Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1909

Fang woke up and looked at the gift list, then smiled and said, "come and have a banquet. Benbo will invite the messenger to drink."

The messenger was ignorant. He didn\'t know why Fang woke up and became angry and then happy.

If it\'s joy to see the gift list, according to the messenger\'s understanding, the present man\'s wealth is not low, and it\'s not easy to enjoy.


Wine and vegetables were sent in like flowing water. The most was alligator meat. All kinds of practices had a pleasant aroma.

"Come on, Siam and Daming have been friends for many years. When friends come, have good wine and sit down!"

The messenger sat down trembling. When Fang woke up and poured wine for him, he was almost crazy.

After three rounds of wine, Fang woke up and sighed, "the Chaozhong is tired of overseas now. It costs too much, so Ben Bo was sent out."

The messenger sneered in his heart: you coax ghosts! Who doesn\'t know you are a pioneer in opening up overseas.

The greatest dissatisfaction of civil servants in the Ming Dynasty was the Academy, followed by a positive attitude towards the outside world.

Fang Xing drank in a hurry. When he was drunk, he suddenly patted the table, and then said with red eyes, "this is Daming\'s, all Daming\'s!"

The messenger is funny in his heart. What are you wearing! This is your prototype!

"We\'re going home! Go home!"

At this time, there was a noise outside. The messenger moved in his heart, raised his glass and pretended to drink too much, but his eyes secretly peeped at Fang awake from the side of the glass.

"Madder, a bunch of animals!"

Fang Xing\'s face was livid, and the knuckles of his hand holding the wine cup turned white.

The messenger sneered in his heart and shook his body slightly, as if he had been drunk.

He squinted and watched Fang Xing tiptoe out. Then he quietly turned back, walked to the edge of the tent, lifted a little curtain and looked out.

"What are they doing?"

A group of sergeants were wrestling in the camp. As soon as Fang woke up, they were all brought together.

"Nothing to do?"

Fang woke up and drank low.

The sergeants timidly shrank back, and one of them shouted, "uncle, the court wants to ban the sea! We\'re just coming out, but we\'re going to be unlucky to go back against a lot of impeachment!"

"Who said that? Stand up! Get out!"

Fang Xing murderously pulled out a long knife from Xin Laoqi\'s waist. Wang he advised: "xinghebo, your majesty will be very painful if you can let us out. Forget it, we\'ll go back after a tour. At least we\'ll have an explanation."

"Get out!"

Fang Xing pointed to the pile of sergeants and shouted. Then Xin Laoqi went in with his servants, kicked them for a while, and took a sergeant out.

The sergeant was forced to kneel in front of Fang Xing and begged for mercy loudly.

Fang XINGSEN looked at the group of sergeants and said, "this time, we should at least get Java, otherwise Benbo how can we have the face to go back?"

Wang he stamped his feet on the side and sighed. He wanted to come forward several times, but he looked at Fang Xing\'s long knife and stepped back.

Fang woke up and looked down at the sergeant, sneered and said, "what crime should you do to break my military heart?"

As soon as the sergeant raised his head and shouted uncle, spare your life, he waved his long knife and cut it off.

When the blood arrow splashed, Fang woke up and took back the knife. He said with a grim smile, "who wants to make trouble?"

There was no sound. The sergeants shook their heads desperately, and some even choked.

Fang Xing threw the knife to Xin Laoqi and said, "go back to the camp!"

The messenger saw him turn around and hurried back to his seat. When Fang woke up, he smelled a bloody smell.

"It\'s the means to open the dense place of flowers and willows. When the wind and rain are urgent, you can stand still and see your feet!"

This is Fang Xing\'s mumbling words, which he said with fatigue.

The messenger was finally carried out. After returning to the tent, he immediately called his entourage.

"What is the morale of the Ming army now?"

The attendant whispered, "it\'s very bad. Someone is yelling and scolding in secret."

The messenger said with a slight smile, "go and ask everyone what this means... It\'s the means to open the dense place of flowers and willows. When the wind and rain are urgent, you can stand still and see your feet. Ask what this means?"

When the mission came out, there were people who were familiar with the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty and first read poetry and books.

Soon the entourage came back. He said, "my Lord, this means being entangled and in bad circumstances. It means being besieged. The people who say this want to strengthen their confidence."

The messenger smiled and said, "go and find out where the man who was cut to death was."

When the entourage pretended to be walking outside the tent and looked around, there was a fire outside the camp. Then someone scolded: "uncle has an order. This man is unforgivable and threw him into the sea to feed fish."

Then the fire outside was put out. With a torch outside the camp door, you can see several people dragging a human thing to the beach.


The next morning, the messenger went to the wharf to deliver the goods on the gift list.

After one night\'s scouring by the waves, there are more things on the shore. Naturally, no one cares about the shellfish, but a gnawed and unrecognized corpse is disgusting.

Someone from the Ming army came and said hello, so a fast ship came. The sailors on the ship hooked the bones with hooks, and then the fast ship went to the sea.

"These are all first-class goods. Be careful not to get dirty."

The messenger pretended to scold the natives who unloaded the goods, and then looked to the right. Seeing that the Ming army on the ship had a sad face, he turned around and said to Wang He, "Grandpa Wang, after unloading the goods, the foreign minister invited you to have a drink?"

Wang he looked melancholy, waved his hand and said, "it\'s all right. The Lord here is coming again. We\'re not free."

When the messenger looked, he saw a group of people gathered around a sedan chair to the outside of the camp. Then he was checked for a long time before he could enter.

After unloading the goods, Wang he hurriedly said, "there are many messengers, so we won\'t stay. See you in the capital next time."

The messenger was stunned and said, "Grandpa Wang, don\'t the fleet bring foreign ministers to Beijing?"

Wang he didn\'t turn back. He hurried to the camp and said casually, "Grandpa Zheng will naturally take you back."

The messenger gave a cry, and then said discontentedly, "when we return home, we\'ll wait for father-in-law Zheng by the sea."

Their ship stayed slowly at the dock for a long time until the LORD came out and looked at the disheartened, then they left the shore.

In the tent, Fang Xing sits high on it, Wang he sits on one side, and below are all generals and servants in the army.

"Ha ha ha!"

After a burst of laughter in the tent, Wang he blinked and said, "that guy thought our family was worried! He didn\'t leave until the LORD went out."

Fang Xing rubbed his eyes and said, "in order to coax him, I didn\'t sleep all night last night."

Wu Yue praised: "uncle, those sergeants thought it was true last night. The lower officer hasn\'t told them until now."

Fang Xing yawned and said, "I\'ll recite a bad name first and wait until I get on the boat."

Then someone outside opened the curtain, but it was a knife.

The knife rubbed his neck and came in to salute. Fang woke up and asked, "does the neck still hurt?"

The knife shook his head and said, "Sir, it doesn\'t hurt. It was shocked last night. The blood bag burst open and was cut to a blue piece."

Xin Laoqi took a look and said, "it\'s all right. It\'ll be fine in a few days."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "I know you work hard. I\'ll give you a bottle of wine later."

"Thank you, sir!"

The sharp appearance of the knife made Wang he laugh and scold: "the little rabbit is cunning. Turn back and Xinghe will clean you up."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I hope this play is not in vain, otherwise Ben bock will be impolite!"

Wang he said proudly, "xinghebo, the Lord of Manchuria thought we were not satisfied. After we and Duke Zheng return home, we will see the Siamese people!"