Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1907

His Highness The Prince of Daming killed a fierce alligator dragon himself. After the news was spread, the Lord rushed outside the camp to meet Zhu gaoxu within an hour.

Zhu gaoxu was tossed miserably by the military doctor, but after tossing, his right foot was much better.

The LORD came in a sedan chair, was intercepted outside the camp, and then walked inside.

When he entered the room full of medicine, the Lord of the kingdom said hello skillfully.

"Isn\'t it an explanation day? HMM!"

Zhu gaoxu is not a fool. Seeing the Lord of state appear, he feels he has been provoked.

The Lord of the state said in panic that he was unwell. Zhu gaoxu shouted, "unwell? What does the sedan chair do outside?"

Fang Xing falsely advised, "Your Highness, the LORD looks pale. Most of them are sick. Since the two countries are friendly, forget it."

Zhu gaoxu angrily said some dissatisfied words. Fang woke up and took over the right to speak. He said with a smile: "Siam has been eyeing your country. Fortunately, Daming has been stable recently, which has deterred those people. However... But Daming\'s fleet costs a lot to go back and forth. Lord, do you want trade or protection?"

When the LORD heard the interpreter\'s words, he smiled and said, "the kingdom is kind. Xiao Wang only wishes he could not go to Daming for a long time and see Tianyan sooner or later."

Fang woke up, nodded and smiled kindly: "should your envoys see the Lord?"

The Lord nodded. He already knew that Daming had changed two emperors in two years, so he thought that there would be a struggle within Daming, which was a little slower.

As a result, when the news of Zhu gaoxu\'s arrival came, especially the arrival of Fang Xing, the great demon God, made him almost split his liver and gall.

He may not know Fang Xing\'s distinguished past, but after the messenger\'s words, he could no longer sit still.

——That\'s a demon!

Fang Xing was still dizzy. He rubbed his eyebrows. He didn\'t feel like a symptom of seasickness. Then he said, "all the goods brought this time are on board. The Lord of the country will go and have a look tomorrow. Record what you want, and then exchange it with gold and silver."

The Lord smiled bitterly and said, "Xinghe Bo, I don\'t have much gold and silver in my country!"

"Then use tin."

Manlaka has tin mines, and they are in the hands of the Lord of the kingdom.

The Lord hesitated and said, "tin, this is my money, xinghebo..."

"Change as much as you can."

The Lord\'s face was gloomy, and then asked, "Xing Hebo, where are the incense?"

Manraga is rich in several kinds of incense and ebony.

Fang woke up and nodded, "yes, but the share must be controlled below 30%

The Lord of the state got up disappointed and left. Fang woke up and sent him out. When he came back, Zhu gaoxu took off his boots without image. When he saw him coming in, he asked, "how about going out?"

Fang Xing said angrily, "then your majesty is a tyrant!"

These small countries are obedient, and Daming needs manchuka to block Siam. No, it\'s a containment.

"If a big country wants to rise, just being tough is not a long method. Daming has resourceful people, an invincible and fearless army, wise kings and hardworking people. What are we afraid of with these?"

Zhu gaoxu disdained: "simple things make people headache. What\'s the difference between you and those civil servants?"

Fang Xing drank a cup of tea. The water quality was not good. He frowned and said, "it\'s not simple. After all, there can\'t be only Ming people in the world. Therefore, if you want to maintain the authority of Daming for a long time, you must use both soft and hard, and formulate strategies according to your national strength."

"It\'s refreshing to be tough, but it will also lead to widespread notoriety. Maybe it can temporarily suppress overseas, but have you ever thought that it\'s a good feeling when there are a group of unwilling and ambitious people under the rule of Daming?"

"Kill it!"

Zhu gaoxu\'s strategy is hard bridge and hard horse. Let\'s just put our horses here.

When Fang woke up and heard the noise outside, he knew that the alligator dragons had been brought. He got up and said, "the world is bigger than you and I can imagine. Among them, there are Daming\'s friends and Daming\'s enemies. What we need is to unite those friends. Yes, unite them."

Fang Xing said that justice was awe inspiring, but Zhu gaoxu just sneered and said, "how many countries have you destroyed?"

Fang Xing coughed and said, "this moment is another moment!"

Then he was ready to go out. Zhu gaoxu said contemptuously behind him, "I don\'t want to face you and those civil servants who have nine big intestines."

Fang woke up, didn\'t look back, waved his hand, and then went out of the house.

As soon as I went out, I saw those carriages carrying huge alligator dragons. The carriage came slowly and laboriously, and the two horses couldn\'t pull the cart stably.

The alligator\'s long tail dragged on the ground, leaving a deep trace behind.

Wang he changed his clothes and came out. When he saw it, he said happily, "xinghebo, how to fix this thing?"

Fang Xing didn\'t eat it either. He tangled for a while and ordered, "peel it first and clean up the internal organs."

The natives outside the camp couldn\'t come in. They were curious to see the Ming army dissecting alligator dragons with various knives outside.

The scene was bloody. When the tender red meat was exposed, Fang woke up and said, "wash it, then cut it into pieces, and eat braised alligator dragon meat in the camp today!"

Without the expected cheers, Wu Yue muttered, "uncle, this is an alligator dragon. Can you eat it? Don\'t be poisonous or have any retribution?"

Fang Xing turned around and kicked him. He stumbled and scolded, "what bullshit poison, what retribution? I\'ll eat it later!"

Wu Yue stood still and said with a smile, "don\'t, uncle. I\'ll eat first, and I\'ll eat first."

Fang Xing felt guilty. He had heard of eating crocodile meat in his previous life, but he didn\'t see it in person and didn\'t know how to do it.

But toxic is certainly impossible.


A crocodile dragon has more than 1000 kg. When a pile of crocodile dragons are untied, the meat is really piled up like a mountain.

Fang woke up and looked at the meat mountain. He said hello to the cook and then broke down the task.

"Uncle, I\'m afraid one person has three or four kilograms of meat!"

Fang woke up, squinted at the hot sun and said, "make the extra dried meat."

The supply of the fleet is very troublesome. After coming out of Taiping port, some food can be supplied along the way, but meat is very difficult, so these alligator meat is an unexpected supplement.

"Zheng He\'s fleet has arrived in heaven?"

Fang Xing is calculating the time. There is a team of scouts on Zheng He\'s fleet. They will land on the Tianfang coastline, and then go deep into it to inquire about the news of all parties.

"Uncle, in fact, we can go ashore and have a look."

This was the first time Fu Xian took the fleet out of xiaoryukyu, so he was eager to have a chance to make achievements.

Fang Xing shook his head: "the situation over there is complex. Meat fans, ha lie and those two sheep are there. With the cunning Tianfang people, rash intervention is easy to cause accidents."

Fang Xing\'s biggest worry is to trigger the impulse of charming expansion of meat in advance, which will cause a chain reaction, and the Taixi people will certainly change with it.

He hoped that the Taixi people would continue to fight until the end of time and the mountains and rivers were broken, so as to make time for Daming to clean up his surroundings.

The smell of meat gradually began to diffuse. The sergeants and sailors in the camp were sniffing. The saying that alligator dragons were poisonous disappeared under the temptation of this smell.


Tianfang, Zheng He took people ashore. Tianfang people who had been informed for a long time rushed to the seaside to participate in the once-in-a-lifetime commercial rally in recent years.

At this time, a team of scouts quietly disappeared on the vast coastline under the leadership of Fang Wu.