Sword Sect Side Gate

Chapter 280

Some things were not made clear, but Su Li slowly recalled and thought thoroughly after accepting the knowledge of the overall merit system.

Why is it that after he took over three swords of Dharma preaching, there were always big elders coming to "find trouble"?

In theory, they preach that they accept cause and effect. It should be a "money and goods paid" transaction.

As a result, not only xuanyuzi, xuansu and Changchun Zi, but also the God of Ailanthus altissima favored him.

Because what Su Li took to replace their cause and effect was not the so-called merit and virtue appreciated by all the people, but the "good fruit" that really belonged to his own internal cultivation!

This is tantamount to that they have determined the causal involvement with Su Li through the sword of preaching the Dharma, and then have been given "shade" by Su Li\'s "good fruit"!

In this way, they themselves got benefits beyond imagination, but they naturally entangled with Su Li\'s causality.

Xuansu is better. She just kills karma.

Changchun Zi is also OK. He is a person with "good fruit" himself. He just contacted Chun as a relay for Su Li.

However, xuanyuzi\'s entanglement with Su Li is deep. His karma is already heaven and earth karma. As a result, Su Li offset it with local virtue, so it is natural to "enjoy" more "benefits"... So the heavy Jun split sword is "carried forward".

And the final toon... The depth of this causal entanglement has been unclear.

After all, all the merits of Su Li were emptied at the beginning! No wonder Chun is so patient with Su Li and thinks of him everywhere, even when he asks

God attaches importance to cause and effect, so Chun\'s attitude towards him is probably determined by many causes and effects.

After thinking about this, Su Li was much more calm. Since Chun has regarded him as "his own person" because of many causes and consequences, he can be a lot more at will.

He said softly, "Chun, are you ready to return to the upper boundary after you recover your divine power?"

Chun felt the change of Su Li\'s tone and was surprised at the change of his attitude.

However, she was happy about this, so she said in a slightly excited tone: "originally, I thought that the matter of the lower boundary had completely failed, that is, I decided to return to the upper boundary after restoring my divine power, but now it seems that there is still a turning point..."

"But what can\'t you say?" Su Li asked.

"No." Chun said apologetically, "this is the cause and effect of the God. If you know it, you have formed an evil cause with other gods. I can\'t inconvenience you because of my own personal interests."

Still thinking of him.

"Well, let\'s find you a place to speed up the recovery." Su Li thought helplessly and gave up asking.

Chun is the God. Her cause and effect is really too big on him.

However, although Chun refused to say the reason, Su Li could still guess who those enemies were.

At the beginning, she was the enemy, so that she has been sealed. It is only xuanming, the God of winter, and Chiyang, the God of summer. Now looking at the state of red old man, it is difficult to see the life of Red Sun God. Then the enemy in the bright place is xuanming God?

Unfortunately, according to his conjecture, xuanming God is the real mastermind behind the previous sword sect robbery. This evil cause can\'t escape!


To the west of the state of Yue is Jingnan. Because Su Li walked on the South Bank of the river, he didn\'t even meet the armies and cities of the two countries... It can be seen that the land in the south of the Yangtze River is still wild at this time.

As Su Li continued to move westward, there were more and more mountains. Along the way, I met many people from various tribes of Dongyi. Instead of showing hostility to Su Li and others, they seemed very hospitable.

For them, the mountains to the south of the river are vast and sparsely populated. It takes several days to complete the exchange and visit between tribes.

They fish, hunt and plant here, and they have everything they need. Therefore, their natural enemies are only monsters, but they are not Su Li, who is also human.

So on the way of this trip, Su Li experienced a different way of life from the culture of the Central Plains. They live together and only move in a small area. But life is simple and satisfied, calm and peaceful, without any ambition and delusion

Su Li felt the carefree life of the people in these strongholds, but hesitated for a time... Do you really want to break their peace?

He thought for a long time, so that he didn\'t say anything along the way, but was quiet in his own world.

His silence aroused the concern of the violent people around him, so the servant wanted to share his worries with the LORD: "young master, have you been hesitating about anything since then?"

Su Li closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He felt that since he couldn\'t make a decision, he could also listen to the opinions of others.

He said: "I\'m thinking about how to guide the development of Dongzhou humanity... Now it seems that it would be the best decision to make humanity cross the river south. But that would be tantamount to undermining the peace and tranquility here, and the simple Dongyi tribes here will be destroyed..."

After listening to this, he felt that he had better drive obediently. The problem that his young master thought was not something he could intervene in at all. It was too profound and too difficult to make a decision.

But at this time, the window of the carriage was opened again, and a jade white palm with light wood grain stretched out the lathe... Then a green light flew out, but a big tree on the hillside on the Bank of the river suddenly sprouted and grew rapidly!

The tree seems to have spent ten thousand years at once, becoming a big tree that five people can\'t hold together, and then slowly toppling like the other side

Silently, a bridge connecting the north and south banks took shape.

Su Li was stunned, but saw that the jade white wooden hand took back the window, and then the gentle and incomparable voice of Chun came from the carriage: "right and wrong, merits and demerits, I will bear them all by myself."

Indeed, Su Li didn\'t have to hesitate. But he is a man of principle. It is clearly his own business, which can not be borne by Chun alone.

Therefore, he also displayed thousands of trees and flowers, and added two rows of... Railings on the single wooden bridge formed by the giant trees.

He said, "well, I\'ll take my share of the merits and demerits of future generations."

Chun was stunned in the carriage, and then smiled softly... She seemed very happy about it?

Xuansu\'s xuanbing body immediately showed a suspicious look. The God gentleman seemed to want to think of the world?

The God on Da Chun was so sharp that she felt xuansu\'s eyes, but said with a calm smile: "I just like Su Li\'s temperament very much. It should be a very wonderful thing to get such a character to become my God."

"God?!" xuansu was surprised. Su Li had a bright future! However, he really deserves to be the "lucky baby" of Jianzong. Sure enough, someone paved the way for him wherever he went.

"He deserves it," xuansu said calmly.

Then he looked at xuansu and said, "and you, all those who save me will be rewarded by me... Wait until your sword sect."

"To Jianzong? But don\'t you want to find a blessed place along the way?" xuansu asked strangely.

Chun then stretched out his hand to cover his mouth... Oh, no!

Then his eyes looked at xuansu, which was not good. Why didn\'t this man have some eyesight price, so he couldn\'t say broken?