyes, clenched his fists and looked indignant.

"Daming will not succumb to rebellion. The heroic soul of the Lord is not far away. Benbo decided..."

Do it!

Shi Jinqing has long had enough of Sumatra\'s evil neighbor. Second sister Shi also wants to wipe out Sumatra and wash her shame.

Wu Yue was also looking forward to it. After going to sea, the only shot was at the alligator dragon, which made him feel a little depressed.

Fang woke up, touched his chin, sighed and said compassionately, "it\'s said that the relatives of the Lord of the country are in the rebel\'s hands. Throw a rat repellent weapon! What can I do!"

Shi Jinqing was stunned and then numb.

Sister Shi was a little surprised. She got along with Fang Xing more and knew more about Fang Xing\'s temperament.

The demon God changed to a vegetarian?

Wu Yue was still thinking, and Wang he said with a sly smile, "Xinghe Bo, this is... Yes! How can we watch the relatives of the LORD be... Ah! Our family is distressed, not to mention Xinghe Bo, wait."

Wu Yue patted his thigh. It was not that he was stupid, but that he just looked at the problem from the perspective of a martial artist. After being a little by Wang He, he immediately understood.

"Uncle, be careful! What if we attack Sumatra and the rebels tear up the ticket?"

Rough embryo!

Fang woke up and said discontentedly, "what is tearing up tickets? Nonsense!"

Shi Jinqing coughed, "uncle, there are some capable people here. Why don\'t you let them explore the way? At least it\'s a intention!"

Fang woke up and said, "Lord Shi is really warm-hearted. Go and arrange the people right away and ask for the exact news. If you rebel, dare to tear... Dare to do it, we will avenge the Lord!"

Shi Jinqing got up and bowed his hands. Second sister Shi followed him out.

When the father and daughter went outside, sister Shi said gloomily, "Dad, why don\'t you call directly?"

Shi Jinqing smiled and stretched out his hand to touch her head. In the twinkling of an eye, he thought that his daughter had even children, so he gave up his intimate move and said, "a teacher is famous. Remember, it\'s best to have great righteousness in doing things. As long as there is great righteousness, evil is better than good."