Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3441


An Yin didn't go home for two days. Dushulan called to ask Qin Jian. Qin Jian only said that she had a task, but didn't tell her anything.

Mu Shulan didn't know what was going on. She had to work in a hurry. The food to be cooked was ready and the stew was broken. She thought that Qin Jian and an Yin could eat whenever they came back.

Today, I called and heard Qin Jian say that anyin's business was finished. They went to Rong Laozi together.

Rong Laozi is an Yin's grandfather, and Rong Zhen also lives there. It's normal for anyin to go to Rong's house.

So, he called on Qin Jian'an, took her grandson, packed her dishes and soup, and ran to Rongzhai.

Anyin can't come back. They used to be able to.

She heard Qin Jian say that an Yin was hungry and asked Qin Jian when they would arrive at Qin's house.

If you drive from Jinsha bend, anyin has to arrive first.

She didn't know what extent Aunt Wang's food was. She simply used a rare private direct i-liter plane.

Private aircraft are not allowed in the military compound.

They parked the plane nearby, made a drop in advance, and waited there.

I made a turn, but it took less than 20 minutes.

The dishes are put in the incubator, sent to the house, or hot.

Although Aunt Wang prepared the food in advance, there were only a few stir fried vegetables left.

But she did not expect to come so many people, she did not make enough dishes in advance. Fortunately, dushulan moved a table of dishes to solve the urgent need.

According to the Convention, Qin Jian'an accompanies Qin Yue's baby, dushulan and Aunt Wang in the kitchen.

Hearing the sound of the car, dushulan immediately came out of the kitchen. Seeing Jin Peng and Lin Lin running to the door, she asked, "is it an Yin that they are back?"

"Well, come back." Lin Lin has to train. She came here yesterday.

Dushulan quickly wiped the handle and called Qin Yue out of the door. Qin Jian'an also followed closely.

The first car to enter the door was Qin Jian's.

Anyin got off the car and saw Qin Jianan and his wife waiting at the door with xiaoyueyue. They stopped the car and got off the car without waiting for Qin Jian.

Qin Yue rushed to the past, "mummy."

Anyin didn't see her son for two days. She saw that her son's heart was melting. She caught the powder dumpling and gave a kiss, "Yue Yue, etc., want to die mummy." Holding Qin Yue, he called and said hello to Lin Lin.

Evening Shulan looked at an Yin silly eyes, two days did not see, his home an Yin how to do this?

A face haggard, the eye is full of bloodstain, the black eye ring all fell to the chin, "an Yin, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing. I'm busy with my work and I haven't slept."

At dusk Shu Langton, she felt a lot of resentment. She should have a degree to make people behave like this.

She just gave anyin a tonic, intended to give her a good tonic body, early gave birth to a second child, but the body has not been mended, but the previous to overdraft.

But this is Rong's family. No matter how heartache she is, she can't have an attack here.

Let the old man's car come in.

Gu Luan gets out of the car.

Dushulan's breath can not help but tight, this strong momentum.

Qin Jian'an saw Gu Luan. He was surprised. He stood beside his wife and whispered, "he is a lone Luan."

Dushulan heart suddenly pulled tight, this devil how together.

She quickly looks at an Yin, and Qin Jian and Rong Xun who get off the car. She sees that all the facial expressions are natural, and there is no difference because of Gu Luan.

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