Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3856

The head of the snake king is like a man's arm. If he cuts off his hand, he can live even though he is disabled.

If the earth fire can not burn the main body of the snake king, it will lose its life.

To kill the snake king, we have to fight a war of attrition.

Rong Xun was about to order the war. An Yin said, "wait a minute."

They all look at an Yin.

An Yin slightly tilted his head, as if listening to something attentively.

Rong Xun asked low, "how?"

An Yin: "feng'er read Ji Yue's voice in reverse with the female cup. Now I can hear Ji Yue's dialogue with the snake king. The snake king injured Ji Yue, and there was a contradiction between them. "

"Listen to what they say." Rongxun immediately signaled his subordinates to suspend their action.

An Yin nods.

Although they have made a plan of battle, to kill the snake king, they must enter the attack range of the snake king, relying on the operation. If they are not careful, or in special circumstances, they will be injured slightly and die seriously. The risk is not small.

If there are contradictions within the other party, then we can use this point to start from the other party and reduce their risk.

The snake's head was burnt, and the whole snake neck was also discarded. It hung on the ground soft and inconvenient for the snake king to move. He endured the pain and let other snake heads bite off the discarded necks.

More than one hundred heads were missing. Looking from afar, the snake king was like a piece of manga missing from the top of his right head.

The snake king used to feed on Ji Yue, and he lived a life of open mouth.

And the prey that was sent to its mouth was too weak to resist in front of it.

After a long time, he thought that he was incomparably powerful and invincible.

In addition, when Ji Yue and an Yin negotiated, the tone was extremely arrogant, and those people also held back their anger and did not dare to attack.

Anyin's obedience made the snake king think that these people were as weak as those who had eaten before.

Until guluan summoned the glass fire, it felt that the individual in this group would be in trouble.

But even so, in its eyes, these people are still weak existence.

Therefore, after being burned by the glass fire of Qin Jian, he felt that his prestige was provoked. In his anger, he began to give the other party an idea of demoralizing him. As a result, he got off to a bad start and lost more than 100 snake heads.

The snake king can't be beaten well. If you cut off the snake neck, he will not attack actively.

The snake king is not a human being. He is born with a cold-blooded nature. When he meets a strong enemy, he knows how to revolve. He will not fight for a breath.

Seeing Ji Yue, who was watching the drama, she suddenly realized something. She was so angry that she said, "they are very powerful. Why don't you tell me?"

The snake king was raised by Ji Yue. In Ji Yue's eyes, no matter how powerful he was, he knew nothing about the world. He was a fool with four legs and a simple brain.

Before, he swaggered in front of her and almost killed her because she used to be so lawless and self righteous.

Therefore, I hope that the other side will frustrate the spirit of the snake king, and let the snake king know that without her, it can't do anything without her.

I didn't expect that the other side would directly waste more than 100 heads of the snake king.

It doesn't make her feel safe.

At the same time, I was puzzled that the other side started the war with such recklessness, and was not afraid that she would not give Qin Jian a solution?

Jiyue is eager to know what the other party is now, but the female can't get in touch with her. She can't get to know the other party's plan through an Yin.

Ji Yue is irritable in her heart. She is more and more unhappy when she hears the ferocious tone of the snake king.

If she is not hurt by the glass fire, with her strong spirit, she can attack the snake king to suppress the snake king.

However, she was injured by the glass fire and eroded by the stomach juice of the snake king. Her soul was so weak that it was difficult to maintain her shape.

At this time, although he hated the snake king to the extreme, he did not dare to collide with him again. He said, "when you hear the other party's provocation, you immediately launch an attack. I have no time to explain it to you."

Of course, the snake king didn't believe Ji Yue's words. She offered sacrifices to it and integrated with it. Although she had various independent consciousness, some of them were interlinked. If she wanted to stop it, she only needed to move her mind and it could sense it.

However, from the beginning to the end, it did not sense that Ji Yue had the meaning of stopping.

Although it has not contacted other human beings, it has the cunning of snakes. After a little thought, she guessed Ji Yue's intention.

This bitch is trying to use these humans to fight it.

The snake king thought that because of this woman, she had lost more than 100 heads.

Without more than 100 heads, although the injury was not too serious, it was enough.

Usually, it will not hesitate to tear up the soul of this bitch, let her know the consequences of calculating it.

But in the battle just now, it realized that the world was not as easy to conquer as it imagined. It needed to know more about the world. At present, only Ji Yue could tell it about this."Tell me, what are their functions and abilities?" he ordered

For it, the identity of these people is not important. It is important to distinguish the roles of these people, and then break them one by one according to their abilities, and then the ones that should be used to make wicks and those that should be eaten should be eaten.

As for the two guys who set fire.

The snake slurred.

Although these two guys are very difficult to do, if they can be swallowed up, their accomplishments must be different from the present.

If she is not willing to die for the snake king, she will die.

But the stronger the Viper king is, the more difficult it is for her to control it.

The snake king now has a knot in her heart. When she is worthless, he will swallow her up.

Ji Yue thinks in her mind, how can she save the snake's life and not let it continue to be strong.

At present, there is only one way to delay time.

As long as it is not allowed to eat people again, its cultivation will not grow.

In addition, the snake king has to rely on the energy of the energy bead to survive. Her bargaining chip is the energy bead.

The opposite person, Ji Yue can't recognize completely, so she simply said the person she knew, especially the relationship between those people and an Yin.

"You should understand what I mean when I say that."

The snake king has some characteristics of snake, such as ruthlessness and cruelty.

The male snake asks the female for II love. If he is refused, he will eat the female snake. Even if the female snake agrees, he will go away after enjoying himself. He will neither take care of his partner nor take care of his children.

The snake king did not understand human feelings, but understood the meaning of Ji Yue's words.

If it ate those people, the man named anyin, he would not make wicks for it.

Even if the woman wants to eat it later.

What they have to do now is to catch those people and not kill one.

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