Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 143

Five minutes later, Fang Xing took the thermometer from the princess\'s hand, looked at it, and said sternly, "high heat, is it choking water?"

Seeing Fang Xing\'s face, the Crown Princess wept and said, "yes, it took a long time to save her from falling into the water."

Fang woke up and thought for a moment, then fumbled for a bag in his bag and said, "take it cool and white."

Liang Zhong ran out and soon came in with a tea cup.

It\'s so cool!

Corrupt ruling class!


There was too much water in a teacup. Under the gaze of the prince\'s family, Fang woke up and drank most of it without distractions, and then carefully poured some into it.

After stirring it with a silver spoon, Fang woke up and handed the tea cup to the crown princess, "give it to Wan Wan."

At least Wan Wan has a little consciousness, so the medication is very smooth.

After watching for a long time, Zhu gaochi asked, "Mr. Fang, what is this medicine for?"

Fang Xing was looking for something to fill the powder. When he heard the speech, he said casually: "Wan Wan, this is choked to the lungs. This medicine is the treatment for lung problems."

Speaking of this, Fang Xing hurriedly warned: "this medicine is running out. Please keep it secret!"

The Crown Princess just finished feeding the medicine. She stared at the crown prince and said, "this is given to Wan Wan by Mr. Fang. It\'s not something that casual women can use. They don\'t deserve it!"

Seeing the embarrassment on Zhu gaochi\'s face, Fang Xing hurried out with Zhu Zhanji.

The crown prince is good at everything, but he is too careful about men and women.

Fang Xing\'s brain hole opened all at once. He thought that it was impossible to ascend with the size of the prince, right?

It\'s just too hard for a woman in the womb!

However, the women who often exercise are in good health. Fang woke up and remembered that the crown princess lived until Zhu Zhanji\'s son ran back from the tile thorn.

Well... I have to talk to my daughter-in-law when I go home. It\'s really not refreshing to change my posture.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the towering palace and suddenly sneered: "Wan Wan went out today with five mammies, three eunuchs and twelve maids, but she was bumped into the lotus pond by a eunuch right under these people\'s eyes. It\'s really unscrupulous!"

Fang woke up stunned. At first, he thought it was wanwan\'s playfulness, so he accidentally fell into the water.

"What? It was premeditated?"

The daughter of the crown prince, who dares to do such a thing? Aren\'t you afraid to copy your family and destroy your family?

Knowing whether Fang woke up or not, Zhu Zhanji laughed at himself and said, "the eunuch was drowned on the spot. After I learned the news, I immediately went to check his file. Guess what?"

"Orphan? Or unknown."

Zhu Zhanji said with a bitter smile, "that eunuch is a distant relative of Liang Zhong."

Fang woke up and suddenly realized that no wonder when he called people out today, Liang Zhong looked helpless and followed.

"This man is so poisonous!"

This is killing two birds with one stone, not only to make the prince and his wife lose their beloved daughter, but also to make Liang Zhong suspicious.

Don\'t deal with Liang Zhong. It doesn\'t taste right.

But if you deal with the beam

"This has nothing to do with Liang Zhong."

Fang Xing said flatly, "Liang Zhong is not so stupid. His fortune is all in your father. If your father loses, he will never be able to get well!"

Moreover, the eunuch had no children. Fang Xing saw Liang Zhong\'s doting on Wan Wan many times and thought he wouldn\'t do such a thing.

"I guarantee him!"

Fang woke up and blurted out, saying that he had some small regrets in his heart, but he was calm immediately.

In life, we should consider the consequences of everything. It\'s still a fart!

"Thank you, Mr. Fang."

Liang Zhong\'s grateful voice came from behind. Fang woke up and said with a smile: "Lao Liang, it\'s not kind of you to eavesdrop! Maybe your Highness the prince will send you to farm in Fang\'s villa one day when he gets angry!"

Liang Zhong wiped away his tears and sighed: "that man is my nephew who came out of five clothes. It was not our relationship that came in. I was really wronged and flustered!"

Then he bowed and said, "Your Highness, Mr. Fang, please."

After entering the palace, Fang woke up and saw that Wan Wan\'s face was no longer so red, so he touched his forehead with joy.

"It\'s cooling down."

"Fang Xing..."

The little princess murmured in her sleep.

Fang Xingxi said, "this is recovering."

In this era of no drug resistance, the role of cephalosporin like an artifact really frightened the two doctors.

The two imperial doctors who were summoned to feel their pulse had seen it, and then asked with a confused face, "how does the little princess cool down? And she doesn\'t even have a cough!"

The prince and his wife were mysterious and silent, and Zhu Zhanji pretended not to hear it.

Fang Xing coughed and said, "this is just wan wan\'s auspicious appearance. I heard that your majesty has come to see it? It must be your Majesty\'s blessing. When Wan Wan is good, you have to be more filial to her grandfather."

The two doctors have a look of disbelief, your Majesty\'s great blessing? You coax the ghost!

Who doesn\'t know who the emperor goes to see, then who will have to be sick for a few more days and want to get better early? Are you trying to bully the king or something!

The prince waved his sleeve and said, "in that case, you two go to the side hall to have a rest and prepare for the rotation."

When the two doctors left reluctantly, the prince smiled.

"Mr. Fang, you are indeed the lucky star of my family!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "the little princess is lovely. My family likes her very much."

The crown princess finally slowed down. She was held by the palace maid and sat down. She sighed: "Mr. Fang, Wan Wan met you twice. If you..."

Speaking of this, the princess said to the prince, "Your Highness, can you tell your father and emperor that Mr. Fang will try to stay in Beijing in the future."

The prince shook his head and didn\'t explain. Just now he was jealous by the princess. If he refused again, he wouldn\'t want to live in peace today.

Finally, Zhu Zhanji advised: "mother, brother Dehua, Gao Cai, Grandpa Huang, it\'s better to let it go."

The crown princess is also concerned about chaos. After careful consideration, she will understand.

Why did your family wake up so badly?

Zhu Di was an emperor with a lot of suspicion. If he had an eye on Fang Xing, Fang Xing would have to find a rural place to stay.

Seeing Wan Wan sleeping well, Fang woke up and touched her neck. She said to the crown princess, "madam, Wan Wan began to sweat. Let people prepare towels. Be careful not to catch cold again."

Then Fang woke up and prepared to go back, but Zhu Zhanji grabbed him and said he had to eat dinner before leaving.

Fang Xing pointed to the outside of the palace and said, "if I wait for the key under the palace gate, how can I go back then?"

The crown princess said with a smile, "don\'t worry. It\'s a big deal. Just have dinner early."

Well, there\'s a kitchen in the womb.

Fang woke up and had to go to the front hall to rest.

As soon as he sat down, Zhu Zhanji shouted to a eunuch running inside, "Yu Jia, here."

The eunuch was very flexible. He stopped while running, and then walked sideways.

"Your Highness, those people recruited!"

A haze floated on Zhu Zhanji\'s face: "Oh! Who is it?"

Yu Jia glanced at Fang Xing quietly. Seeing that Zhu Zhanji didn\'t want Fang Xing to avoid, he woke up and smiled at the other party, and then said, "it\'s... Yinghong swept under the empress."