Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3845

Simon breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that his life had been saved. Now he could leave the ghost place just waiting for these people to kill the snake king.

Lin Lin listened to Qi Bai's words, more and more would like to cut Simon's thousand knives, but feng'er and Gu Luan's death finally was pried open a gap.

She glared at the box of supplies, to see that the animal was still useful, so that he could live a little longer.

"If anyin and feng'er have anything to do, I'll kill you."

Simon didn't hum, but he sneered.

Kill him?

When the snake king is made of paper?

After a while, the group didn't know how many of them would come back alive.

In his opinion, anyin was protected by two evils, Qin Jian and guluan, and naturally she could not die.

Although the girl named Lin Lin has a very good aptitude, she is too young and has limited accomplishments. In addition, she has not entered 404 and has no experience in dealing with monsters. She is still impulsive. She is basically a food delivery girl.

The imperial edict was warm-hearted and affectionate and righteous. In the past, she could not bear to scold even her maid for making mistakes.

This soft nature, in his mother's face, can't do it.

He can't do it, but Ji Yue, who is already crazy, doesn't have so many worries.

Therefore, in Simon's eyes, Lin Lin and Zhao Yan are doomed.

That girl is a grasshopper in autumn. She can't dance for two days.

As for the rest, it's up to luck.

Almost all the questions should be asked. Anyin pulled the team members into their own consciousness space and held a brief meeting. Everyone made a plan in the shortest time.

Although Simon's secret arts are very strange and seem to be extremely evil, in fact, they are not good or bad, depending on where they are used and who they are.

It's natural for people to make corpse slaves for their own driving. It's natural for them to be insane.

But if it's used to save people, it's an alternative life-saving operation.

Even in the best hospital for surgery, you have to sign a letter of responsibility. No operation is completely risk-free. Tearing the soul should be considered the biggest and most dangerous operation. Simon dare not promise that 100% success is normal.

Although the risk is high, Simon will do his best to survive.

But Ji Yue's side is a dead end.

What do you think of this multiple choice question? It's Simon.

However, Ji Yue still has to talk.

One is to see if Simon is lying, and the other is to see if there is any other way.

However, the situation is different now.

Just now, an Yin wanted to get close to Ji Yue and see if there was a way to control Ji Yue, and then force Ji Yue to solve the soul problem of her and feng'er.

Jiyue and the snake king merge into one, but they don't know the real strength of the monster. If they want to control each other, it will be very difficult.

An Yin and Qin Jian plan to spend time with Ji Yue, so as to find out the strength of each other and see if they can control it. If they can, they will act according to the plan. If not, they will have to find another way.

Now, we also need to get close to Ji Yue first. The difference is that there are a lot of worries. After talking, we confirm Simon's view that Jiyue's road is a dead end. So we should start fighting immediately and kill the snake to take the snake's heart.

Before Ji Yue didn't press down to kill her heart, she showed her hand.

Although there was no difficulty in killing the three heads of the snake king, he did not feel optimistic.

After entering 404, they killed countless snakes along the way, and those who were familiar with it could no longer be familiar with them.

The head of the serpentine is not restricted by any position, which means that this disgusting thing can attack them in all directions.

They used to burn monsters and lead several waves to gather together. There were also two or three hundred heads.

However, the scope of attack of those snakeheads was not large, and they all ran after people in one direction. Hundreds of snakeheads piled up in a pile, and their size was far less than that of the snake king.

It doesn't matter if you are big. The key is that the attack range of this thing is bigger than them. If you fight, it's equivalent to the boss full screen attack in the game.

Jin Peng is good at playing games and has a headache.

He was quick, but he was not afraid. The problem was that Lin Lin had no such combat experience and was afraid that she could not cope with it.

"Gu Luan, if you open a bubble, hang Lin Lin to the sky."

Lin Lin:

After a while, he had to walk by himself to avoid the attack of the snake king. Mu Jinyan knew that Jin Peng was afraid that he would take Lin Lin with him, and that they would be very passive. However, Jin Peng's way of speaking in such a heavy atmosphere also made people laugh.

Lin Lin is trying to refute, saying that she came to fight boss, not to see people fighting boss.

Mu Jin said: "feasible."

If Jin Peng said this, Lin Lin would certainly not do it, but mu Jin's speech has always been cautious, every word, has his reason.

Lin Lin to refute Jin Peng's words to swallow back, puzzled to see the evening Jin words, did not wait for her to speak, Qin Jian way: "really feasible."Lin Lin did not expect Qin Jian to say the same thing, a pair of beautiful apricot eyes opened big, and then saw Gu Luan nodded his head and said, "it's a good way."

Lin Lin was completely confused: "what do you mean?"

Qin Jian didn't answer Lin Lin directly. Instead, he pointed to Rongxun's three manipulators and asked guluan, "can the three of them hang up together?"

Rong Xun said, "we bring our own flight equipment. We can come by ourselves, and we don't need to hang up."

Jin Peng followed Qin Jian when he was young. When the old man saw him for the first time, he wanted to take him as his apprentice, but he refused to accept him.

Because if he became a master, he was the master. But at the moment when Qin Jian saved him and avenged him, he decided that he would follow Qin Jian all his life, and that he would take Qin Jian as his great master all his life, so he refused to let him go.

Although he didn't become a teacher, he still taught everything he could and didn't hide anything from him. There was only a gap between him and him.

At that time, Mr. Rong taught Qin Jian and Rongxun together. They had been together since childhood. Later, Jinpeng followed Qin Jian and Rongxun.

He knew how powerful Rong Xun was.

Two subordinates of Rongxun.

They burned all the way over, and the two of them were driven all the way.

It's no problem to stand on a stake if you lead a monster to burn a monster, but to deal with the snake king is to seek death.

Rongxun knew what Jinpeng was worried about and added: "they are all-round elites, including flying."

With Rongxun's words, Jinpeng was relieved.

All that's left is Lin Lin.

Jin Peng pointed to Lin Lin and said, "although her little fireball is weak, it's good to harass her."

When Lin Lin heard this, she blinked her eyes and reacted. They wanted to hang her up in the sky and fight down in the sky.

The ground fire that she learned is not very destructive, but it can be used to disturb the snake king's mind and distract him.

The key is that the air is better than the ground, it will be safer.

Lin Lin see is not let her see play boss, but together group play boss, dark relief.

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