Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1703


The bustling streets suddenly became chaotic. The people fled everywhere. No one dared to help Shenyang


Shenyang struggled to hold the opponent\'s attack. He was stabbed in the right face, his skin rolled up, and his face was bleeding.

The assassin behind him waved a knife to cut off Shenyang\'s head.


Shenyang suddenly shouted, and then the man fell back. The long knife behind him rubbed his scalp. At the same time, his long knife also swung back.

This is not a sabre from royal guards, but a treasure Sabre found in Ha lie in Shenyang.

The long knife flashed, and a pair of human legs were on the ground. The assassin behind him rushed forward and was stabbed by his companion.

Without consternation or regret, the assassin rushed over and slashed with a long knife to Shenyang\'s right shoulder.

Shenyang\'s right face is full of blood, and his right eye has been pasted by blood. He can\'t see clearly at all.


Shenyang didn\'t need to see it clearly. He shouted bravely, and the long knife also slashed.

This is life for life!

I don\'t want to live anymore

There was no panic in the assassin\'s eyes, but a surprise. He also didn\'t dodge. He also wanted to die with Shenyang.

Shenyang\'s long knife smoothly cut into the assassin\'s left shoulder, but the assassin stayed in place.

A long arrow was inserted into the assassin\'s forehead, and the shaft was still shaking.

Shenyang didn\'t look back. He pulled out his long knife and the assassin fell down.

"Almost hit by an arrow!"

Shenyang felt his head. He was half a head shorter than the assassin. If the arrow was a little lower just now, he was unlucky.

Turning back, Shenyang smiled at Fang Xing who got off the horse and said, "thank you, uncle."

Fang Xing had seen the tragedy of blood flowing all over his face, but the wound on Shenyang\'s face still let him take a breath.

"Go in!"

Fang Xing pointed to the shops with scattered doors, and then said to the people of the five cities army and Horse Department: "find out the origin of the assassin."

When I entered the shop, I saw a lot of things scattered on the ground.

Shenyang bent over and picked up a few yellow paper money and wanted to cover the wound on his face at will.

"If you want to die, you can build it!"

Shenyang\'s hand went down, and then wiped the blood with yellow paper, but the blood kept flowing, and soon dyed the yellow paper and his hand red.

"Sit down, old seven, and deal with his wound."

There is a chair in the room, but there is stool on it. It looks like it was pulled today.

"What virtue is this?"

Fang woke up and frowned. The knife took the chair out. Shenyang had to sit on a pile of yellow paper, and then said to Xin Laoqi, "this is a cloth strip. Tighten it hard. At least the gap is not so big in the future."

Xin Laoqi took out a medicine bag for each of the monks, opened it, took out the needle and thread, and said, "bear it."

Shenyang smiled and involved the wound on his face, but he didn\'t feel it: "thank you, brother seven."

After threading the needle, when the first needle goes down, Fang wakes up and turns around.

Fang Xing always couldn\'t bear the suffering of his own people. He picked up a piece of yellow paper and compared it with the paper money in the future. He found that there was a big gap.

In the past, when there was a lot of copper money, people with a little money would bury copper money with them. Later, copper resources were scarce, so yellow paper was used instead, implying copper money and gold.

There is a pile of rushes piled on the side. At present, this thing is mostly used to pave under the corpses.

"Three days without fire burning paper money, paper money can\'t get the yellow spring!"

Fang Xing put down the yellow paper. At this time, the people of the five cities army and Horse Department came in.

"Uncle, it\'s from outside the Great Wall."

"Ha lie\'s... Hiss!"

Shenyang added that as soon as the meat on his face was pulled by the thread, his painful face was distorted.

"Don\'t move!"

Xin Laoqi\'s hand was very heavy. With a casual pull, Shenyang\'s head was taken over. Finally, he couldn\'t help screaming.

The two pieces of opened meat were forcibly pulled together by needles and threads. Blood flowed across the room, and the room was full of bloody smell.

"Human blood stinks the most..."

The people from the five cities army and horses Department went to the back to look for it. Soon the people from the royal guards came and the people from the East Hall came, but they didn\'t come in. They meant to stand idly by.

"My Lord, who did it?"

When Mi Quan saw that Shenyang was covered in blood, he patrolled around with fierce eyes.

Fang Xing frowned at him and said, "what do you want to do?"

Mi Quan saw Fang awake playing with candles in the corner and said, "uncle, most of these assassins can\'t see the good of my royal guards..."

"Shut up!"

Shenyang shouted. Xin Laoqi said impatiently, "you can\'t keep your face if you talk again."

Fang Xing looked at Mi Quan coldly and looked at him in his heart. Then he said, "do you want to bring trouble to Shenyang? Or do you want to fight with Sun Xiang?"

Mi Quan\'s desire to please Shenyang suddenly dissipated and quickly explained: "uncle, I heard that someone attacked and killed Lord Shen in the street. I thought... There were some conflicts with the people in the East Hall a few days ago..."

"Then how dare you provoke the relationship between royal guards and East Hall?"

An Lun stepped into the room, first arched his hand at Fang Xinggong, then looked at Mi Quan and said, "our family didn\'t get along well with the people of the royal guards in Jinling, but at least we could cooperate with each other and didn\'t trip each other. What do you mean by planting things on the head of our east hall without asking why? Or let Lord Sai comment?"

Mi Quan was sweating on his forehead. If saiha Zhi got involved and calmed down with his style, he would probably have bad luck.

"All right!"

Fang woke up and frowned, then said, "Shenyang says it\'s a hale, so it has nothing to do with the servant? It\'s right to check."

Anlun squinted at Mi Quan and bowed away.

"The royal guards should also check. It\'s best to find out when they sneaked into Beiping city."

There were many people in the room. The smell of blood and wax paper candles mixed together. Fang woke up and couldn\'t stand it.

"Don\'t wait for your majesty to speak before you start. Take the initiative. If any of your accomplices run away, they will all be punished at that time."

After they dispersed, the wound in Shenyang was almost sewn. Xin Laoqi finally washed it with high alcohol, and suddenly the shop howled miserably.

Finally, after applying the ointment, Xin Laoqi said, "I can\'t die, but I\'ll be uglier in the future."

Shenyang didn\'t dare to move his face any more. He said numbly, "I saw a man in Harley. He had only half his face and his teeth were exposed, but he had three daughter-in-law... Later I heard that he was dead, and the three women cried."

"It\'s not feelings, it\'s money and life."

Fang woke up and looked at the wound in Shenyang. He said with satisfaction, "it\'s good, but you\'ll suffer when you remove the suture..."

Shenyang didn\'t care about this and said, "the lower official once executed a family in Harley. The family has some power. The assassin shouted to avenge the male master of the family."

At that time, Shenyang was in the enemy\'s country and surrounded by dangers. He executed the family, which was probably to kill them.

Fang Xing was not interested in the family. After learning that it had nothing to do with meat fans, he said, "go home and recover."

"I guess I have to go and tell Lord Sai."

After Shenyang got up, his body shook. Xin Laoqi was surprised and said, "find a doctor who knows poison!"

As soon as Shenyang fell, he sat in the pile of paper money and gasped, "dizzy!"

Fang woke up and looked at the blood and said, "there\'s not much bleeding. It seems poisonous. Go and find a doctor."

Someone from the royal guards outside the gate is going to fight.

The imperial censor has something to do now.

After the doctor came, he took the assassin\'s knife and smelled it, then stretched out his tongue to lick the blade. He said firmly: "it\'s just Tripterygium wilfordii. Adult dizziness should be physical deficiency and no harm. A small pair of medicine can ensure it."

"Be careful to blow the cowhide!"

Fang Xing felt that the doctor looked unreliable, so he threatened: "try your best to cure. If there is a deviation, Ben Bo will smash your shop."

The doctor was excited when Fang woke up and said: "My family has been practicing medicine for three generations. My grandfather went to the southwest in those years. There are countless poisons there. I\'m good at poisons... Oh, no, I\'m good at curing poison wounds for a long time, let alone Tripterygium wilfordii. Even poisons can\'t be small. If you don\'t believe uncle, you can ask someone to drink some poisons. I promise to save him immediately. If you can\'t save him, I\'ll die for him..."

Hob meat and talker!

Fang Xing shook his head. The so-called poison has actually evolved into the general name of poison. This product is bragging!

"Find another doctor."

Fang woke up and explained. When he went out, he saw that the street was full of sergeants.

"It was a small matter, but someone told his majesty that it might have something to do with meat fans, so many people were sent."

"It has nothing to do with them."

Fang Xing believed Shenyang\'s words: "it\'s useless for them to kill Shenyang. There are many spies in royal guards and East Hall."

"This is the case, but your majesty took the opportunity to reprimand and said that the corpse of the five cities army and horse division was vegetarian