Sword Sect Side Gate

Chapter 272

Regardless of Su Li\'s sudden "love" for Xuanhan qianmang sword, he still has to focus on combat assistance... Yes, he began to play assistance again.

Xuansu\'s Xuanhan thousand awn sword kills a lot of dense targets. One move is to clear the field.

However, he was guarding the other direction. He used the "mountain knife" taught by Su Li to meet the enemy. With all his strength, he can clear up a space... But it\'s a little expensive for him.

But at this time, Su Li began to operate again... A magic cane of thousands of trees and flowers wrapped around the waist of the violent drum, and then a stream of five elements of real yuan poured into his body... He felt that these real yuan were much easier to use than his own

After cutting two more knives, he suddenly felt a little confused... He used Su Li\'s real yuan to show the "knife technique" taught by Su Li... His "intermediate link" seems to be redundant!

Seeing the changed split earth sword technique, xuansu\'s icy and jade like cheek couldn\'t help showing a feeling of lingering fear... She didn\'t envy Su Li\'s "preference" for the heavy Jun split earth sword at this time. She was very glad that xuanyuzi was still in the sect.

I heard he has been promoted to Yang God? Well, that\'s right. After all, he has\' borne so much \'and should have this reward.

Xuansu was so worried that he only felt that his family door seemed to be shrouded in a dark cloud, which was very unlucky.

With xuansu and Baoji guarding, these moths were indeed difficult to get close to the carriage, and their number was reduced at an amazing speed.

Even if there was a fish that slipped through the net, it was bound by the prison lock suddenly exposed from the virtual shadow of the prison cliff behind Su Li, and then drained his essence blood and threw it into the sea.

Those terrible fish in the sea scrambled to grab the bodies of these blood moths, but after swallowing these bodies, they would struggle a few times and turn their bellies

These moths still have poison powder on them!

It\'s a pity that these poisonous powders can\'t be raised under the suppression of prison cliff talisman, which is equivalent to directly abolishing the most important attack means of these blood moths.

It\'s really "the heart bears the weight of everything, and all dharmas will not invade"!

It can be said that if Su Li hadn\'t suppressed the rear, I\'m afraid even if xuansu\'s flesh was intact, he could only flee in the face of many blood moths.

Therefore, in Su Li\'s dream, the spring God warned him that he must come to the Yang God again. If it were not for the Yang God, it would be difficult to break through the blood moth in the sky and the blockade of fish in the sea.

But xuansu always cooperated with Su Li, but he did what only Yang God and real immortal could do. This is a good equipment... A good auxiliary function.

The fighting lasted until night, and the whole day passed, and the sea returned to calm.

After those blood moths attacked like moths to the fire, there were no fixed marks on their faces.

Even the original red eyed strange fish in the sea disappeared, because they swallowed too many blood moth bodies, and their indigestion turned into blood and dissipated in the sea.

Rao is so. Su Li didn\'t continue to sail in the sea... Compared with the mysterious and unknown sea, it\'s more reassuring to approach the huge divine tree from the air. At least the "protective forces" in the air have been eliminated.

The hurricane took off and flew to the crown of the sacred tree. In the dream, there was an entrance and exit in the dense canopy, and he was going to enter the trunk from the hole.

Flying in the air, xuansu couldn\'t help asking, "what\'s the mystery of this place? Are you here to explore?"

Su Li thought for a moment, and then said, "I can\'t say exactly now. When you get there, you will naturally understand."

Xuansu didn\'t ask much, because their frame had flown over a large beach and was close to the giant tree

Only when you look at this sacred tree can you know its grandeur. The huge trunk is like a towering mountain peak, and the dense branches and leaves cover all the light of the sun star.

In the space under the canopy, it was like a perpetual night, dark and without light.

At this time, Su Li noticed some small sounds from the tree trunk, as if there were many insects chewing.

He lit up all around with the light generated by the Jingming symbol, and then he saw that the huge branches of the divine tree were indeed covered with a dense number of worms the size of a person, happily gnawing at the wood of the trunk.

"They are destroying this sacred tree," said sully firmly. Then he asked the red old man in the ring, "this worm should be the larvae of those blood moths just now... Do you know them?"

It feels good to be back from encyclopedia.

"I know them. The bloody moths are called blood devil moths, and these worms are called \'blood eating worms\'... It\'s strange that they shouldn\'t appear here or in this world."

Chi Lao\'s answer was full of deep doubts, as if he had encountered a difficult problem.

Su Li was thoughtful, but he didn\'t show it. He just asked, "are these blood eating worms very powerful?"

"It\'s not powerful, but it can devour all substances with signs of life. It\'s just fierce," replied red old man.

"How to kill them?" Su Li asked.

"They don\'t invade water and fire, and the sword is difficult to hurt. Their only weakness is that they are afraid of salt water... So you know why I wonder why these blood eating worms are multiplying here?"

Red old tone somewhat inexplicably asked a rhetorical question.

Salt water

Su Li looked at the sea under his feet. He didn\'t expect that the weakness of this giant worm was under his feet!

Therefore, it is obvious that the reason why this blood eating worm appears here is that it is artificially placed just for this sacred tree!

"So, it\'s easy." Su Li got out of the car and came to the driver\'s seat. He straightened up, but made a gesture with his right hand down

The next moment, the sea level under his feet suddenly rose with a huge wave!

He is not only good at earth movement, but also proficient in water movement!

Dragon catching is the foundation of water control in the sixth chapter of mountain and sea return to Tibet.

This is a wonderful skill that can even "catch" the underground water pulse. At this time, it is no difficulty to make waves.

With Su Li\'s single hand pushing forward, the rising waves also rushed forward and hit the tree trunk


When the waves hit the shore, a hundred meters of huge waves splashed thousands of water, and the blood eating worms clinging to the trunk of the divine tree twitched and fell from the trunk under the attack of the sea.

Sure enough, just sea water is enough to restrain these disgusting worms

But these blood eating worms also know their weaknesses, so they climb higher. Generally, they gathered at a height of more than 300 meters above the trunk, so Su Li\'s wave impact did not really cause too much damage.

Looking at the position under the tree trunk close to the sea, it is a cave dug by a man... I think it is the mackerel\'s nest.

Su Li felt a little difficult. The sacred tree was ten thousand meters high. If it was really covered with this blood eating worm, how could he clear a passage space from the tree crown?

Seeing his embarrassment, xuansu manipulated her xuanbing body and showed a smiling face... How happy is it?

She said, "well, let me show you the power of the real king of Dongming!"