Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1855

Jiao qieren rushed all the way to Peiping, "Guozijian?"


Jin Youzi\'s eyes brightened and said, "yes! The students who come out of the Imperial College may not be able to arrange. Why should those who know the Academy give priority?"

Huang Huai Fu Xu agreed: "yes! The Imperial College can\'t arrange it. Why give preferential treatment to private colleges?"

Yang Pu\'s expressionless brush slowly smeared the article until the whole paper became an ink ball.

Everyone quietly handled their business. Yang Pu quietly squeezed the paper into a ball and got up and went outside.

Jin Youzi shook his head slightly. Yang Shiqi was helpless, but Yang Rong looked at Yang Pu\'s back meaningfully and was afraid.


"Let\'s have a Jiupin."

Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing were walking outside the hall. Song Chengzhen followed him with a broom, like a bodyguard.

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "you are an official at first. No matter whether they have this ability or not, I don\'t think it\'s advisable. In the future, it\'s best to slowly form rules. No matter who is a scholar or where people are, they should start with small officials first. What they don\'t want to do is speculation and get out!"

Zhu Zhanji said with a bitter smile: "this idea is undoubtedly the best, but... It\'s equivalent to a decisive battle. At the moment, I don\'t have any confidence!"

"I also think it\'s scary. The counterattack will make people frightened. It\'s not a problem that the army can solve, so it needs to be imperceptible and force them to adapt and change step by step."

At this time, Shen Shitou came in a hurry and reported: "Your Majesty, someone went to the Imperial College to say..."

He looked at Fang Xing and said with a smile, "does it mean that the students of Zhixing academy are going to grab jobs with them?"

Shen Shitou nodded and said, "those students began to make trouble, but they were pressed down."

Zhu Zhanji said faintly, "since the emperor Taizu Gao began, he has repeatedly warned that students are not allowed to discuss politics. Many of the eunuchs are not even students. They are impulsive and think they will be famous all over the world. They wish they could meet at the lower level of the king and grant Xiangyin... In fact, they regard themselves as very high and useless."

Zhu Zhanji pondered for a moment and said, "in the future, the Imperial College should control it and not let it become the birthplace of officials. If you want to be an official, you should bow down. You don\'t understand the people\'s livelihood and the world is difficult. How can you be an official? It will only harm the people!"

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "remember Wang Jinggong?"

Zhu Zhanji said: "yes, Wang Jinggong was at a loss when he was an official. Later, he learned from the pain and has been looking for the opportunity to serve as a people-friendly official, but he couldn\'t help it."

Fang woke up and sighed, "yes! Wang Jinggong\'s great talent and ambition still feel that he has not learned enough and wants to sink down. This is to worry that he doesn\'t understand the top and the bottom. It\'s like a blind man touching an elephant. There are naturally many mistakes and omissions in governance. If he started from a small official, I think it would be much better."