Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3810

This can no longer be measured in terms of human nature.

Lin Lin witnessed her father's death when she was a child, but since then, the Lin family has protected her very well and tried their best not to let her see the inhuman cruelty again.

Therefore, she was simple in nature, and only when she knew her words and saw him did she realize her evil heart again.

But Ji Yue's practice is still beyond her cognition and imagination. She stammered: "that Ji Yue is crazy."

Words out, Lin Lin Lin just remembered that Ji Yue is her future father-in-law's mother, so she quickly shut up.

Zhao Yan took a deep breath, suppressed the dull pain in his heart and said, "if these are true, she is not only crazy, she is insane."

Ji Yue is his mother. He secretly hopes that all this is just one side of Hua Yu's words, which is not true.

But his intuition strongly told him that what Hua Yu said was true.

Since the moment when her mother decided to take out the soul of the newborn an Yin, her mother had gone mad.

He just didn't expect his mother to be so crazy.

After listening to Hua Yu's words, most of the participants were in a state of confusion, but Qin Jian's ideas became more and more clear.

According to Hua Yu's view, the first snake that grew up should be the one that Ji Yue served.

The snake that Ji Yue serves is very strong. Its foundation must be very thick. To cut off its root, it needs a very high level of cultivation.

Although feeding snakeheads with living creatures can make them grow faster, they can't digest so many creatures in such a short period of time.

If you can't digest it, you will be held up alive.

If it was only the snake that grew up, Qin could not figure out why the snake could digest so many creatures. But he had seen so many variations along the way, and he already had the answer in his heart.

The answer is that Ji Yue uses a special way to activate the energy bead, which releases a large amount of spiritual power, which catalyzes the rapid growth of the snake worm.

According to the records found by anyin ranyoubao, the snake worm is a life-long creature similar to a man eating flower. Although it is carnivorous, it has roots and cannot leave the place.

But if the serpent's cultivation breaks through the barrier, it can break its roots and come and go at will.

The practice of serpentine is different from other living creatures. Although they have to practice enough before they can cut their roots, whether they can do so depends not on the level of cultivation, but on the thickness of their roots.

The stronger the root is, the higher the cultivation is needed to cut off the root.

Therefore, the snakeheads killed all the way by them may not be how high their accomplishments are, but just because they have thin roots and suddenly break through the barrier to cut off their roots.

No matter how powerful the enchantment is, it can not completely lock up the spiritual power released by the measuring ball. Most of the spiritual power catalyzes the serpentine that Ji Yue is waiting for, and the spiritual power leaked out accelerates 404 li of other creatures.

For example, snakes and monsters outside.

The growth of any organism needs the supplement of energy.

The rapid growth of snakehead naturally needs energy supplement.

They used to live on decaying corpses and turbid air in the ground, and occasionally caught a handful of living creatures, which was to add food.

However, after absorbing a large amount of aura from the energy beads, the snakehead grows too fast, and the decaying corpse and turbid Qi in the underground can not meet its energy requirements.

Ji Yue began to feed it with living creatures.

At the beginning, it was enough to capture some alien creatures. However, with the growth of the snakehead, more and more energy was needed, and the captured alien creatures could no longer satisfy it.

According to law, Ji Yue should give up at this time.

However, Ji Yue was supposed to serve her own purpose. When the captured creatures could not satisfy the snake, she did not wake up. On the contrary, she felt that the more powerful the snake was, the more successful she would be.

And give up at this time, Ji Yue spent these years of painstaking efforts, also all in vain.

Jiyue paid so much, naturally not willing to give up.

Ji Yue, who had lost her mind, simply broke the boat and used her own people to feed the snake, so that she could break through.

He didn't know what it looked like now, but it would never be comparable to the ones they saw along the way.

With the energy leaking out of the energy bead, 404 living creatures have been mutated. What will the serpentine look like when Ji Yue uses the energy bead to catalyze it?

Qin Jian couldn't imagine it.

Jiyue uses energy beads to produce evil things. Is 404 under the control of Jiyue or out of control?

If it is under control, what does Ji Yue want to do?

404 miles of creatures, all rely on the energy released by the energy beads, energy beads lost the base of the wick, also lost the ability to transform energy.

In other words, the energy in the bead has changed from infinity to finiteness.

Ji Yue has been capturing Simon in order to retrieve the energy bead base.

And for the wick, and with extraordinary means to hunt an Yin.Ji Yue's practice, although he does not agree with it, can be understood.

But before she caught Simon and allowed anyin to promise to be a wick, she squandered the energy of the energy beads so wantonly that 404 went to the end quickly.

Jiyue is full of desire to survive, of course, she will not be looking for death, so the purpose of her doing so can not be more obvious.

She wanted to take the trained serpentine out of 404 to find the new world she wanted.

Or to be the master of the new world.

If she doesn't get what she wants, she will take it.

If others do not submit to her, she conquers them by force.

Qin Jian sneered and thought that some snakes could conquer the world?

When the advanced weapons of mankind are made of flour?

Ji Yue really looks up to herself.

However, if she is released, it will indeed cause a lot of casualties of ordinary human beings who have no special ability and armed force, and cause world chaos.

Qin Jian glanced at several mechas in front of him and looked at Rongxun. Rongxun's mecha was manipulated by Jinpeng. Rongxun stood beside him, his face was as deep as water.

It seems that Mr. Rong has long had an insight into Ji Yue's ambition. He turns a blind eye to 404, which seems to be a kind of tacit approval. In fact, he collects the information in 404 through the batch of people who enter 404, and secretly conducts various experiments and researches on 404.

Finally, we developed something suitable for fighting in 404 miles.

Rong Laozi, this is to press Ji Yue to death in the nest.

When Rong Xun saw Qin Jian looking at him, he also turned his head and looked at him frankly, with an expression that I came with a task.

They watched silently for a while, and Rongxun finally said, "I will give you time, provided that the people here can control the situation."

Qin Jian nodded.

Rongxun's promise, disguised to admit their purpose of entering 404.

Their purpose is to destroy Ji Yue.

If Rong Xun and they killed Ji Yue directly, then the affair between him and an Yin may be a dead end.

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