Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1743

"They want to go to Daming and see the colorful world."

Ah Tai said without blushing that those Tatar nobles who had been clever a lot, as if he was willing to continue to stick outside the Great Wall.

Fang woke up and looked at the cloak he was wearing. I don\'t know what fur this cloak is made of. It\'s smooth and worth a lot at a glance.

The clock is coming. He has gained some weight. Fang woke up and saw that ah Tai was more afraid after he appeared, so he said, "I heard you did a good job, making the Tatars yearn for Daming."

Zhong Ding was originally an official exiled outside the Great Wall. Fortunately, he got a job of "educating people" in the Tatar department. At present, it seems that he did a good job. Moreover, there are some petty officials under his command, and no one dares to provoke him in the Tatar department. His life is really carefree.

"Uncle, thanks to the wisdom of the Lord..."

Zhong Ding spoke in a measured way, but ah Tai waved his hand and said, "I\'m just a bullet. Lord Zhong worked hard. Without Lord Zhong, today\'s Tatar department would not be so prosperous."

Zhong Ding smiled and bowed his hand. As for the prosperity of Tatar department, it was just that they could freely exchange and sell special products with Daming.

"You are all working hard. Daming will not forget, and your majesty will not forget."

Fang Xing was very satisfied with the current structure of the Tatar department. He encouraged Zhong Ding: "after Xinghe city is built, Ben Bo will recommend it to his majesty."

Zhong Ding smiles and bows his hands. In front of Atai, he and Fang Xing are his own people, so of course we can\'t use that kind of officialdom to express our gratitude.

Ah Tai said with a smile, "the king congratulated Lord Zhong first."

"You\'re welcome, Lord."

Fang woke up and looked at the interaction between the two people. He was curious about how Zhong Ding cleaned up ah Tai.

"I just have a good relationship with some nobles, and I have a good relationship with King Ning."

Atai is back. Xinghe city is going to start work. His people are going to monitor.

Win over differentiation?

Fang Xing felt that Zhong Ding was definitely a buried talent, but he was drowned in the sea of officials.

"Where\'s the family?"

Since he is a talented person and thanks to the state, Fang Xing feels that he should not be so troubled.

Zhong Ding was stunned, and then said bitterly: "I\'ve been brought here... I don\'t have any position. My wife and children don\'t know what\'s going on at home. I don\'t dare to think about it at ordinary times. I just miss it when I dream back in the middle of the night..."

"My wife is very virtuous and my dog is intelligent. If I hadn\'t been greedy... Now..."

Zhong Ding looked dejected, and then said with a smile, "it\'s vain to say these at this time. Uncle, Daming officials don\'t want to go out, but the lower officials will take advantage."

"Well, you\'ll probably take advantage of it and fly directly."

Fang wakes up and goes to the city. Tudou and Ping\'an can\'t ride a horse. The two children looked strange with their legs tilted.

When they got home, Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai saw that the two children\'s walking posture was strange. They knew what was going on without explanation.

"Go inside and take off your pants, take off your clothes!"

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai each grabbed their son into the house, and then a terrible howl came out.

"Sir, they have been riding for a long time today, but I just want to teach them a lesson. Naturally, I will arrange less in the future, so as not to become the hoop leg you said."

Fang Xing lowered his head and tried his best to close his legs together. He went in with his hands and said, "they said that the heel is excellent, and the gap between my legs is not big."

The so-called circular legs on horseback are mostly caused by incorrect posture. In other words, those who got the hoop legs are actually amateur riders.

Xin Laoqi also closed his legs together, then giggled, and went to someone to discuss the secret of teaching potatoes and safe riding.

Fang woke up to see Huanhuan. Because the child was small, Zhang Shuhui asked the army craftsmen to build a small iron stove to make a fire in Mochou\'s house for heating.

It was warm in the room. Fang Xing sat by the stove with Huanhuan in his arms and asked casually. Don\'t worry about making small clothes on the side.

"How do you feel?"

"The people here are simple, and you are here!"

Mo Chou looked up and smiled, his eyebrows full of warmth.

"Follow the chicken, follow the dog, marry an uncle and go everywhere."

Fang Xing also smiled. Then they were silent and enjoyed the warmth flowing secretly.


But Fugu didn\'t enjoy the warmth, just felt cold.

After returning to the camp, the Hari people took the lead in sending scouts. Wu en, shocked by the fire gun array, worried that he would be raided at night.

The decision was right, but he didn\'t consult with fugu.

Then the camps on both sides were also very clear. Although the two sides were not on guard against each other, the cold air formed a wall in the middle.

Wall of estrangement!

Dinner is simple, dead bread. This is the result of the battle after the servant Gu came out of the side wall, otherwise Wuen won\'t stick to it until the beginning of spring.

The dead bread was very bad. Fugu ate one with warm water, and then got up to find Wuen.

Wuen\'s tent is no longer the size of the prince, but larger than others. At least people don\'t have to bow their heads when they go in.

Wuen was also eating, but there was a sheep\'s head and dead bread.

The sheep\'s head was boiled soft and rotten. Wuen chewed it with his arms and covered his face with glue.

Seeing that servant Gu came in, Wu en bit off the last bit of meat on the sheep\'s neck, his cheeks agitated and went into his stomach twice.

The servant sat down and said in a deep voice, "do you want to go back?"

Wuen was picking the skin on the sheep\'s head with a knife. Hearing the speech, he said, "Ha lie is caught in the middle. Sooner or later, it will be a sacrifice of a big country. What am I going to do? Fight with those brothers? Die quickly!"

A smile appeared on Pu Gu\'s face, "yes, Hari was once prosperous. Samarkand\'s caravan used to communicate things. It was prosperous for a while, but there was no support after all. Today\'s world is no longer stable. The countries in the West are at war and have been fighting for decades. In the East, you lost to the Ming people..."

Wu en ate a sheep\'s face with a knife, nodded and said, "yes, we were defeated, and then began to fight inside. Don\'t fight inside... See the posture of the Ming people? They are unwilling to be lonely, so they made an exception and began to build a city outside the side wall. The wolf\'s ambition is well known all over the world. Fugu, your life is not easy... Don\'t lie to me, I\'m not stupid!"

He inserted the knife into the sheep\'s eye socket, wiped his hand with a black towel and said, "you don\'t have much supply. At that time, I remember someone was injured, Fugu, and Haley was still surrounded. You just wanted to use us, didn\'t you?"

Fugu smiled: "No, it\'s joint efforts! If you don\'t want to be driven or enslaved by the Ming people, then join hands, or where do you want to escape? Only the unpredictable north, where many people can freeze to death every year. And how can you survive there? Grazing? Heavy snow will freeze your sheep to death. Farming? The seeds you sow will never sprout... So you have no choice, but we can March to the west, as long as you take Byzantium, Wuen, the meat fan will live. "

Wun lifted a sheepskin bag from the side and shook it. He could tell from the sound that there was not much wine in it.

He opened the stopper and took a gulp, and his eyes began to turn red.

"Those two sheep are still there, aren\'t they?"


Fugu no longer conceals it and tells it frankly.

"We need to work together!"

Wuen took another sip of wine and said with a smile, "what about resultant force?"


"It\'s impossible for Ming people to send an army again. Their emperor is too fat, which I have seen with my own eyes. Moreover, there are contradictions within them. The relationship between the demon God and civil servants is very poor. Just like their previous dynasties, when civil servants think he is a great threat, the demon God will become a sacrifice for civil servants, and there will be no place to die..."

"So we should unite and unite Hari!"

Pu Gu said seriously, "if the Ming people don\'t send an army, the demon God can\'t stop us from tearing down Xinghe City, his reinforcements will eventually become a joke. If their army comes, we will guerrilla and let them consume food and grass. Although Daming is rich, he can\'t afford such consumption!"

Wun looked at him, and all he saw from those eyes was sincerity.

"I can\'t talk to my brothers."

"Perhaps the news of the arrival of the demon God can help them know the truth of being consistent with the outside world."

Servant Gu smiled and said, if not, he would drag Wuen in until he consumed all the people and horses.

Wu en pulled out his knife, wiped it with a towel and said, "I don\'t know. After the death of the Ming emperor, they all thought that the Ming people were no longer threatened, so they were in high spirits and the people were unable to make a living."

"The devil will wake them up."

Fugu still insists on this.

"Yes! Frightening demon God, after seeing the Beijing Temple, my men went crazy and killed them all!"

Wuen clapped his hands and a man came in outside the account.

"Take this knife and tell my brothers that the demon God is coming. If you don\'t want to die, abandon the idea of dominating Haley alone and gather together."

Wuen and servant Gu went out of the tent, and the sound of horses\' hoofs went away in the night.

The camp was dark, and Wuen said, "light a torch to illuminate the way home for those greedy people!"

So the torch was lit and one was placed not far away.

Looking at these extended flames, Fugu was silent. He missed home, his wife and children, and everything he was... Familiar with.

Wuen slowly turned back and said, "it\'s too far from Hari. Before that, Fugu, what we need is harassment. It was foolish to hit hard earlier."

Servant Gu nodded, and they stretched out their palms and hit each other.

In the crisp sound, the covenant took shape.