Sword Sect Side Gate

Chapter 274

Looking at the jade vines on Su Li\'s hand, xuansu asked blankly, "what\'s this?"

Su Li didn\'t care. He replied casually, "Changchun sword."

Xuansu was stunned for a moment, but because Bingyu\'s face maintained the smiling face she had forgotten to eliminate, she looked very cute at this time.

She remembered that Changchun sword was a sword! Sword!!

But what does he see now? Why did it become a vine?

She suddenly remembered Changchun Zi\'s identity as "the ancestor of the side door", and suddenly felt that the original pure sword sect might have been invaded by something.

But Su Li ignored the complexity in her heart and just blessed the emerald vine with thousands of trees and flowers... If there is any problem here, I believe that only in this way can we find the answer.

Sure enough, Su Li activated the jade vine originally made of spring God\'s hair with thousands of trees and flowers. Then the vine broke away from Su Li\'s palm, and then drilled into the wooden ground under his feet as if it were a living creature

Then, the emerald vine drilled into the plain wood like nothing... Twisted, as if it had absorbed some unique energy through the flowers of thousands of trees at any time. Then, in a short clip, a huge flower bud appeared on the exposed vine

The bud grew up quickly, expanded in front of Su Li and others, and then bloomed

The beautiful posture of the layers of white spread almost made people forget that they were surrounded by ugly worms.

"What\'s the meaning of...?" he asked in a daze.

"It\'s for us to stand on the pistil platform in the middle of the flower." Su Li said firmly... Because he activated this spell, he naturally knows what it is.

This is actually a kind of Mu Dun, but I didn\'t expect that all kinds of trees and flowers bloom. Even Mu Dun can do so... It\'s like the "step by step Lotus" of Jingguang temple.

After hearing this, he will go up to the station... It\'s his own will to try the insurance for the young master.

But Su Li said, "it doesn\'t matter. Let\'s go in together this time."

Then he walked almost side by side into the stamen platform of these huge flowers.

Xuansu naturally followed.

Although his expression was nothing, his heart involuntarily gave birth to a warmth... He regarded himself as a servant, but his master regarded him as a person!

When everyone stood on the stage, waited for a moment... Nothing happened

Su Li smiled awkwardly and said, "I almost forgot. It seems that I need to operate it."

He once again blessed the flowers in full bloom, and then its originally opened petals closed layer by layer, gently wrapping the people in it

No discomfort, no vibration, not even the feeling of being moved.

When the layers of petals opened again in front of them, they found that the world had changed in front of them

It is also a huge space in a huge tree, but there is no sign of a worm, nor the slippery brought by the moisture of the sea.

It\'s very dry here. It\'s even bright.

The surrounding walls are emitting elite green light, making the whole space like an emerald dream.

This place is full of vitality, contrary to the weird and gloomy place before... It even makes people feel that only here can be regarded as the real sacred tree space!

"There is strong wooden vitality. Any wooden practitioner will never move with joy when he sees here." xuansu\'s Yuanying body is the most sensitive to the vitality of heaven and earth.

She felt it and said, "but it\'s strange that there are so many wooden vitality here, but it doesn\'t cause the imbalance of the local five elements? And even the concentration of the other four elements here can almost catch up with the level of Dengxian city."

She finally looked at Su Li with some seriousness and said, "where on earth is this? What are you here for?"

Just when she asked, there was a soft and sad sigh at the end of the emerald sacred tree space


The sound was very comfortable and itchy, as if the eardrum had been massaged.

Xuansu turned smartly to look at the direction of the voice, and then asked vigilantly, "who is it?"

In the emerald light, the gentle, soft and slender voice said, "I\'m the toon of the living family... It\'s really impolite to meet you with this posture."

Su Li had followed the sound and said to xuansu, "grand master, she is the goal of my trip."

Xuansu looked dignified and followed up... She was not as "naive" as Su Li. A woman suddenly appeared in a place where even the real king of Dongming was difficult to get close. This is not a normal thing.

But Su Li didn\'t care. He had met the goddess three times in his dream. He thought he was familiar.

But unexpectedly, when he really saw the goddess, he suddenly lowered his head and covered his nose... Overbearing, too overbearing!

Spring God is the master of all things, so it also has the meaning of birth and breeding.

Therefore, the ancient spring God showed this aspect incisively and vividly from the Divine Body... He came from a dream several times before, so his impression of the goddess in the dream was actually very vague until he saw it with his own eyes this time

She is very tall, even more than 2.5 meters, which means "hair". Her figure is completely inconsistent with Su Li\'s conventional aesthetic view... Her pelvis is wide, her hips and legs are round, but her waist is thin. But her eyes moved up again... Cough, it can only be said that she must not be hungry.

It\'s the shape of a big gourd

Perhaps this is the "beauty" in the ancients\' concept. It is easy to breed and can reproduce.

However, when these elements that violated Su Li\'s current aesthetics were integrated into Sheng Chun, it brought him an impact as if from the wild instinct of his body! Even if it is sealed on the wall by wood, it is still difficult to hide the temptation from life instinct.

He was so caught off guard that he almost lost his temper.

The other male who came with him, even the gold elixir of martial arts, also lost through the sea even in his early years. But at this time, it is also difficult to curb the core floating

Fortunately, he had been with Su Li for some time, and his state of mind had improved. At this time, he quickly turned away, and his eyes were clean. Then he repeatedly adjusted his breath to suppress his desire.


Xuansu gave a cold hum, and the cold air spread, which also cooled the two young and old men around her.

She was very dissatisfied with Su Li\'s performance, but she was especially dissatisfied with the woman on the opposite wall who was so domineering but still had to show a weak posture

She looked down at her body... Well, she didn\'t even have a body. She wanted to cry.

The people\'s posture naturally fell into Chun\'s eyes, but instead of being ashamed, she apologized and said gently, "this is my fault, and this is the body of my family. At this time, my divine power is sealed and hard to hide. Please forgive me."

Excuse me, excuse me

It\'s obvious that she showed her ugliness, but others kept apologizing and asking for forgiveness... Isn\'t this goddess of great character?

So how did she fight with another Xia God at the beginning?