Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3816

An Yin has been helping her survive these years. Before her soul can't be restored completely, if feng'er leaves her body, she won't be able to live.

If feng'er has the chance to be reborn and her soul has not been restored completely, feng'er will not leave her body as a human being. In that case, feng'er may miss the chance of rebirth.

If you want to let feng'er not be dragged down by her, you have to repair your soul as soon as possible.

She came to 404 this time for the method of dissolving the cup and separating the soul.

In those years, Ji Yue tore her life and soul to Lianyin.

After Lianyin was caught by them, she was put into a dungeon in 404 underground palace.

When the imperial edict and Huayu were talking, Qin Jian and an Yin went to check the gate, and Lianyin brought it up in the underground palace.

Lianyin has only one pulse of life and soul, and stripping soul is aware of her death.

In this world, no one wants to die except those who are so desperate that they have no idea of life or are seriously depressed and abnormal.

Better to die than to live.

Because people believe that as long as they live, there is still a chance, so even if they live hard and hard, they should live.

Although Lianyin should not have survived in this world, it is because of the life she has stolen, she cherishes her life more and wants to live more.

Lianyin is a dead baby. The body itself is a corpse. After resurrection, she does not need to eat and drink water like human beings, but needs blood to maintain her body functions. Without blood, her body functions will stop.

If the organs lose their function, the body will rot.

Lianyin was locked up in the underground palace for a long time. However, the whole person was rotten and smelled of corpses.

But the plastic surgery comes out, and an Yin very similar face, because of the skin ulceration on the face, has long been beyond recognition.

Not to mention the appearance, even before and anyin a little bit like the feeling also disappeared.

Lianyin is not a well-being master. It is a burden to take care of. If you don't pay attention to it, you don't know what will happen.

Anyin didn't dare to be careless. Before taking Lianyin out of the secret room, she poured a large amount of fan II medicine directly to Lianyin, so that she didn't know anything about it. Then she wrapped her head to tail with a prepared blanket, without showing any skin. Then she was tied together with Simon.

Simon's body was full of snake blood, and his body smelled so bad that his sense of smell had become so numb that he couldn't smell it at all.

It's not good to be stimulated to smell numb, but he's still glad he doesn't have to put up with the stench.

But when Qin Jian put the blanket around him, he could smell a disgusting smell of rotten meat.

If he hadn't heard the faint breath in the blanket, he would have suspected that there was a body of high rot soaked in water.

Simon looked at the blanket roll tied to him with a feeling that he had nothing to love.

A group of people left the underground palace and made an orderly progress towards the Moon Palace.

Although Simon was scared out of his wits all the way, he didn't give up. He still looked for a chance to escape.

Although he didn't know what this smelly thing was tied around him, it must be very important for Qin Jian and an Yin to bring it out of the underground palace.

If you can know what it is and make good use of it, it may be his life.

Simon thought of it, and, ignoring the smell that smelled worse than a cesspool, turned to stare at it.

404 road is not easy to walk. It is very bumpy. If the blanket shakes a few times, it will slide away, and then he can see the "true appearance" of this thing inside.

However, the things around me swayed and swayed, but the blanket did not slip.

What's more, this thing is completely like dead, without any reaction. How to be a demon, it just doesn't mean to wake up.

There is a mecha open strange, no longer need to use Simon to cause, Jinpeng set the detector to automatically follow.

In order not to be affected by the smell of Simon and Lianyin, the detector kept a certain distance from the team.

The detector is an intelligent robot with automatic alarm function. If there is any abnormal situation, it will give an alarm in time.

In addition, Jinpeng also released intelligent UAVs.

The main purpose of this UAV is to monitor.

On the way, even if there are no drones.

Now with mecha, many people in the team are free, especially Lin Lin.

The task of monitoring falls on Lin Lin Lin.

Although the UAV is aerial photography, in order to ensure the high definition of the lens, it does not fly high, it is only a multi person height higher than the human. Then the camera is a hemispherical body, and there is no dead angle on all sides.

The detector, which is bound with Simon and Lianyin, is far away from them, but under the high-definition camera, all the movements of the two are clearly displayed on the screen.

Lin Lin stares at the flat screen for a while, walks to anyin and whispers, "that Simon seems to be dishonest."Anyin: "honesty is not Simon."

Lin Lin intuition Simon wants to do bad, worried: "he seems to want to wake up Lianyin."

An Yin sneers: "he wants to toss about it, tired will not die him."

Her medicine is the spirit of 404, when 404, a medicine can charm a monster.

The medicine was later improved by her. Even the professor was surprised by the strong nature of the medicine.

After that, the professor took the prescription to study and said it would be of great use in medicine.

For example, if you are allergic to anesthesia, you can replace it with this drug during the operation.

Anyin's spiritual power is extremely high, and her soul is naturally different from others. Lianyin's body is her soul. Anyin is afraid that the pulse's soul power is too high, and she is naturally resistant to the medicine. When taking medicine, she specially added several times the amount of medicine.

Don't mention Lianyin. If you use it on her, you can sleep in the past to ensure that you can't wake up for two days.

Simon wants to wake up Lianyin and plan something. That's wishful thinking.

In addition, in order to prevent accidents, anyin takes Lianyin out of the secret room, and puts a seal on Gu Luan. The blanket looks like a sealed bag.

As long as the seal doesn't understand, don't say bumpy shaking, even if you pull, you can't pull the blanket.

Simon can't wake up the pitiful sound, and he can't see it. No matter how much he thinks, it's useless.

Anyin is confident in her medicine and guluan's seal, but she can't be careless.

Pointing to the tablet on Lin Lin Lin's hand: "keep an eye on Simon and Lianyin, and don't let them have a chance to make a demon moth."


Further forward, it may be a hard war.

Although Lin Lin has learned how to use mecha, she can't compete with other people's professionally trained soldiers in a short period of time. She no longer competes with others to play with mecha. She is an honest monitor to monitor the situation in all directions.

PS: we found out that the situation was not clear, so I went to Chengdu for another inspection. I stayed in Chengdu for two days and couldn't code the words. I went home today. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update these three days. In addition, the medicine prescribed by the doctor has a great negative effect. After taking the medicine, she will try to overcome it. If it is too hard to update, the fairies will understand it.

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