Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1746

The two full-time eunuchs behind Zhu gaochi couldn\'t help staring at Song Chengcheng. If it were someone else, they would find a way to kill him.

But song Chengcheng and others dared not move. First, Zhu gaochi would reward him some food and small things from time to time. It was easy to be found when he moved.

But what they fear most is that Xinghe Bo.

Everyone knows that the prince announced with an iron fist in the south that he doesn\'t like compromise. When he takes office, the xinghebo will certainly rise. At that time, the two eunuchs standing aside will not be able to afford a blow.

Zhu gaochi\'s eyebrows and eyes were milder and said, "you\'ll get busy. Remember to eat later. Don\'t always wait for leftovers."

"Don\'t worry, your majesty. I\'m full now. I don\'t have to wait for leftovers."


Seeing this giggle, Zhu gaochi felt more warm in his heart.

The deep palace is unpredictable. I don\'t know what\'s hidden under countless respectful faces. It\'s a surprise to have a simple guy.

Zhu gaochi turned and looked coldly: "the south is too noisy. Can\'t we catch corruption and dereliction of duty? Or do we have to wait for their consent before we catch anyone? Shall I abdicate and let them choose the new emperor?"

Yang Rong sighed in his heart. Knowing that he was going to press down, he bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I know. When I turn back, I\'ll ask my colleagues to discuss the matter."

Shoufu Shoufu, everything needs the emperor to wake up, which is no different from dereliction of duty.


Zhu gaochi looked at Yang Rong\'s back and slowly disappeared into his sight. Suddenly, a kind of loneliness and desolation came into his heart.

Are emperors like this?

Zhu gaochi didn\'t know. Recalling his grandfather and father, he felt lucky enough.

Those two are really lonely. They only have Daming in their eyes, and the rest are just chess pieces.

Heaven and earth are chessboards and all living beings are chessmen. This is the supreme way of emperors.

After entering the warm Pavilion, Zhu gaochi asked casually, "how\'s Liao Chang recently?"

Cheng Er glanced out and said, "Your Majesty, Liao Chang often burns incense recently, hiding from burning. Every time he burns three sticks, he comes out with a face of happiness and satisfaction, that is, blinking."

Zhu gaochi nodded slightly, closed his eyes and said, "the Shuntian mansion can\'t be chaotic. The upright son doesn\'t know the depth, but it has helped me. The background of Feng Ping is interesting. I wanted to see who would help him this time... Unexpectedly... It\'s estimated that most of the fallen stones. Worthless chess pieces are naturally discarded!"

Cheng 2 knew it was talking to himself, so he floated back.

Zhu gaochi thought for a moment and asked someone to help him to the back Kunning palace.


"Empress mother, Xiao Fang snores at night!"

Wan Wan sat with the queen and tried to pick up Xiao Fang. As a result, she only picked up her upper body.

Seeing Xiao Fang\'s helplessness on her face, the queen smiled and said, "the dog can snore, but Xiao Fang is loyal. You should be careful. It can help you in the future."

Wan Wan let go, Xiao Fang fell to the ground, lay on the side and looked lazily at the door.

The queen put the dessert plate beside Wan Wan. Looking at her daughter\'s charming face, she couldn\'t help admiring: "look at your face, just like the shelled eggs. Let someone match you with some good powder and dress up well."

Wan Wan looked at the snacks but didn\'t want to eat them. She touched her face and said, "empress mother, I don\'t like powdering!"

The queen said with a smile, "you look as fresh and tender as the flowers and bones in the morning. Don\'t wipe it."

"Wipe what?"

"Your Majesty..."

When Zhu gaochi came in and saw Wan Wan also there, he smiled and said, "just, can Wan Wan drink soup today? It tastes excellent."

Wan Wan came to Fu Shen and said, "father, drink it, light, but with the fragrance of lotus leaves."

Zhu gaochi said with a smile: "you are still young. You should eat more. Don\'t learn those dieters. You look skinny and can be blown down by a gust of wind."

This is about a concubine in the palace. The man has a demon like persistence in slimming down and probably wants to be Zhao Feiyan\'s second.

And Wan Wan\'s figure can\'t see the trend of obesity. Zhu gaochi looks at her as easygoing as a child.

Wan Wan saw that he had something to say, so she left skillfully.

Watching Xiao Fang follow Wan Wan out step by step, Zhu gaochi\'s smile remained unchanged and said faintly: "pay attention to several children, especially his son."

The queen, as the head of the harem, must be sharp. Her eyes narrowed and asked, "Your Majesty, but does anyone want to be a demon?"

Zhu gaochi picked up a snack and smelled it. He said, "the king of Jin is a little uneasy. I beat him a few times this time. It\'s hard to deal with those relatives. I\'m more anxious, but I\'m not in a hurry! Zhanji just moved in the south, and the public opinion was loud."

The queen said with fierce eyes: "the South has always been a place where there is no king\'s law. Don\'t be soft, your majesty."

Zhu gaochi threw a finger sized snack into his mouth, felt the taste, and said, "Zhanji is no longer soft, the southern officialdom is shaking, and there is an endless stream of letters. I also beat it. If the north and the south are connected in series, I will naturally let them know what is a king, what is a minister, what is truth, what is... Hegemony!"

The queen glanced at him with complicated eyes. The emperor was famous for being soft and good at listening to suggestions when he was crown prince, but he changed only a little more than a year after he ascended the throne.

"Watch them, don\'t be bewitched."


Zhixing academy continued to open classes after Fang Xing\'s family left. Xie Jin also stared at it every day as usual. He occasionally went to a few Confucianism classes and brought a few science classes.

Apart from class, he sat in the room where he could see the classroom through the window, drinking tea, reading books and taking a nap. His days seemed to be wasted.

After class, the students on the playground went to the classroom one after another. Xie Jin nodded with satisfaction when he saw that their footsteps were not disordered.

But one person went from the playground to the gate. Xie Jin snorted when he saw it, but he didn\'t ask.


"Your Highness, where are we going?"

The bodyguard Qi Laoliu and the other three followed Zhu Zhanyong out of the Academy. Seeing that Zhu Zhanyong was somewhat aimless, he asked.

Zhu Zhanyong didn\'t know where he should go. The world was so big that he felt that he had no place to live.

He is an old man in the Academy. He and a group of students who entered the Academy graduated. Some went to teach science everywhere, and some went to make a living

His position in the Academy became more and more embarrassing. Except for a few acquaintances, most of the later students kept away from him.

"Go to the big market."


Zhu Zhanyong likes Du Hailin\'s spring roll stall and the taste of the market.

When he came to the big market, he saw that Du Hailin\'s stall was full of people in front. Zhu Zhanyong walked around from behind, washed his hands and skillfully helped Du Hailin make spring rolls.

Du Hailin smiled at him, but he was used to it.

Some of those customers were impatient, so they drank and scolded Du Hailin and Zhu Zhanyong, and both smiled and apologized.

Before long, after dealing with this wave of customers, they finally relaxed.

"Your Highness has no class?"

Zhu Zhanyong\'s eyebrows stretched, "I can do all those classes. I\'ll come out if I don\'t have a test today."

After chatting for a while, Zhu Zhanyong suddenly asked, "Mr. Du, how do you think this man is interesting to live?"

Du Hailin smiled, picked up a towel to wipe his hands and said, "you tell me. I thought reading was the most interesting. I read and read all day. I felt that I was a little higher than others. Don\'t mention how proud I am."

Du Hailin was able to express his psychological process freely and naturally without any concealment.

"Later, my daughter was going to get married, and there was a sudden lack of income at home. I remembered that my wife and daughter had been supporting the family. I was ashamed. I didn\'t sleep all night, and then I ruthlessly lost face and learned this spring roll."

"At first, it\'s a little uncomfortable. I always feel that everyone\'s eyes at me are ridicule and ridicule. I\'m embarrassed!"

"Later, I began to make money. When I went home and gave the money to my wife, I had more indescribable pride in my heart. Slowly, I watched myself feed my wife and children. The idea of being superior in the past naturally went with the wind."

Seeing that Zhu Zhanyong was a little out of his mind, Du Hailin forgot himself, patted him on the shoulder like his son Duchamp, and said, "this man should be real. Don\'t aim too high. First get yourself right and get your relatives right. If you still have spirit, then toss other things."

Zhu Zhanyong nodded and bowed his hand to leave.

"How does this man feel depressed? Did his majesty show him his face?"

Looking at Zhu Zhanyong\'s lonely back, Du Hailin felt that the royal family\'s troubles were really inexplicable.

"Get me two spring rolls!"

"Coming, coming!"