Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1683

Jin Zhong\'s complexion is ruddy and his voice is loud. No one can beat him when he roars. Therefore, he has some momentum of being a bully in the court recently.

This is Li Er Mao. He is a diligent emperor, and he is very clear about the primary and secondary points.

Li Ermao lowered his eyes and said: "No. your majesty, Xing Hebo said... The Ming Dynasty is the peak of the military front, and some of the chieftains refuse to accept the king\'s rule, and some attack and attack without authorization, so they will naturally be punished. Some have no children after death... These chieftains can be cancelled and replaced by exiled officials. After a few terms, they will naturally be able to control the natives. Whether they go down the mountain to cultivate land or break up and move everywhere can reduce resistance."

Zhu gaochi thought a little and said to Jian Yi, "what do the officials think?"

Most of the so-called chieftains are in the mountains. Those natives are fierce and difficult to manage. You have to think twice about being an official there!

Jian Yi invited the skeleton some time ago, but Zhu gaochi refused, so he looked a little silent recently.

"Your Majesty, this is a good way, but you have to be careful when selecting officials, otherwise improper selection will self defeating."

This is Lao Cheng\'s advice to seek the country. Even Li Ermo admires it.

Zhu gaochi thought a little and said, "try it. You have to try it, otherwise those chieftains will make a big deal sooner or later."

Jian Yi nodded and said, "yes, it\'s better to try first. If there\'s something wrong, it\'s better to change it at that time."

"Nothing wrong."

This loud voice was heard by Li Er Mao outside the hall. He glanced at it and saw an old man.

Jin Zhong said, "Your Majesty, I think we should hurry up to do this, or we\'ll delay it. It\'s estimated that we\'ll forget it all after a few years."

This implied that the courtiers were lazy, but everyone was afraid of him and no one responded.

Zhu gaochi smiled and said, "I will remember this."

The emperor personally promised that this face would be great, so Jin Zhong stopped.

Li Er Mao saw the smell of gunpowder in the court. He thought of the stopping of the treasure ship and said, "Your Majesty, when AVA was just killed, Siam once sent messengers, but Lord Fang said he had no right to decide and let the messengers go to Beijing..."

Zhu gaochi frowned and asked, "is there any news from Siam envoys?"

LV Zhen has been observing Li Ermo. Hearing the speech, he said, "Your Majesty, No."

No matter how LV Zhen was, his memory was not questioned. He said no, that must be No.

Zhu gaochi\'s face was as usual and said, "if you don\'t come, you won\'t come. You can live in peace."

This is flexible, especially the last sentence. If you want to do it in the future, you only need an excuse.

Li Ermo quickly observed the faces of the ministers when he left.

Yang Rong was calm, Yang Shiqi frowned, Jin Youzi\'s mouth tilted slightly, found his observation and smiled at him.

As for others, most of them are expressionless.

Is this the so-called ministerial system?

With this question, Li Ermo went out of the palace and went directly to fangjiazhuang.


"Teacher and mother."

Zhang Shuhui met Li Ermo in the front hall. Seeing that he was dark, she couldn\'t help saying, "you\'ve been here for a long time. You\'ve grown up a lot when you come back. You must have gained a lot."

Li Ermo knew he was black, so he quickly took out a letter.

"Madam, this is the letter from the mountain master."

Mother Deng took the letter and handed it to Zhang Shuhui. Zhang Shuhui smiled and said, "hurry home. Your mother must be looking forward to it."


Li Er Mao went all the way home, but saw his mother waiting outside the door. He hurried to kneel down.

"Mother, the child is back."

It\'s part of filial piety to kneel down to your parents after a long trip.

"Get up and let your mother see."

Zhou picked up his son. When he saw his black face, he couldn\'t help choking and said, "Er Mao, what a crime you have suffered!"

Li Ermo said with a smile, "Mom, the sun is big over there. It\'s drying."

After they entered the house, Li Ermo saw that his favorite dishes had been placed on the table and asked, "Mom, how did you know I came back today?"

Zhou said, "five days ago, my wife sent someone to tell me that you\'ll be home soon. Today, my wife asked people to say that you\'ve arrived. My mother has time to prepare meals..."

In this world, there is a trivial nagging called mother\'s nagging. You are usually tired of listening, but when you can\'t hear it every other period of time, you will feel lost and miss.

Li Er Mao thought of Fang Xing and asked him to bring a letter, but he sent someone back to inform him privately. He couldn\'t help but feel warm in his heart, and then he was drowned by his mother\'s enthusiasm.

"Er Mao, you eat this sparerib. It\'s just bought by my mother. It\'s fresh."

"Er Mao, try this braised chicken. My mother learned it from the cook of the Academy..."


When he was full, Li Er Mao couldn\'t even walk. He drank a cup of tea and then wrote a letter.

At this time, Zhu gaochi was asking the imperial doctor.

"How\'s Jin Zhong\'s body? Is there any progress?"

The imperial doctor shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, Lord Jin\'s body has come to an end. He is seriously short of vitality, but he said he has leaked the secret of heaven and is jealous of heaven... He has been rectified many times and estimated that... It is difficult to change."

"That\'s right!"

Zhu gaochi closed his eyes and murmured, "old minister, old minister, it hurts me to look at one less!"