Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1748

I\'m dazzled. I typed the wrong word. I\'m grateful to the alliance leader of "Shenxuan and Han". I\'m sorry.

The title can\'t be modified. I\'m sorry.


The two garrisons rotate into Xinghe city under construction every day. They use all kinds of means to ambush the harassed enemy. After several times, they can\'t find the enemy again.

Lu fan is very satisfied with this. According to him, if the construction period is delayed, he, the right waiter of the Ministry of work, probably won\'t want to return to Beijing. He just stays here for a term.

After the completion of Xinghe City, a government will be built here. According to the urine of civil servants, even if they are promoted to three levels, no one will take office.

So Lu fan is just joking. Even if he is an "expert" in architecture, even if the magistrate here is highly qualified to be second-class, he still doesn\'t like it.

But Zhong Ding is determined to make contributions outside the Great Wall. Especially after Fang Xing promised to help his family get together, Zhong Ding\'s spirit is better and better.

Those Tatars had nothing to do at this time. Zhong Ding organized them to work at the construction site to earn money and food. For a time, the whole construction site was in full swing.

The carts carrying materials came in a steady stream from the Xuanfu. The prisoners were driven to unload. Looking at the scene, there was some chaos.

Fang Xing frowned outside the city and said, "keep an eye on it. Be careful of being damaged."

Lu Fan said proudly, "the lower official brought many craftsmen. Their main duty is to teach the captives. They have to check. If there are mistakes and omissions, they will also have bad luck, so they try their best!"

The cart made deep ruts on the grass, and the cattle and horses were steaming. The driver shouted loudly. They can harvest a lot of money and food after a trip, which Fang Xing insisted.

"Draw a trip to settle an account, so that the people can see the benefits. Who will do it..."

Fang Xing pointed to the distant Jingguan and said, "then go there and keep company with them."

Lu Fan thought of the Beijing temple he had a curious look at a few days ago. He couldn\'t help shivering and said, "it\'s strange that those Tatars regard the Beijing temple stone as a God, Xinghe Bo. It\'s a sexual sacrifice!"

When Fang Xing saw a civilian man roaring at a lazy prisoner, he smiled and said, "different people have different opinions on whether to worship or not. It is an eye, the eyes of the people and the eyes of the victims. The military should reflect on it. It will always be a disgrace to Daming."

Zhong Ding coordinated at the scene, kicked the prisoner and followed him. The civilian man stood on the side and made a protective gesture.

When was the relationship between officials and people so harmonious in Daming?

Fang Xing\'s eyes were deep, "officials should protect the people. Those lives are just a series of numbers in emperors and generals, but I don\'t know how much blood and tears they contain. When you see them, you have to act. Don\'t be reserved, let alone follow the flow. You can say no regrets and say it\'s worth your life after a hundred years!"

Lu Fan looked at Fang Xing\'s side face curiously and said: "it has long been a common thing in officialdom to welcome and serve Shangguan. Xinghebo, since you became an official, you have done something different. Some people say you flatter the public..."

Fang Xing pointed to his eyes and said, "I can see things decades later. All they can see is things under their feet. My goal is the prosperity of Daming. Their goal is to get promoted and get rich. Different goals naturally act differently."

"Someone ran away..."

At this time, someone shouted in front. Before the Tatar cavalry attacked, a group of civilian men rushed over with long knives.

For the sake of safety on the road, all civilian men were given long knives and took them back when they were finished.

With the help of the chaos caused by the arrival of the convoy, the two captives rushed to the distance. The Tatar cavalry didn\'t want to start now. They knew that they would only die of cold and hunger on their legs on the grassland, so they were ready to pick them up when the two crazy guys ran out of strength.

But those civilian men took the initiative to pursue, which made the Tatars feel at a loss.

Are these still honest people?

"Uncle, look!"

Zhong Ding is very excited and points to the other side.

Fang woke up and looked at the scene and said with great satisfaction, "Daming people should take the initiative and don\'t be numb. When everyone takes the initiative, this Daming will shock the world!"

The two prisoners heard the cry behind them. They looked back and ran desperately and desperately in despair.


"Run slowly, miss."

Outside Xinghe castle, worry free is running on the grass, with potatoes and Ping\'an beside her.

Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao followed in small steps.

In spring, the grassland is full of tender grass. The weather is beautiful. Today, the sun is shining, so worry free begged to come out and play.

Zhang Shuhui, Xiaobai and Mo Chou also want to follow, but a large team arrived today, so they can only wait for the next time.

Breathing the air with the fragrance of tender grass, they ran forward carefree and happy. Those who went in and out of Xinghe Castle couldn\'t help looking at it with a smile.


Worry free is obviously more sticky and Fang wakes up. This change makes Fang wake up secretly proud.

Worry free stood still and looked slowly from left to right, but didn\'t see Fang awake.

Her little mouth pouted and turned back and said, "brother, where\'s dad?"

Potato pointed to Xinghe City: "Dad is on the construction site."

"I\'m going to find dad."

Worry free frowns, but potato is embarrassed.

Xin Laoqi came over and said, "Miss, there are many people over there. It\'s dangerous."

"Dad didn\'t take me..."

Old Xin looked soft in his heart and said, "the master will come back later. When the city is built, the young lady can go."

Worry free flat mouth turned around and looked at the endless carts going to Xinghe city.

Several white clouds floated in the sky, blocking most of the sun. The sunlight scattered from the gap looks like lines. In the light and dark, it is like heaven and hell intertwined.

Tudou and Ping\'an advised for a while, but worry free shook his head and said he wanted to wait for Fang to wake up.

So potatoes and Ping\'an played with her on the side, while Xin Laoqi and knife watched.


"Got them!"

The civilian men chased after each other and finally caught the two prisoners. After a while of punching and kicking, the two unlucky people were brought back.

"I\'ll go back first. Watch here."

Fang Xing knew that the two people would be arranged to do the heaviest work. No one could know how long they could live.

Captive labor has now become a means for Daming to reduce domestic labor, otherwise the two men will be executed in public to warn the prisoners.



Carefree, who was playing with her two brothers, saw Fang Xing in the distance. She ran over cheering, and Fang Xing also saw her daughter and got off the horse with a laugh.

"Who is that?"

Xin Laoqi saw two men suddenly running out of the big team on the return trip. One of them ran towards Fang Xing, and the other\'s goal was


In an instant, Xin Laoqi started like a cheetah.

Fang Xing has a servant there who doesn\'t need him to worry, but worry free\'s side is

"Worry free!"

Tudou and Ping An also saw the man. They both regretted that they didn\'t follow, so they also began to run towards worry free.

Worry free running, happy running.

When she saw the short knife in the man\'s hand on the left, she couldn\'t help stopping.

"Worry free! Run!"

Fang Xing has got on the horse again, but he is far away, but he has no time to rescue.

Worry free looks at Fang Xing again and seems at a loss.

She looked sideways at the man who had rushed over and thought blankly.

A little girl who has never seen killing

The man looked strange, like excited, but with despair.

He dashed over and waved his knife.

He knew he couldn\'t escape and didn\'t want to escape. He just wanted to kill himself with a short knife after he killed the little girl.

The consequences of being caught are too tragic!

Worry free frowned and looked at the short knife waving and cutting quickly. She didn\'t know what it meant. She didn\'t know the man and didn\'t want to play with him.

Because he is so ugly

I won\'t play with you!

The dark shadow suddenly flashed in front of her. Worry free heard the sound of something being broken, just like the sound of cutting meat she heard when she secretly went to the kitchen to see the flower mother cook.

The blood flashed, and carefree was picked up by someone. Immediately, the person holding her turned around and covered the blood and fighting.