Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1823

Fang Xing strode in, glanced across the room and said, "Your Highness, what do you want to know about the capital?"

Although Jiang Xun has tried his best to cover up, Fang Xing still noticed some anger.

And Zhu Quan was still light. After sitting down, he asked, "what does the king mean when he heard that Jianshu was released?"

Fang Xing\'s knees couldn\'t kneel, so he crossed his legs. He put his hands on his knees and said, "Your Majesty has a responsibility. Don\'t think about past gratitude and resentment. Let Jianshu return to the people."

Fang woke up, looked up at Zhu Quan, who was calm and light, and said, "Your Highness thinks it\'s Jianshu\'s happiness or his own happiness?"

Zhu Quan glanced at Fang and woke up, pointed to the book on the small table and said, "heaven and earth are long and have no return. Only Tao is our belonging. After a hundred years, dust returns to dust and earth returns to earth. Who can hide this belonging, whether emperors, generals or civilians?"

Fang Xing\'s body tilted back slightly and said with a smile, "yes, dust returns to dust and earth returns to earth. The emperors and generals plan in every way. Before time, it is still the predecessors who plant trees and future generations enjoy the cool."

Zhu Quan nodded and said, "I didn\'t expect you to have some understanding. Would you like to practice Taoism with me? Experience the relationship between heaven and man."

Fang woke up with a smile and said, "predecessors planted trees, but future generations may not be able to enjoy the cool. If you plant a poisonous tree and future generations edify under it every day, it will harm others, yourself and future generations. Does your highness think so?"

Zhu Quan raised his eyes and slowly woke Fang\'s smiling eyes.

There is no electric light flashing, no tit for tat, some are just plain.

Fang Xing\'s right hand moved slightly, touched the tube of eye drops around his waist, and said in his heart: I was ready before I came today. Come on! Look at each other!

He smiled, and gradually he couldn\'t laugh.

If a person is not intentional, he can not blink for a long time.

But when you deliberately do not blink, ensure that time will disappoint you.

Fang Xing\'s eyes began to sour. It was like something was stimulating his eyes. He almost subconsciously wanted to blink.

Zhu Quan\'s eyes were still steady. Seeing Fang Xing turning his eyes, he shook his head slightly and said, "what do you want?"

Fang Xing forgot to blink and said in a deep voice, "guard!"

Zhu Quan shook his head and said contemptuously, "what is the king without the guard? Are you worthy to let the king do it because I am a knife and a fish?"

Fang Xing also shook his head and sneered: "Your Highness alluded to your majesty. Fang Mou Quan should be talking about himself, but... Who does your highness think he is?"

Jiang Xun changed his color on the edge and was ready to scold. Fang woke up but said angrily: "Benbo has fought for the country, destroyed three countries and countless tribes. Your highness guarded the edge for the country in those years. Can you make such achievements?"

When Zhu Quan was granted the title of Daning, he joined forces with Zhu Di and others on many occasions to fight in the fortress. However, in terms of war achievements, he could not compare with Fang Xing.

Zhu Quan shook his head slowly and proudly supported him to complete the action.

He disdains sophistry!

Fang Xing, with a straight back, asked, "Your Highness has read a lot and can be called erudite. Has there ever been a book that benefited the people?"

Zhu Quan is erudite, but his most time-consuming is Taoism.

Zhu Quan said contemptuously, "you are just a fish with eyes mixed with pearls. How do you deserve to talk about knowledge with the king!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "your self righteous knowledge is just idle and boring in Fang\'s opinion. Your highness, your time is running out, and Fang\'s patience is also running out. Whether you are at peace or at war, Fang will wait for your Highness\'s decision and leave!"

Fang woke up and went away. Jiang Xun couldn\'t help saying, "Your Highness, this is coercion. We must make a decision!"

Zhu Quan said faintly, "no matter what, the shaft in the capital dare not kill the king. Why be eager? Come and play a song with the king."

The sound of piano and drum came out slowly and melodiously.

When Fang woke up to the music in the palace, he couldn\'t help praising: "if it\'s really piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it\'s omnipotent. If it\'s fun, it\'s natural!"

Yang Lin, who accompanied him out, sneered: "Your Highness studies heaven and man. What is Xinghe Bole?"

Fang Xing strode forward, suddenly laughed and said, "the world is stupid, trying to steal the secret of heaven!"

Yang Lin followed Zhu Quan for a long time. Naturally, he knew the meaning of this. He sent Fang Xing out of the palace and came back to see Zhu Quan.

"Your Highness, the other side is suggesting that you want to rebel."

Zhu Quan kept his hands and the sound of the piano was gurgling. He lowered his eyes slightly, and Yang Lin bowed down and left.

After a song, Zhu Quan closed his eyes and said, "persecution is too prosperous!"

Jiang Xun said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, make a decision! I will arrange people to raid at night. First wake up my subordinates and then control the avant-garde through Cheng Yun. Nanchang is yours! Then we will raid Jinling immediately. As long as we win the treasure ship, we can attack and defend..."

His words were stopped by Zhu Quan shaking his head gently.

"We are weak."

Zhu Quan said, "we are weak and dare not resist..."

"Yes, your highness."

Jiang Xun understood Zhu Quan\'s meaning and went to find Yang Lin immediately.

"Recently, remove the people staring at Fang Xing. Don\'t move, but be prepared."


"Find out everywhere and get ready to do it!"

When Fang woke up and returned to the camp, he convened the meeting.

"Has the Taoist temple outside the city been found out?"

Wu Yue said, "uncle, it\'s hard to check. There are strict guards there. There must be something shady."

"Qingben beauty, how can I be a thief!"

I admire Zhu Quan\'s knowledge, but now he hinders the general trend.

"In front of the general trend, everything is a mantis!"

"Keep an eye on Chen Qingnian and Cheng Yun. When they meet again, take it immediately!"

Fang Xing said murderously, "Benbo will be forced step by step to see if he is against it!"


It has been two days since King Ning\'s residence was loose outside and tight inside. Even fewer people came in and out.

This morning, Cheng Yun went to see Zhu Quan, then went out of the palace and went straight to Nanchang avant-garde.

"What are you doing here?"

After Fang Xing suddenly attacked three merchants in the city, Chen Qingnian has been nervous for fear that he will be the next one.

Cheng Yun arched his hand and said, "brother, there is an explanation in the house. Recently, no, the avant-garde must be prepared for that man\'s day in the city."

"You... What do you want to do?"

Chen Qingnian turned pale, pointed to Cheng Yun and shouted, "get out! Get out! Get out of here!"

Two sergeants came in outside. Chen Qingnian scolded, "get out!"

The two Sergeants are Chen Qingnian\'s confidants. Naturally, knowing their relationship, they shrink their necks and go out and close the door.

Cheng Yun was still smiling, but his words made Chen Qingnian tremble.

"Brother, Fang Xing doesn\'t move you for the time being because he wants to paralyze your highness with you. Do you really think you can get away?"

Chen Qingnian was paralyzed, sat in his chair, pointed to Cheng Yun and scolded: "you said that you made more money by lending, I heard your nonsense, and then you coerced me... You beast, you were down in the world. I saw that you were a scholar, so I married my sister to you, but now you avenge me... God, let\'s remember that thunder killed this beast!"

Cheng Yun said coldly, "look, you are like a shrew now. If your highness had known you were so weak, you should have changed you directly! Sit down and tell you that your highness is your Majesty\'s uncle now. Who dares to touch him?"

Chen Qingnian has lost his sense of propriety. He said fiercely, "what should I do now? Cheng Yun, if I am taken, I will give you up immediately!"

Cheng Yun said modestly, "Your Highness, Fang Xing, no matter how brave he is, he doesn\'t dare to move us..."

"My Lord, someone broke into the camp..."

Two people in the room changed color instantly.
